
Legacy Name: Okamoto

The Bloodred Terracoon
Owner: folklorist

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 17th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: October 17th, 2010


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 21
  • Defense: 17
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 17
  • HP: 17/17
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Books Read: 13
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

profile based by Chen, edits by folklorist
Kazuo Okamoto

Meaning: first born (Japanese)
Aliases: Kaz
Age: 21 (October 25)
Height/Weight: 5'11"/182lbs
Pronouns: he/him/his
Orientation: Straight(?)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Animal: Akita Inu (silver brindle)
Occupation: Yakuza shateigashira's son; works odd jobs (delivery, Zach's garage)

i'm thinkin' 'bout what i been tryna prove - i'm never goin' back there.

Despite what his name may suggest, Kaz most certainly wasn't Okamoto Senior's first born son, though he was the first legitimate one. Born four years after his elder half-brother, Zach, was smuggled out of the country by his father's mistress, Kaz only learned of the ironic name selection when he was officially made a member of the yakuza clan his father belonged to. After growing up with a strict and often disappointed father, learning that he had a brother that was able to get away and live a carefree life was a low blow, and matters were made worse when he found out his father still searched for his brother to take advantage of his abilities. Though it was insane to believe, Kaz decided he would hunt his brother down where his father had failed, and bring back his pelt from America to prove himself the better son.

Except when he finally found Zach, he discovered his brother had surrounded himself with members of a Russian mafiya Family that had bad dealings with his own yakuza clan. And to make matters worse, one of them constantly wound up at Zach's garage. So Kaz was forced to lurk at the outskirts of his life, waiting for an opening to strike. But when it finally came, it turned out Zach had known that someone was observing him, and was able to take Kaz down. Mortified by his failure, he confessed why he was there and waited for a death that didn't come: Zach refused to kill him despite the fact that he'd made an attempt on his life. Instead, he decided to continue to mortify Kaz by becoming an extremely embarrassing and affectionate older brother that promised to make up where their birth father had failed. Kaz puts up with him, though is waiting for the day that their father comes for the both of them.

Pet Treasure

Shusui Koi

Ogon Koi

Ki Goi Koi

Kohaku Koi

Hi Utsuri Koi

Hajiro Koi

Chagoi Koi

Bekko Koi

Showa Koi

Sanke Koi

Tanchu Koi


Tsukimi Dango


Seaside Roll

Survivors Crowbar

Survivors Handgun with Holster

Bloodstain Removal

Pet Friends