
Liliy_336 has a minion!

George the Repair Bot

Legacy Name: Liliy_336

The Steamwork Kumos
Owner: Hyrule_977

Age: 13 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 14th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 14th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 16
  • Strength: 40
  • Defense: 40
  • Speed: 39
  • Health: 85
  • HP: 38/85
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Books Read: 8
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Underpaid Art Student Intern


If you saw Liliy on the street, you'd assume she was some kind of trophy wife or model.. and you wouldn't be far from the truth. Liliy's original purpose for creation was to be the perfect wife of Dr. Jusk Paskell, a well known doctor/scientist who recently passed away. His death was written in the papers as an accident, and she herself made it look like it was one. As Jusk left everything to her in a will, which he had only made for appearance sake alone originally, so Liliy also became incredibly wealthy after his death. However she has no need for such money, and didn't kill Jusk for his prospects, so she simply sold everything and stored the money in a bank account just in case she might need it on her travels. Lily travels because she was unable to do so before, she wishes to see every inch of the world, and does so with only a small cowboy doll and a bag of luggage at her side.

Full Name: Liliy Irene Wallace
Goes by: Lily or Liliy.
Pronounciation: Lih-Lee.
Age: 25.
Gender: Female.
Species: Kumos.
Minion: None.
Occupation: No need for one.
Current Location: Travels.
Sexual Preference: Straight.
Status:.. Unsure.
Likes: Stories, Fighting, Travelling, Unusual trinkets, Electricity, Concealable Weapons, Cartoons, Thinking over things.
Hates: Jusk, Hospitals, Disease, Losing, Food, Social Events, Dressing up, Remembering things.
Accent: None.

Her Appearance

Anthro Form:

Height: 5'8.
Build: Tall, Hourglass figure.
Skin: Slightly tanned.
Hair: Platinum Blonde, very long and straight.
Eyes: Grey.
Other: Almost flawless looks though doesn't wear make-up often (if ever).
Likes wearing clothing thats easy to move in.

Quad Form:

Build: Skinny, lean.
Coat: Mix of a black metal and brown fur.
Tail: Long. Metal.
Eyes: Grey/Blue.
Ears: Metal.
Other: Paws, collar around neck, ears and tail are metal.


RP Status: Open.
RP Type: Anthro or Quad.

Things She Treasures

Not many people knew much about Liliy, she was flawless in both looks and talent. She had no true friends of her own, only fake friendships that she maintained for the sake of appearance alone. Liliy's life was dedicated to her master and creator, and that man was Jusk Paskell. To those who knew Jusk from work and other such social activities, Liliy was simply a trophy wife who was skilled in many areas.. but to Jusk, Liliy was essentially his slave.

She served as his body guard, and satisfied any need he might require. After she was freed from his prison and was able to think for herself, Liliy helped in the mission to kill her former master. She would never admit it openly as she knows it would be frowned upon, but she still highly respects her old master and does regret helping in his murder. She feels that he was a brilliant man who brought her into this world, and pitied him as she knew he had a soul that could never be satisfied.. and therefore, never be happy.

Jone's Paskell is Jusk's twin brother. She never actually met the man until he fixed her and reprogrammed her. Though their brief meeting was long enough for this man to give her the freedom she never even knew she could have. From their first meeting Liliy grew to respect Jones almost more than Jusk himself, and like Jusk.. she pitied Jones. Jones apparently grew up to admire his brother, but after meeting a woman he left Jusk and tried to live a normal happy life. Sadly this was crushed at the early death of Jone's wife, and led to the birth of Palsy.. who is technically the son of Jones, an Alien, and Jones's late wife.

Although the man was socially awkward, prone to violent outburts, and generally gloomy.. he was a good person. He cared for his family, and Liliy knows he also deeply regrets killing his brother. She used to visit him often for maintenance and to question him over mechanical things, but it seemed to only irritate the man, as he gave her George. George is another reason Liliy is so fond of Jones, he gave her a little repair-bot that he programmed to know everything about.. well almost everything. This little bot has internet access and constantly maintains Liliy so that she can continue life normally/happily without needing to stay near Jones. George's original name was Repair-Bot 7530.. but Wybie persuaded her to give him a name so that the little machine would become more than just a maintenance tool... and she wasn't very creative.

Wybie was the first person.. or doll.. to see through the 'perfect and flawless wife' facade that Liliy constantly displayed to the world for her master. Rather than the perfect beautiful wife of Jusk like everyone else.. he saw a deadly cyborg programed to kill in seconds. Of course he did only find out by accident, but thats besides the point. Wybie fled from a spoiled brat at a party Liliy happened to be attending, he escaped this girl by sneaking into Liliy's purse while the child was distracted. At the time, he simply assumed like most people that it was the purse of a rich glamored up trophy wife, not a cyborg's. So when Liliy came home and he crawled from the depths of the purse, he happened to startle her (as she didnt detect any life signs or electric signals) and she moved to kill him.. stopping only inches from his head because his appearance startled her. If there was a time to be grateful that you were a tiny cowboy doll, that was it.

This odd phenomenon confused and intrigued Liliy, and from there she unknowingly built a strong bond with the doll. She asked him questions that she was forbidden to know normally, and he answered happily and even pressured her into asking more. Wybie opened so many doors for Liliy that she felt humbled and overwhelmed by the small doll's vast knowledge of the world. He made her feel unusual things she had never experienced before. Though as their relationship grew, Wybie attempted to break or at least weaken the strong bond Liliy held for Jusk. Wybie detested her master, and claimed that he was a monster.. which Liliy initially disagreed with until her master ordered her to capture the doll so he may dissect it. Liliy couldnt disobey an order, so had to chase after Wybie against her will. This led to Wybie seeking out the aid of Nugi and Palsy, who were also having problems with Jusk. Palsy led Wybie to his father Jones who, after Nugi managed to stop Liliy, reprogrammed her.

This reprogramming gave Liliy new emotions she wasnt used to handling, she tried to ignore them but was unable to. She could think more, she was allowed to do more things, it gave her a freedom she never even knew she didnt have. Once Liliy grasped her situation and managed to stabilize herself, the five of them then plotted out the murder of Jusk. Jusk's murder was hard for both Liliy and Jones, though Liliy didnt let it show and could control her new emotions enough to stop her from saving her former master. After his death, all of them went their seperate ways. Liliy stays with Wybie since they had grown fond of each other.. and even to this day he remains her most dearest and treasured companion.

Her Basic Relationships

Family: - I had one of these in my previous life.
Friend(s): - ...I'd like to say these two.
Spouse: - It was him, but now.... I am uncertain..
Rival(s): - I enjoy challenging her if that counts.

Pet Treasure

Swanky Vanity Desk

Torn Instructions Page II

White Tank Top

Gaslight Leather Gloves

Gaslight Leather Pants

Magical Duct Tape

Dark Shaman Foot Wrap

Mori Bandage


Pet Friends