
Isaac Summers has a minion!

Musical the Shmancy

Isaac Summers
Legacy Name: Isaac Summers

The Glacier Demi
Owner: Liliume

Age: 14 years, 1 month, 4 days

Born: April 26th, 2010

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 5 days ago

Adopted: July 27th, 2011


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 14
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

#pet_image {background-image: url('');width: 212px;height: 239px;}[center][font="times new roman"][size="16pt"]"Lights, Camera, Action!"[/size][/font][/center]


People scrambled frantically backstage, fixing this or that on the backdrop or being sure their costumes fit properly. A few of the actors rehearsed to themselves one last time to be sure they knew their lines. It was opening night after all. Everything had to be perfect. However one young man stood off to the side near one of the small windows. A cigarette was perched between his fingers as he watched the panicked crowd with an almost bored look. Someone passing by warned him not to get ashes on his costume but received a quiet nod in reply and he tossed the cigarette out the window just in time to be called to the stage. He smiled and took a deep breath. Show time.

His name was at the top of the programs each member of the audience had received and adorned the sign above the theatre outside. Isaac Summers. This was only one of many plays he'd starred in and he was well known through the entire community as one of the greatest actors the town had ever known. Though quiet and rather meek offstage as soon as those lights shone on him he was an entirely different person. He transitioned to any character flawlessly and returned to himself as the curtains closed.

Even when not on stage he tended to be very meticulous about his appearance. He stayed in touch with the latest fashions, went to spas, even went to an expensive hair dresser. He always wanted to look his best, even though he was quite shy and quiet and certainly never pursued women. This led a few people to question his sexuality but he refused to confirm or deny anything. He liked to keep people wondering; it made them so much more fun to watch.

[center]Overlay by Gerudo[/center][style]#pet_stats {display:none;}.statbar {display:none;}

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