
Litis has a minion!

Lurker the Zodiac Dragon Spirit

Legacy Name: Litis

The Bloodred Endeavor
Owner: Totodile

Age: 13 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 18th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: November 18th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 71
  • Strength: 175
  • Defense: 176
  • Speed: 171
  • Health: 176
  • HP: 0/176
  • Intelligence: 26
  • Books Read: 26
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Trading Shark

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Name: Litis
Nickname: Blood, Liti, L, Dragon, Ace, Acer
Mission Name:Falcon
Height: 6"4
Weight: 150lb
Age: 18
Hobbies: Fighting, Listening to music, Working on his laptop, Sleeping, Pulling pranks and bothering Brandbear,
Talents: Hacking, Programming, Fighting, Surveying, Convincing, Being a total douche
Dislikes: Hesitant people, Sweets, Outdated electronics, Daytime, Sunny days, Cloudy days
Likes: Fighting, Fruits, Building things, Blood, Cracking cruel jokes, Code breaking
Job: Assassin/Hacker


A soft clicking sound echoed in the still night air. Litis was hunched over on top of a roof clutching the sniper rifle and making small adjustments.

He had been out here for a little over an hour. It had been a matter of mere moments to hack into the home's security system and shut it down. Even now, thinking about it, he shook his head in annoyance. Litis despised outdated electronics; couldn't his target give him an actual challenge?

No matter. He needed to focus on the task at hand. Now, he was hunched over on a neighbor's roof, just playing the waiting game. While his twin brother, Brandbear, had gone off to school and focused on studying, Litis always felt that his life's destiny rest in more ... unusual pursuits. With a love of fighting and blood, he knew that he didn't fit in academic settings.

Instead, he found work as an assassin/hacker, taking on jobs that required both violent and technological elements to them. He had worked his way up in the organization—hacking into a business here, taking out a corrupt cop there—and he was now allowed to take on work by himself. Currently, he was on Mission Falcon, a long-term assignment that involved spying on, cajoling, tracking, and, when the occasion required, taking out numerous parties, but the other details were classified.

This man was one of those parties. Originally, Litis was just supposed to engage in survey work, but the man both owed money and was blackmailing local businesses for "protection" purposes. It was a pass-along scheme, and if Litis could take him out, the death would ruffle some feathers. Perhaps it might even spark some rumblings in the grapevine and would allow him to find and contact a more important source. Plus, the man had been cheating on his wife for years, so the murder would be easy to pin on her.

He blew his bangs up out of his face and looked through the sight, taking careful aim. The man was arguing with his wife, loud and clear through the open window. Litis paused for a second, his lip snarling subconsciously while he focused on the task. When target turned just enough to make the shot look like an inside assassination, Litis fired.

The man collapsed. Wife screamed. Litis didn't move.

Quietly, letting his dark clothes blend in with the environment, Litis watched the wife. After she calmed down, her hand flitted up to her chest, then her head, as if she was attempting to look like a dramatic actress from a movie. Then BINGO. She leaned down and touched the deceased.


With that bit of evidence finished, Litis sidled off of the roof and away from the scene. He slid into his car, which was parked down an alley off of the street and hidden from the target's view, and he casually pulled away. As people began coming back home from dinner and leaving for other evening activities, his car blended in, and he slid away from the area without a hitch.

Pulling a cell phone out of his pocket, he called his boss and confirmed the details. He kept his voice low and indistinct, but kept his expression light and jovial, lest some other driver look in to his car. After the conversation was over, he was about to put the phone away, but he looked at it and paused.Making up his mind, he pushed and held down the number one button, waiting for it to speed dial his contact.

"Hello?" the sweet voice rang out through the ear piece.

"Why hello, beautiful." Litis's voice became lower and richer while he toyed with his brother's girlfriend, Yanee.

Annoyance. "Oh. You." He heard some shuffling and then her voice distantly said something like, "Your brother wants to talk to you."

His twin answered the phone, and Litis laughed. All of his favorite things in one day: completing a job, hitting on Yanee, annoying his brother. Life's little perfections.

Lovely story by twocents
Beautiful profile by Meltdown
Incredible picture by roar

Pet Treasure

Blue Microphone

Kei Belts

Flashback Material Girl Wrist Bands

Don Slacks

Reborn Radio Headphones

Flashback Wild One Bracelets

Black Single Button Vest

Black Pirate Bandana

Plain Black Shirt

Black High Tops

Blue Pirate Bandana

Just Some Boy Headphones

Blue Radio Headphones

Bloodred Radio Headphones

Radio Headphones

Mini Flash Drive

Dark Mech Communications Upgrade

Neon Case

Blue Case

Black Case

Green Case

White Case

White Battery Backup System


Bloodred Laptop

Portable DVD Player


Blue Keyboard

Black Keyboard

Orange S-Pod

Red S-Pod

Aqua S-Pod

Navy Blue S-Pod



Battle Coliseum

Battler Issue 05

Battler Issue 03

Battler Issue 02

Battler Issue 01

Dragon Blood

Pet Friends