
Clairvoyant Dream
Legacy Name: Clairvoyant Dream

The Cream Telenine
Owner: SageJaguar

Age: 14 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 20th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 9 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: September 10th, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 11/11
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

My Name Is Claire
The Basics
Name - Claire Everen
Age - 11
Birthday - October 1st
Gender - Female
Specie - Fox
Orientation - Straight
Status - Too young.
Appearance - Short, thin and active as most children. Black, straight, shoulder-lengthed hair. Bright copper-gold eyes, although visibly blind in the left one. Powdery white fur with creamy tan markings.
Favorite Color - White
Favorite Flower - Dandelion

They Say I'm Gifted
This Is My Story
. They say when you lack a sense, your other senses sharpen or you gain another. In Claire's case being born blind in one eye with less-than perfect vision in the other, made her unique rather than handicap her. Most children have imaginary friends, but as they age and mature they forget them. Claire, on the other hand, can't stop making friends. She sees them through her 'third eye' as psychics call it, a link to the spiritual world and beings on the other side. So, Claire lives in a world where the dead, demons, and other spiritual beings are almost as real as you or I. Every now and then she gets a little freaked out, but having this 'gift' since birth, she couldn't imagine living a life without it.

. Claire's first 'friends' were the spirits of her Nana's passed cats. Two of which still prowl around the house. Living with her grandmother is also just another way of life, losing her parents before she was old enough to remember. She never really asked what happened or when it happened, as she assumes once they're ready to communicate, they'll approach her themselves. For a girl of eleven Claire has an incredibly mature view of life and death. Death is just another part of life.

. Nana and Claire make all of her clothes, which would explain her somewhat old-fashioned or conservative attire. She's a bit of a girly girl, loving to pick flowers and occasionally put them in her hair. Home schooled, she's a smart girl who catches on to things quickly and would rather be outside than in. Society and the business of it all scares her, so she never strays too far from home. Large crowds tend to make her uncomfortable, too. Well, large crowds of the living, anyways.

I'm Afraid Of Most People
But Some Are Okay
( Unfortunately, the one RP buddy Claire had went poof. :( )

RP Status
Open / Closed
Tiled background created on BG Patterns.

Pet Treasure

Zombie Kitten

Stray Spider Web

Live Mealworm

Pet Friends
