
Amend has a minion!

Tobi the Thrae

Legacy Name: Amend

The Bloodred Telenine
Owner: Cinder

Age: 14 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: March 1st, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 6 days ago

Adopted: June 5th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

style type=text/css>#pet_image {background-image: url( Vampire Bartender((BLOODRED TELENINE))
Name: Theon Zev
Nickname(s): Vamp, Boss,
Age: 24 (Age he died)
Birthdate: October 29
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire

Orientation: Bi

Hair: Black
Height: 6’5
Weight: 158
Body: Lean and muscular but not bulky.
Eyes: Red
Marking or Scar(s): Across his chest is a scar, from his ‘dear’ ex-girlfriend
Tattoo(s): None
Piercing(s): He has three piercing on his left ear including his cartilage and one on his right.
Other: Will not be seen with out his collar on, it is impossible to take off and will burn him if he tries.

Likes: His German Shepard, blood (his favorite is AB), a good night stroll, silence, soft jazz
Dislikes: Rap, most women, children, wolves, sunlight (of course)

Occupation(s): , Blood Sucker
Lover: None yet.

I wish to spill the blood that fluttered when I saw youTo tear away the skin that loved to touch you I want to discard this feeling I have for youThe weight that is keeping me here when I knowPlease do me one last favor and rip out my heartUNDER CONSTRUCTION

Is a vampire. He is also in love with a vampire hunter who tricked him into being a vampire. Theon was a normal person before he was a vampire and never really wanted to be one.

Around his neck is a leather collar with a red cross on it that his vampire hunter strapped on him before she disappeared. It restricts his powers greatly and also makes it so he can�t drink the blood of an innocent person.

He owns a german shapard puppy named Tobi which was just dropped on his pouch only a while ago. For whatever reason he took the dog in.
Theon has black hair that goes to a bit past his shoulder and red eyes.
When he has consumed even blood to make him full he can walk in sunlight and it irritates his skin a little like a sun burn,

Pet Treasure

Shot of Whiskey

Vampire Fangs

Vampire Bat Dagger

Counts Pointed Fangs

Gothic Collar

Broken Bottle

Red Broken Bottle

Coffin Keychain

Aged Blood Sauce

Mini Mister Vampire Plushie

Pet Friends