
Neaki has a minion!

Elliot the Waenol

Legacy Name: Neaki

The Sweetheart Kora
Owner: alecaskye

Age: 13 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 13th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 13th, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Cleaning Crew

Neaki, the wise, but quiet, Kora came to Delphi beach to have some peace and quiet but as soon as summer came all the noise made her angry and she made a big tide come from out of know where and she made it rain and thunder and one of the humans saw her doing that and he told the other humans and Neaki was forced to go to the Arctic Frost. Now Neaki thought she had no friends, she couldn't speak so it was even harder for her to make friends, She didn't know what to do, she was all alone... She didn't know what to think. Soon she got to the Arctic Frost and she notice humans with these weird sticks with strings on them and a handle. Neaki didn't know what it was and then she saw one of the humans turning the handle and she saw a fish hanging from it. She knew she had to save it. Neaki swam as fast as she could trying to get to the fish, but was too late... The fish had already been caught. Neaki also saw a bucket full of fish and she knew they had been caught not very long ago and tipped the fish into the sea. The fish that had just been caught didn't had much time left to live because it was only a baby. The fish was still on the line and when the fishermen looked away she tried getting the fish off and then the fishermen turned back around and saw the unusal animal trying to get the fish off the line. Neaki finally got the fish off the line and swam as far as she could to get away but she wasn't fast enough because as soon as one of the humans saw the unusal animal he picked his stick and made the line go right tward Neaki. After they realed her in they chained her up and one of them said" Wait till everyone here's about this! Were going to be rich!" To Be Continued... Neaki thought this was the end of her life... even though she had no life... so she decided to just let go of life and let the fishermen take her... "~Da da DA~ Elliot here to save you!!! So I just get you out of the chains.. Heh. I've done that before... So I just do that then this and there you go!! Free now come on lets get out of here!!" Neaki and Elliot left. Elliot was a waenol. Elliot always wears a cape.

Pet Treasure


Sanke Koi

Super-Deformed Kora Doll

Pet Friends


Omen Star