
Under The Bed_502 has a minion!

Bogey the DOEM

Under The Bed_502
Legacy Name: Under The Bed_502

The Bloodred Telenine
Owner: Chinacatbrat

Age: 14 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: March 4th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: September 26th, 2010


  • Level: 18
  • Strength: 18
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 23
  • HP: 23/23
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Yum ♥️
#pet_image {background-image: url(;}

[i]I have you now, child...♥️[/i]

[b]Monster[/b]: A monster is any fictional [b]dangerous[/b] or hideous [b]creature[/b], usually in legend or horror fiction. The word [b]monster[/b] derives from the latin word monstrum, meaning "omen", from the root of monere ("to warn") and also meaning "prodigy" or "miracle".The word connotes something wrong or [b]evil[/b]; a [b]monster[/b] is generally morally objectionable, physically or psychologically hideous, and/or a [b]freak[/b] of nature. It can also be applied figuratively to a person with similar characteristics. Many [b]children[/b] believe [b]monsters[/b] live in their closet, or [b]under their beds[/b].

Name: Monster
Nick Name: Scary, evil, demon, freaky, freak, etc.
Gender: N/A
Species: Creature/Monster
Age: 789
DOB: October 31
Orientation: N/A
Height: 7ft.
Theme song: Blood - MCR

He waited in silence. The loudly ticking clock noted 7:27 PM. 3 minutes til dinner time. Tick, tock, tick, tock. He waited. He was glad the room was dark, and the window was open though. After his meal, he could escape that way. 7:29. Almost...almost. He twisted, and growled with excitement. He had been watching this child for 3 days. It was a male. It had 3 friends. It never cleaned it's room when it's mother told it to. It was about the size of a baby hippo. Although, the child was only 8. His mother had stated that before. 7:30. Time to eat. A few heavy steps boomed outside the postered door. Swing! The boy quickly changed his clothes, and flipped the light switch off. The boy crawled into bed, and snuggled his blanket. Then...a shadow came out from under the bed. It was had glowing teal and red eyes, had huge claws. The boy screamed, but it was too late. He was in the monsters stomach now. More footsteps came up the stairs, the door flung open. The female looked around the room frantically, calling "Sam! Sam!" But, thus...Sam did not exist anymore. All that was left of...'Sam'...was blood stains. Covering the bed. The mother closed the window, and started to cry heavily.


{Draw him some?}
[url=""]Ref by Me[/url]
[url=""]Blood by Toothless[/url]

Pet Treasure

Frilly Bed

Love Soul Stone

Pink Heart Plushie

Heart Balloon

Heart Earrings

Too Cute Candy Heart

Pet Friends

Ew, love.

Hm, you never did find that Super Mario game did you? I have it ;)

Turn down that music! Jeez!


Muhahaha ♥️
