
Legacy Name: Maborel

The Glacier Lain
Owner: tennisgirl98

Age: 13 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 5th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 5th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


An old folk tale passed down from generation to generation says, if you cross the great span of the Frozen Death, you find the greatest riches of your wildest dreams. Gold, gold, gold! Everywhere you look! Gold seems to seep into everything it comes in contact with. You'll stare in awe of this great majestic land...

But, that's just an old folk tale. Many believe there really is, many believe there isn't. Is there? No one really knows. Possibly the gold is the strength and courage it took to cross these vast lands. Surviving its self is the key. The key to open the locket of the gold...

These lands are so cold; the wind practically pierces the flesh of any creatures who steps foot on it. The glistening white snow slowly turns into a, cold mass of blood as it has taken its next victim. The wind is full of little shards of ice that pelt at you. The cold itself stops your body and you freeze.

But, that's humans. I, a bird of flight, have learned these lands, these ways, these cold dreams. I feel the cold pelt my feathers, the tips of my feathers are frozen sold with icicles. My feathers and snow white and blend in perfectly with the deep snow that is covered the ground, all year long. But, it's not because of camouflage. I am the only living creature of these lands. I am the only one who can handle these harsh conditions.

The few people, who have seen me, think it may be a heredity thing. I don't. I think I was sent her by a powerful being of above who wanted, no no, needed, me to do this job. Job? I protect the people who try and conquer the snow and survive to these riches. When one has fallen or is dead, I circle above the trees, above them, in hopes of help coming. I don't do this like vultures, I do it because it's. I am the protector of the living in this land...

These people who cross these lands don't understand something about me, they touch my softly with their near death breath asking for simple bite to eat or a sip of water but I can't give that to them... It breaks my heart. I just can't. It would give them an unfair advantage to the "gold". I have to keep it fair and just try to signal help...

Don't look at me that way. I do what I must. I'm the protector of these lands, not the care keeper.

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

- Blade -
Be my protector? :3