
Vernon Yun has a minion!

Minion the Droll

Vernon Yun
Legacy Name: Vernon Yun

The Steamwork Lasirus
Owner: SaucyStrumpet

Age: 14 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: April 15th, 2010

Adopted: 8 years, 8 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: September 20th, 2015


  • Level: 75
  • Strength: 126
  • Defense: 50
  • Speed: 50
  • Health: 50
  • HP: 0/50
  • Intelligence: 138
  • Books Read: 138
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Corporate Associate

Vernon Yun was invited to the Atebus Revolution Masquerade for many years and kept declining. Finally, in the year of 2010, he accepted his invite and all were excited, especially avid Masquerade attendees and those of the Atebusan society.

As the event was beginning, every one who was anyone was flooding into the ballroom, looking for a partner to dance with and maybe score some trinkets so Subetans of all financial background could scurry off to the Steamworks Menagerie or Libertine Lounge to buy ourselves some clothing or a drink and a snack. Or maybe all three. The music was loud and the food was delicious and everyone was being mention on WADYL for their Steampunk attire! After the third song of the night, the Council Chairman stopped the band and stopped the dancing to introduce the man of the night an the guest of honor, Mr. Vernon Yun.

The crowed bursted into applause and boisterous cries of excitement as Mr. Yun stepped onstage. He smiled gingerly and gestured the crowd to settle down, for it was his turn to speak. He stepped up to the podium, in font of nearly a crowd of fifteen-hundred people, took a deep breath and said,

“Welcome. Welcome, everyone and thank you for your kindness. I’d also like to thank the Ziaran Council for this wonderful honor. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been able to attend one of these fine functions for years, and that it doubly unfortunate as I must admit I am no longer in my dancing prime! However, I think that time spent has been worth it. I’ve got a little surprise for everyone.”

The eager crowed burst out into a loud murmur, chatting and discussing what the man’s surprise might be. Could it be a new area for Atebus? A new store? Something mechanic? The possibilities were endless! After a minute or so, Vernon cleared his throat loudly and continued on with his speech.

“I don’t want to spoil it just yet, but I think it will change the way we think about a lot of things, and I think you are all going to love it. So for now, please enjoy the festivities.”

He stepped of the podium, giving the audience a sure fact that his short, but alluring speech had ended. Everyone who wasn’t holding a drink, dancing, or falling to the ground because of too many drink burst into a vicarious round of applause. Vernon Yun made his way off the stage and though the many people who were wanting to speak with him into one of the many open rooms, looking around for someone he knew.

In the antechamber of one of the rooms , he saw his longtime friend and business partner, Marcel Martenez. The two had shared many triumphs in their long careers, and tonight represented all they had ever worked for. With a firm handshake and warm smile, Marcel looked at Vernon and asked, “Surprise?”

Vernon smiled back at the old friend. “In good time.”
Yun then turned to a young man standing next to Marcel and asked him, ”Are you enjoying the party, Isaac?
Issac replied quite chipper, saying that he did and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves too.
“Did I mention? Ms. Lockwell has invited me to dance. She seems quite pleased about it too.”
Vernon let out a sigh and furrowed his brow, “Oh? Does she now? I think it’s be best to-”
Vernon was cut off by the beautiful and busty, Miss Adriette Lockwell.
“Zat was a lovely speech, monsieur, and I am dying to know of zis surprise! Perhaps you could give us all a little hint?”
Mr. Yun stammered back to the ever persistent lady, “W-well, you’re going to just have to wait--
Adriette cut him off.
“A dance, zen?”
Vernon, not being much of a dancer anymore shrugged her off, saying maybe later, but at that moment he had some business to attend to. After his run in, he quickly left the room with Isaac and Marcel trailing behind him...

Vernon Yun spotted a handsome young man, that could only be his son, Jules Yun. He made a bee-line headed straight for him, and when he arrived, he gave his son a large hug.

The younger Yun gave a look of shock as his father told him how much he had grown and how he was still ‘doing that thing (what thing?) with his hair’.

Vernon stepped back and beamed at his son. “You should have told me you were coming.”
Jules looked back at his father, with his smile slightly diminishing. “...Didn’t you get my letter?”
Mr. Yun was flabbergasted. How could have he missed a letter from Jules? He assured the young man the mail system had misplaced it and not to worry. He pulled Jules aside and blabbering about how he had so much to tell him. Vernon began explaining his latest project, when he suddenly remembered something.

Vernon grabbed Jules by the arm and rushed him over to where Marcel and Isaac had been standing.
“Jules, I would like to to meet Isaac.”
Isaac extended his hand in greeting, stating that father had told him so much about Jules.
Jules looked disgusted, and Vernon knew why.
“We’ll discuss this somewhere else Jules,” the elder Yun interrupted, “it’s actually quite the story--”
“You haven’t really haven’t changed a bit. You know, I wasn’t even going to come tonight, but I had a sliver of hope things might be different. That, for once, you might be interested in what I’ve been doing, in the thins I’ve accomplished, but no. No, it’s the same as it ever was. All about you and your work.

Vernon quickly assured him that wasn’t the case, Jules didn’t comply.
“Isn’t it, though? You don’t really care about me. Never have. Certainly not now, since it seems you’ve found a replacement. Honestly, I’m surprised you haven’t found one for mother.”

Vernon stared back at his child, dumbstruck and hurt. Jules quickly turned away and started leaving, only to see his father hurrying towards him, but Vernon couldn’t catch up before his only son slipped into the crowds and out one of the side doors.

That was the last experience anyone had witnessed before the lights turned out, and flickered back on, and had found Mr. Yun, murdered.

A man of prestige and the father of a young man, Vernon Yun was a brilliant inventor, who can be notified as a person who gave us some of Atebus’s great achievements in science, technology and architecture. He even designed and constructed the Grand Ballroom of which we dance in every spring. For those of you who aren’t so familiar with this being, he’s the one who brought you Steamwork pets and a reason to sit in The Sable Smithy for hours on end to restock a key mold.

But aside from who he is and what he’s done, he has a much darker past of which was all unveiled this past spring. His death will be remembered by all, and will be mourned by all as well.

From all of us Subetans, Jules Yun, Adriette Lockwell, Isaac, Garrett, Victoria Ventura, the Zairan Council and all who I forgot to mention;
Vernon Yun, you will be missed. We miss you and thank your for your contributions to the wonderful land of Subeta. Your memories will live on with us forever.

You can read the entire Masquerade plot Here and everything that was in italics was DIRECTLY quoted from the story. All credits are due where needed and in no way shape or form did I create this character and/or plotline. All rights to Keith and Subeta.

Pet profile and code by Ziva
Thank you TiMESoNG for Vernons Torn Journal Page 2 &3 and the Mining Permit!

Pet Treasure

The Mysteries of Subeta

Pet Friends