
Shael_931 has a minion!

Saramarie the Confekitti

Legacy Name: Shael_931

The Common Montre

Age: 14 years, 2 weeks, 6 days

Born: May 26th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 24th, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 16
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 10/13
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Shael Kennedy DiCaprio.

The lollipop addict.
To be a chibi cadogre~

Basic Information.

Full Name ;;
Shael Kennedy DiCaprio.

Nicknames ;;
Shay, and a few variations of Shay, most frequently Shay-dear or Shay-darling by Areno Chauvin. He can't understand why he gets called such a feminine name, but he's certain that it stemmed from Areno's use of it and is probably meant to annoy him. It works.

Gender ;;

Age ;;

Birthday ;;
February 14th. He realizes that it's ironic, and no, he doesn't think it's funny.

Nationality ;;
Norwegian. His family switched to an Italian surname a few generations back when his great-great-grandparents immigrated to Italy, only for their son, his great-grandfather, to go right back to Norway. His family's stayed in Norway since then.

Race/Species ;;

Occupation ;;
Attends NRA - Apprentice spy and assassin.

Weapon of choice ;;
Switchblades, pocket knives, etc. Machine pistols for particularly dangerous situations.

Paranormal abilities ;;

Appearance Information.

Height ;;
6'0" exactly.

Weight ;;
136 lbs.

Hair color ;;

Eye color ;;

Tattoos/piercings ;;

Overall appearance ;;
Looking at Shael, one would assume he doesn't really care about how he looks, and they would be correct - If you manage to dig him out of his dark cave of a dorm room at all, that is, as he prefers to stay in the company of his cat Dyr over other people, something Areno is constantly trying to thwart.

He's not a particularly strange looking boy. You could find brown hair like his anywhere on the street, the shade something similar to chocolate. It's generally slightly messy due to his lack of effort aside from washing it and maybe combing his fingers through it once in a while, a bit shaggy without being to the point where one could call it long. Regardless, it at least looks... Presentable, and not particularly unusual.

Shael is not the type to have all his emotions betrayed through his eyes or anything of the sort, leaving a cold sort of feel to it that he either doesn't notice or doesn't care about - Either is equally possible. His expression is frequently just as blank or bearing some sort of scowl or frown, and it tends to take quite a bit of effort to make him smile, although a few people have managed to figure out how to weed a good mood out of him (or you could just tell him it's snowing and/or get him drunk, if you're looking for a quick solution).

Hiding away in his room has left him with a rather pale complexion, although he was rather pale before developing his hermit-esque behaviors. He tans fairly quickly, however, but manages not to burn quite as quickly as one would expect - Which is likely a good thing, as having his skin peel would probably drive him nuts. He's somewhat thin for a male, leading him to look somewhat unhealthily but not all too horribly so, and he does have muscle definition simply because it's sort of a job requirement.

As far as clothing goes, he has a noticeable lack of bright colors in his clothing choices, simply because the fact that he's partially color blind means he can't see them, but shades on the darker side of the spectrum are fine - So most of his choices consist of gray, brown, and faded reds. Despite Italy's relatively warm sort of climate, he has a preference toward shirts with long sleeves no matter how hot it is due to him being a stubborn butthead of a boy, and it's not often that someone forces him into a t-shirt or anything of the sort.

Personality-related Information.

Positive traits ;;
Intelligent, capable negotiator, capable strategist, somewhat level headed.

Negative traits ;;
Irritable, lacks any social skills, overly blunt, impatient, unusually superstitious, severely emotionally detached, generally just kind of a jerk.

Likes ;;
His cat, cherry lollipops, cherry related things in general, reading, spicy foods, classical music, roller coasters, the occasional cigarette, dull colors, pastries, strategy games, cold weather, cartoons, snow, babysitting, playing superheroes with Csilla.

Dislikes ;;
Social events, incredibly stupid questions, drinking, eggs, artificial grape flavoring, hot weather, bright colors (because he can't see them), dogs, cats outside of Dyr, animals in general (He gets attacked a lot), infants, mentioning of child birth, anything involving tomatoes.

Overall personality ;;
Still working on typing this out completely! xD;;

Relationship/Family Information.

Orientation ;;
Straight, although Areno has single-handedly convinced many people otherwise through loud declarations in stores, churches, and many other very public places.

Status ;;

Significant other(s) ;;
Saramarie Faye Quintero - Engaged to.Areno Damian Chauvin - Rumored due to Areno's own doing, not actually true.

Family ;;
Jonathan Gregory DiCaprio {Father}.Elizabeth Sydney DiCaprio {Mother, deceased}.Adalia Miele DiCaprio {Older sister}.Azami Kaben Chauvin {Goddaughter}.Areno Damian Chauvin {Brother figure}.

Background/Other Information.

Hometown ;;
Madrid, Spain.

History ;;
Still working on typing this out, I'm so lazy. OTL

Playlist ;;
I'll put this up soon~

Profile by icarus

Pet Treasure

Small Bottle of Black Cherry Syrup


Cherry Sucker

Gum Filled Cherry Sucker

Cherry Fairy Wing Lolly

Cherry Pumpkin Lollipop

Fruity Cherry Smoothie

Cherry Ice Dessert

Marbled Cherry Parfait

Deliciously Cold Cherry Ice Cream

Cherry Scone

Cherry Fruit Chews

Lovely Cherry Soft-Serve

Cream Covered Cherries


Snow Queen Dagger



White Vesnali Rose

Pet Friends