
Taylor Jones
Legacy Name: Taylor Jones

The Sweetheart Jollin
Owner: Finnie

Age: 13 years, 3 weeks, 4 days

Born: May 6th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Adopted: May 6th, 2011


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 27
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 11/11
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Books Read: 8
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Patty Flipper

".. They say it takes a true woman to complete a man. A true woman will Fuel a man's passion, Trigger his emotion, but it takes a true man to recognize when it happens and it takes a good man to love and to cherish her unconditionally, to treat her with integrity, and to never take her for granted for even a minute."  
~ Author Unknown

The day was far too bright and sunny for such tragedy to strike. She had been away from the comfort and company of her dear friend for at least four months already, whisked herself away back home at her mother's beckoning call. Cancer wasn't something to be taken lightly, and she wanted to spend as much time with him as she possibly could before it took him away forever. No more were the days of throwing a baseball back and forth in the front yard, or getting all greased up working on dear old Dixie in the garage all the day through… the days of shooting beer bottles off the back fence with dad's favorite forty-two had been replaced with the sterility of white floors and blue wallpaper, new sheets every twelve hours, nurses and needles every four, that tiny little window in the corner that let in no more light than what the flickering half-lit fluorescents overhead were capable of emitting, and those god-awful meals that they brought in on trays whenever he was supposed to eat.
But hunger had left him a while ago; he rarely ate anything these days, mostly drank water and milk here and there, juice on occasion, the glasses left half-full on his bed tray along with empty plastic pill cups. His ankles were swollen, his face pale, and he'd lost more weight than she had ever remembered him losing since she was a little girl… and yet somehow, he looked better than he ever had.
He wasn't scared, nor angry, perhaps a little bit disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to take care of his girls anymore, or watch his "Taylor-bell" grow into the fine young woman that he knew she would become… but he never once cried, never once complained, because "How could he? When he had everything he'd ever wanted right here in his arms, all day, every day." His strength and his fearlessness were a few things that she had inherited from him from risking her life with him on the ranch on a daily basis, taking everything in stride from bills to fights to injuries. Good times and bad, he always faced his hardships with unparalleled fortitude and displayed astounding resilience through it all. Laughing in the face of opposition was one of his specialties, though she never really had understood why. Even situations that she would have shied away from he welcomed with open arms as if it were a long-lost friend. "Everything always works out in the end," he had always said… and he was always right. He always saw the sunshine through the rain; even on the blackest of days, he looked toward the blue sky above and smiled in satisfaction as the rain beat down in torrents. Life was always perfect, even when it was shot to hell.
But life wasn't perfect right now, not for them, didn't he know…? It hurt so bad, burned so deep… she hadn't left his side in a week, had been stretched out on the bed next to him with her head on his shoulder, her chin on his chest. Something inside of her just told her that the day they would lose him was coming soon. She knew it, he knew it… death was looming like a dark cloud. Donna had left for the moment to get them some real food, while Taylor was left staring out the window at an owl that had perched at the top of the snow-dusted tree outside just a couple of hours ago. She couldn't take her eyes off it… because for some reason, the second she realized it was there the feeling of hopelessness intensified. She knew it was even closer now… maybe days, or even hours away.
Mark coughed heavily into her hair, and she turned slightly to look painfully back at him out of the corner of her eye and frown a little. "Shouldn'ta smoked all them Marlboro's, Pa," she teased for at least the hundredth time since she'd come home. Through his chest she could hear his lungs struggling to make some sort of an attempt at chuckling until it turned into a strangled wheezing through the fluid building up around the lung, and she patted at his side.
"Life ain't worth livin' if ya don't live it to the fullest darlin', how many times've I gotta' tell ya that?"
"None more'n ya had already, pa. I know, I know…" She sighed and turned her attention back to the football game on the television propped up on the wall. The Dallas Cowboys were playing their longtime rivals the Washington Redskins, and they were practically beating them into the ground. Ahh, how many games had they sat and watched in the living room together…? Football had always been one of his favorite pastimes with his daughter, cause he knew he'd always have somebody to sit in the crowds with him who would yell and scream just as loud as he did… he wouldn't have traded it for the world. "Good day for football, ain't it..?"
"Sure is, Pa… never seen a better game fer Romo. E's on fire today…"
Pa… the sentimentality was starting to get to her. She just couldn't stop saying it. It was as if she was unconsciously, desperately trying to remind him (or perhaps herself) one last time that he was and always would be her father. Why could she feel him slipping away…?
"Darlin'… b'fore I go… I want you to promise me somethin'…"
Damnit, Pa, don't do this to me… not right now… she though to herself, and squeezed him tightly. "Pa, ya ain't gonna' run out on us afore ma gets back, are'ya..? I mean- yer gonna' wait till she gets ta' say g'bye.. right..?"
He smiled and sighed as he brought a weak hand up to stroke her head, to run his fingers through her hair… he pulled the oxygen mask off of his face and set it aside as he cleared his throat and began to cough immediately. "Taylor-bell, I may not make it that long," he whispered quietly. The words disappointed her, and she sank against him heavily, her heart sinking with her. "Now- I already told ya a lotta things, but you listen' here, cause this is important…"
Important, he said..? Like nothing else he'd said hadn't been up until now? Everything had been important to her: the guns, the animals, the truck, the love, the laughter… even the air-horns he'd used to wake her up every morning when she was a kid. She hated it… absolutely hated it…

