
Damballa_649 has a minion!

Aetos Dios the Golden Chirrup

Legacy Name: Damballa_649

The Reborn Lain
Owner: Turo

Age: 14 years, 4 days

Born: May 29th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 4 days ago

Adopted: May 29th, 2010


  • Level: 40
  • Strength: 100
  • Defense: 99
  • Speed: 99
  • Health: 98
  • HP: 98/98
  • Intelligence: 73
  • Books Read: 73
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Damballa's element is wind.
Homeland: Riverside.
Desired Scroll:
Gust Scroll
Cyclone Carapace Scroll
Almighty Squall Scroll

Ingredients for Almighty Squall
Wooden Scrying Bowl
Gryphon Heart
Siren Song
Item not found: foxfirex3
Phoenix Ashes
Doves Blood
Weapon Set
Anyu Blade of Glory
Fairy Lance
Ghostly Immaterial Shield
Lasirus Bionic Arm

Damballa was hatched from an egg as a serpenth. Half snake, half bird. He had a nasty bite and a mean glint in his eye, but he couldn't be blamed for the way he looked. As he slithered along the ground, common and small, he thought about joining with the Lains up in the sky.

He worked his envy out by hunting what he loved most. The flavors changed on whim-- First, the common lains, a taste of fruit. Arid lains, which tasted of tofu. Of his favorite were the cream lains, which were rich and succulent. The snake was to be feared, although he didn't like it that way.

Damballa's favorite hobby was to bite the tail feathers of frightened bird-like creatures, hopefully to steal a prize worth keeping. Once he caught a white bird and tore off the longest tail feather. Another time he glimpsed a rare Reborn lain, and chanced a grab. He caught a long pluming feather, the highlight of his collection.

One day, while swallowing Lain eggs whole, Damballa swallowed a trinket from the nest. A cream pearl, smooth and round and smaller than the other eggs. He was horrified at eating something so pretty and slithered away to mope in his gloomy predator hole.

That evening, a Mahar of budding strength and his trainer roamed out to Damballa's neck of the woods. They commenced to practice dodging magma attacks, the pounding of the loud dragon's weight on the ground forcing Damballa up. It gave him a headache, and he was determined to bite the trainer.

Upon arrival to the scene, he noticed that some of the shrubbery and grass was on fire. Should he bite them, there would be no way to put it out. The girl Turo noticed the serpenth and grabbed him neatly, stowing him away into a cool basket for further review.

Hours passed before Damballa was released, into a clear glass tank. The dragon and the girl looked down at him, their eyes comically magnified behind the glass. They made him an offer, one he couldn't help but agree to. The chance to become what he had originally wanted, a Lain with hollow bones and beautiful feathers. Just drink a potion and agree to training, how hard could it be?

Pet Treasure

Phoenix Ashes

Phoenix Tail Feather

Cream Pearl

Sword of Sparrows

White Long Feather

Angelic Feather

Pet Friends

Leave me alone...

Destroy some other universe!

Have anything stronger?

Bring me feathers.

