
Legacy Name: MoonDog_322

The Steamwork Kumos
Owner: Deja_Vu

Age: 13 years, 1 month, 3 weeks

Born: April 7th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 9 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: August 20th, 2011

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 12
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Profile Graphics and Overlay by Deja_Vu, Coding by FallenSamurai, Story by User not found: aabbg2006
He looked around him to see firefighters, the National Guard, and other soldiers from the other bases in New York. While Firefighter’s were working on the search and rescue; Jon and many of his comrades were assigned the task of helping with keeping civilians out of the danger zone. He had taken his orders no questions asked.
To Jon it felt like one of those times in the movies when they slow things down. Clouds of dust were everywhere. Everyone was covered in soot. People running away from the danger... Some civilians even stopped to stare.
He watched an elder man stop and stare at the damage in front of them he slowly approached the older man and put a hand on his shoulder, "Sir! I need to ask you to move; this area is not safe!" he told the older man. The man only looked at him silently. Jon watched as a tear fell down his face, "I was meeting my daughter... she... works there..." Slowly the man shook his head. Without a word the man turned from Jon and followed another solider to take him away from the debris.
He looked back at the towers silently praying that the man’s daughter was somewhere safe.
Dog Tags
His morning had started out like any other. He had started out joking around after his morning duties were done. He had been in the wreck room when it had started....
"Moon Dog!" He looked up to hear his nickname and smiled as one of his friends threw him a water bottle. Catching the water bottle he looked at his friend as he sat down in the wreck room. "By the way it's Private First Class Jonathon Keefe" He said with a smile. He knew it was pointless to correct them. His comrades always referred to him as 'Moon Dog'. Jon smiled as he remembered his first night at basic. He had introduced himself as Jon Keefe; his comrades had asked him where he was from. Jon simply smiled and told them he was from Moon, Pennsylvania. From that day on his comrades started to call him Moon Dog. He didn't mind it though.
911 Memorial Charm
Today was September 11th, 2001. Jon's first official day as a New Yorker. It was also his first day out of basic, and a day that he would never forget.
Survival Orange Memory Flower
Always remember those whose lives were lost on that tragic day and never forget the love and kindness that strangers shared with one another to overcome it. May those departed souls rest in peace.
Remembrance Dove

Pet Treasure

911 Memorial Charm

Remembrance Dove

Bold Eagle

Pet Friends

Dude, pass me a beer!

Use all that pent up rage and join the military! :) We have guns

Magic? Give me ammo any day!

I don't think a paper gun is much protection in case of bullets. Make me a couple of paper bullets to go with it?