… Yet there she was lying in her bed, wide awake, wishing and waiting for him to tiptoe through the door behind her and wake her one last time. It had been a long, restless night of tossing and turning, trying to shut off her mind, and fighting back tears, all of which lasted up until the moment her mother entered the room and placed a soft hand on her shoulder, nudging her awake. "Tay… you awake sugar?" she cooed quietly over her shoulder from behind, attempting to coax her out of her slumber. In spite of her attempts, the woman easily resisted her sweet pleas; deep down the little girl that missed her daddy refused to turn over and greet the day. Maybe if she didn't she could stay asleep and be with her father forever, pretending he had never died, pretending that in just a few hours they would have to say goodbye for the last time and lower his body into the ground. Maybe if she didn't turn around, today would never come.
Donna had played this game enough times with her to know the difference between feigned sleep and true slumber (the trick was listening to her breathing), and she knew quite well what her daughter was doing. She sighed. "Darlin', I know you're hurtin'…" she started quietly, rubbing her hand tenderly at her back between her shoulders, "… but runnin' away ain't gonna bring him back."
Taylor furrowed her brow thoughtfully. Her rational mind knew this but didn't want to accept it; but by then he had already been dead five days. Though her grief was still fresh and far from showing signs of dissipating, it was time to stop pretending. Reluctantly, she rolled over to face her mother, who was already dressed in her mourning attire, and exhaled heavily. "… do I gotta dress so dreary?" she asked sadly, to which Donna let out a reserved laugh. Black was definitely not her color, not even in mourning.


“Oh no… not again..” The engine choked and sputtered threateningly as it a loud CHUNK-tha-DUNK erupted from the back of the truck bed as the tailgate bounced open and closed by the small chain holding it up. That don’t sound too good… she thought to herself as she tightened her grip on the wheel and frowned. “C’mon Dixie, don’t’ch’you die on me now, old girl.“ The little wooden frog she’d brought with her clattered on the dashboard with the reverberations of the rebuilt 69’ engine as she slowly pulled over to the side of the road into the dirt and put the Chevy in park. From where she was sitting she could hear the radiator hissing angrily through the open window.
“Dad gummit, I’m already runnin’ on my spare, n’ I just checked everthin’ over juss b’fore I left N’Orleans!” With a heavy sigh and an exasperated whine she leaned forward and smashed her fore head into the steering wheel, which the car didn’t seem to like too much. The horn screeched loudly and she shot up straight, her eyes large and annoyed, having been startled by the sudden noise (it hurt her sensitive ears). Oops, hadn’t thought about the consequences of that. Puffing her cheeks, she grabbed a pair of gloves off of the seat beside her and popped open the door, trotting over to the front of the smoldering vehicle. A powerful wave of grey, dirty, rancid smoke engulfed her pretty little face the second she lifted the hood, and she turned her head away and coughed violently. That didn’t smell like the radiator. “Ain’t no way I fergot ta check the oil..” she mumbled out loud as she used one hand to fan away the cloud so she could get a better look at what was going on.
Taylor took a breath then let it out slowly as she looked up at the scorching sun overhead. It was hot- probably the worst possible time for her to have decided to take a little time to take a trip and “find herself” was during an unexpected, and completely bizarre heat wave in the middle of November. Well, if there was one thing she could be grateful for right then, it was that she wasn’t trying to pour thick, half-frozen oil into her engine, or trying to work on her car while her fingers were freezing. Hopefully, whatever it was, wasn’t too serious. She was so close to home! Five miles down the road.. and with no cell phone! Oh- but there was no way that she would have made that walk with all her luggage… and in her boots. (They were good for riding, but not for long hikes.) And while the chances of her being able to flag down someone who could help her were pretty good, it was just one more thing that was slowing down her trip, one more thing to think about, to remember… and she was just ready to take a break. Her head was throbbing, her eyes were tired, and her butt ached. It actually felt good to stretch her legs for a little bit..
After propping the hood up, she took a few steps further to the side of the road and plopped down into the dirt, propping her chin up on her arms on her knees. Perfect. Now it was hot and dusty. This wasn’t exactly what she’d had in mind when she was thinking about “taking a load off” about two hours before. She’d envisioned something much different- like a nice, comfy bed, mom’s good ol’ home cookin’, and the cool, refreshing breeze from an air conditioning unit. Air conditioning. Ha. It had been at least four months since she’d seen one of those. She made a distasteful face and slumped over her knees discontentedly.
The quiet humming of an engine graced her ears as she recognized the sound of tires crunching against gravel, and she perked up instantly to see who had decided to pull over and see what the problem was. Taylor was halfway to her feet before she peered around her car, recognized the silver truck and smiled ecstatically.

