
Blues Light has a minion!

Metalman Wily the Curo Kittykit

Blues Light
Legacy Name: Blues Light

The Twilight Cadogre
Owner: Metalman

Age: 13 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 20th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: October 20th, 2010


  • Level: 53
  • Strength: 43
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 39
  • Health: 37
  • HP: 37/37
  • Intelligence: 98
  • Books Read: 97
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Repair Clerk

One step and the battle is born. The road that I walk is a gathering storm. Today, the end, begins.

Fandom: Megaman/Rockman

Mode of combat: His combat programming--and his bright red Protobuster.

Birthday: Unknown date, the year 20XX

Blood Type: Oil

Birthplace: the lab of Dr. Light

Hobbies: Whistling

Personal Treasure: His yellow scarf

Favorite Food: Unknown.

Dislikes: Interviews (because he`s a very private guy).

Forte in Sports: Track and Field, Baseball, Soccer.

Dr. Light created Blues as a prototype robot that was supposed to have independent thought and reasoning; however, his design was not complete and had an inherent flaw: an unstable and dangerous imbalance in his energy core that is predicted to be a potential cause of death. Due to emotional instabilities and a deep mistrust of his own creator, Blues ran away from Dr. Light`s lab and wandered the world alone. That was, until he met Dr. Wily, who supplemented him with many repairs and upgraded him into a combat robot. Blues remained in his debt for quite some time, until his brother Rock showed him the true nature of the mad scientist he was in an emotional debt to.

He is an extreme loner, almost always seen alone except in rare circumstances.

... I live as I wish. That is all. My life is none of your business.
Look at him. That naive fellow with the saw blades just watches me, as though he`s almost afraid of me. I bet he thinks he`s not cool enough because he doesn`t wear his sunglasses at night.
I smile, knowing he`s just another one of the ones that the madman scrapped. Poor thing, thrown out to fend for himself. I wouldn`t have given him a week, but he`s probably stubborn as hell; he`ll survive, as long as someone teaches him. That someone probably won`t be me. I`m not a social guy by my very nature, and teaching is just like interviewing only I`m giving a long-winded answer that just isn`t my style to give.
I cannot help but pity the poor guy, though. He`s moderately attractive when he takes off his mask and helmet, and those ears are--dare a guy like me say this?--cute. Not to mention, it seems like his ears convey what his mouth will not: every little thing he`s feeling.
I whistle from the rooftop, and I will appear at his side. It`s not like me, but I wouldn`t think him to last long without help.

Let me tell you something...

Attacks List
Proto Buster -- Blues transforms his hand into an arm cannon that is capable of firing a plasma shot.
Proto Shield -- Blues uses his shield to deflect attacks or as a battering ram while running.
Proto Strike -- Blues uses a short-ranged charged shot.
Big Bang Strike -- A blast of tremendous Plasma Power. It is extremely draining to Blues.
Variable Weapons System -- Blues can copy other robots` weapons and use them to his advantage.

Pet Treasure

Big Fuzzy Yellow Scarf

Black Sunglasses

Silver Flute

Blue Puzzle Cube

Pet Friends

Admit it Metalditz, you wouldn't survive without me.

Sungod Sunstar
...You...I'll be keeping an eye on you.