
Agma_666 has a minion!

Minion the Rikag

Legacy Name: Agma_666

The Bloodred Paralix
Owner: Arvore

Age: 13 years, 10 months, 6 days

Born: July 26th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: July 26th, 2010


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 10/13
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Won't you come in for a drink? It gets awful lonely down here in this bloody place...not many approach me because, well, I'm different. And you know what? I am different. Enjoy that drink, why don't you, because it might be your last. It will be your last. You're never getting out of this hellish place. I'll make sure of it....-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A regular friday night is all it will be, is all it will be. Nothing strange. Nothing. My face is disgusting."Wher' yew think yer goin' geeer-lie?" I'm leaving I'm leaving, where do you think?"Watchu doin'? Yew tryin' ter leave me? Affra alla I done fer yew?" Please let go, let go. Nothing strange, nothing."Watchu sayin'? Yew gonna go an' part-ee wiv all yer liddle geeerl-ie friends?" No no no no no."Yew ainta goin nowheres, y'ear? Yer stain' nice 'n' cozy ere wiv me, yer lover?" Stop stop stop you're hurting me stop."Don' worry lover, yew gonna' love whut I gott planned fer tonight!" Stop stop stop stop."We gonner eat a nice dinner and we gonna have a glass or two. Ain' it right?" You've already had more than two."Hurr hurr, yer gonna love it I knows it!" Please I want to go, please let go I want to leave."Hey! HEY! Where yew think yer goin' huh? Where yew think yer runnin' off to girl-ee?" StopStopStopSTOPSTOPSTOP"HEY, WATCHU DOIN'! YEW CRAZY ER SOMETHIN'?" Nonononononononono. I'm not. I'm ending this."AUGH STOP! YEW CRAZY GIRL! WHATHE 'ELL?!" I'm not going to, I have to end this before you do."STOP, PLEASE AHM BEGGIN' YEW!" You never stopped. I'm not planning to.-Silence-

Pet Treasure

Cinnamon Mulled Wine


Dirty Martini

Pet Friends