“I had a feelin’ you’d be comin’ along this way sooner er’ later.”
“Well- however ya done it, I’m real glad ta see ya ma…”, she beamed as she climbed the stairs of the porch into the house. The second she entered she was already at peace. Without thinking, she dropped her bags by the door, spread her arms out wide and took a deep breath, then let it out with a sigh. Something smelt… out of place.. But she disregarded the smell and smiled. “Feels good ta be home… again.” she commented with a joking tone as she made her way through the entry, pushing her bag aside with her foot out of laziness, then dropped her purse and her backpack beside it on top of a pair of large boots without even noticing, and kicked off her own shoes. Finally… the cool, hardwood floors felt great against her roasting pads, and she tiptoed nostalgically back to her room, where she twirled once, then fell back onto her bed with a flop. No matter how many times she left and came back, that room had never changed- the white ceiling, the pale pink walls, the white country lace curtains, quilted pillows with hues in the reds and pinks and cream blondes sitting on the seat in front of the big bay window, the white shelves of the far wall, the futon in the corner… and all of her childhood treasures were even still here. The white rocking horse that her dad had bought for her when she was three years old, the jewelry box she’d inherited from her grandmother, the music box her mother had given her for Christmas when she was five.. And the pennant wall by the door which was completely covered with pictures of her and her father at baseball and football games alike. She’d been staring around the room lazily until then, but one picture on the wall stood out and caught her attention. She pushed herself up and nudged herself to the end of the bed until she was sitting up, and squinted at it across the room until she was close enough to see it.
“You remember Uncle Phil… right?”
“Course’ I do, but this piture-”
“Nope, it wasn’t there b’fore ya left.”
“Where’d’ya get it? I don’t r’member it at all!”
“Oh, I been seein’ a lot o’ Phil, lately…” she replied passively, as if not really wanting to elaborate on it. “E’ brought it over one day… thought you’d like it there since ya didn’t ‘ave it.”
She nodded and mused aloud over her response.
“Oh yeah? He been keepin’ ya company then?”
“You could say that…” she replied quickly, and without emotion.
Taylor didn’t think much of it at first, and just nodded in acknowledgment as she continued to stare at the picture, trying to remember the day it was taken… Wait a second- that wasn’t their backyard… “
"… Don’t Uncle Phil live three hours north’a here…?”
“Well- yeah…”
“Maa!” she exclaimed with obvious disapproval as she turned her attention to the doorway to look at her.
“You ain’t been seein’ ‘im, ‘ave you..?”
“Well darlin’, actually, I ‘ave…”
Taylor lifted her hands to cover the horror on her face as she turned and paced away from her, toward the window.
“I know what’cher thinkin’- it’s still too soon-” “Too soon!?” she squawked in shock. “Ma- it just ain’t right!”, she explained as she turned back around to face her, throwing her hands out to her side. “I don’t care if you start seein’ other men… but Uncle Phil!?”
“Sweetie, he’s a good man, n’ e’s got ‘is ‘ead on straight. He’s got a stable job, and a good life, and he’s there for me when I need em’.”
“That’s not the point!” she yelled angrily, something that was unusual for her. Not much riled her, but this… this was just out of her comfort zone. “You’re datin’ your dead husband’s Brother! N’ you don’t see nothin’ wrong with that!?”
Donna was quiet for a moment as she sighed and watched her warily; Taylor's eyes were watering.
“Don’t’cha feel like you turned your back on him…? “
She broke her gaze momentarily and shook her head slowly from side to side. Taylor looked hurt. A tear broke free and rolled down her cheek as her eyes widened and her brow furrowed in confusion.
“Taylor, listen t’me..” she started as she approached her slowly. “B’fore yer father died… he asked me ta promise him somethin’…” Gently, she lifted her hands from her side and stroked the top of them with her thumbs. “.. he made me promise ‘im that I’d do whatever it took at be ‘appy, and e’ made me promise that I’d find myself a man who could take care’o’ me so I could live a good long, happy life…” she explained calmly as she led her over to the bed and sat down. “Well-.. I didn’t really start lookin’ right away, but Phil came out n’ visited not long after ya’ left, and e’ stuck around fer a while at make sure I was alright livin’ by myself… and it was about then that I got ta thinking’- thinkin’ about the kinda man that yer father would’ve approved of fer me… and I realized that if there were a person in the world that he’d love more’n’ you and me, it’d be his brother, and he trusted ’im with his life, n‘ you know that!” she shook her hands gently and looked her in the eye to reinforce the point; Taylor looked down at them and nodded. She was right… but it still didn’t sit right with her, her mom and her uncle… what if they decided to get married…?
“Ok…? Taylor lookit me darlin’…”
She wiped the tears from her eyes before she looked up at her and nodded.
“Alright ma…” she replied quietly, then leaned over and hugged her tightly. “I know e’s a good man, I’m sure e’ll take good care o’ya…”
“I know e’ will.”
The silence grew between them for a few moments before her mother decided to change the subject. “So did’ja find what you were lookin’ for?”
Another sigh escaped through her nose as she shook her head from side to side. “No… but I did meet some real nice people.”
“Meet any nice boys I should know about…?”

Taylor rolled her eyes and stood up straight as she recalled the conversation and… THUNK. Smacked her head quite roughly against the hood of the car she had been bent over for the last thirty minutes. “SONUVA..” she cursed loudly, the last part being masked by the echo of a wrench clanking to the ground. She brought a hand to her head to rub at the burning bump that was rising just below her mass of hair now, bit her lip and groaned. Got caught daydreaming again (that was the third time today), but she got lucky- getting caught in that trance had actually helped her get her work done faster, and with amazing precision. The belt she’d been trying to remove and replace was sitting on the tensioners at perfect tautness. How she’d been managing to do this repeatedly with her work she would never understand.
She’d been doing it a lot since she’d arrived in the city (that is, getting caught up in the memories of what life had been like for the past year since his death), and while the anniversary (which was coming up fast) wasn’t the only thing weighing down on her, it was the worst. It had been a year already… a year. And it had taken her all that time to finally do something about getting the motivation to do something with her life. Don’t get me wrong, dealing with the death of a loved one was no walk in the park, but a year. At least she was finally on her way to keeping up her end of the promise she had made to her father. Step one: get a job. Step two: go to college. Step three: get a degree. Step four: have a career, and a life. It all seemed so far away, and like so much work without someone around that she actually knew and loved… well- other than Sam, whom she had bonded with almost instantly.. but aside from that, there was no real connection, no real attachment to anyone in this city; just hollow, weak surface links. “Acquaintances”, faces, voices, and from most of them, a friendly smile and some company so she wouldn’t feel quite so alone. She missed the closeness of her mother- the open bond that she had with her that she could just come home and hug and kiss her whenever she felt like she needed to… but she was far too personal with her feelings and closed off her heart so that no one could really truly access them, because these things were far too fragile to be left on display. And besides, when emotion gets involved, things get complicated. Though all of these things she never really thought about, she just did them subconsciously.
After stooping to pick up the wrench she’d dropped, she placed both hands on the front end of the car and stared long and hard at that fan belt like it had done something wrong; she rubbed her lips together and narrowed her eyes.

“Well ya know what’cha gotta’ do then, suga. There ain’t nothin’ for ya here s’ far as school n’ gettin’ a good job is concerned. Ya’ gotta’ get the hell up outta’ here.”
“Yeah- but where do I go..?” she asked with worry in her tone. Taylor nibbled on her lip as she watched her mother, just in case she had any ideas, but she just puffed her lips to one side, made one of those “Hmmm…” sounds in her throat, and took a sip of her whiskey as her horse shifted under her. “I don’t wanna’ just take offn’ go somewhere I’m gonna’ hafeta be all by myself while I’m tryin’ ta manage a job and school! I wouldn’t make it!”
“Well baby..”, she started as she replaced the metal flask back in the saddle pouch, “I’m all for ya’ goin’ ta college, but I’m afraid most all our family lives somewhere round’ here…”
She frowned, clearly let down by her response, and leaned forward in her saddle to stroke the neck of her horse Dega, who turned her head slightly as she was touched.
“Though… I do think Laurie had a daughter livin’ up in New York…”
Instantly she perked up. Her sister, a daughter..? She had a cousin she’d never met? “A daughter? How come I never heard nothin’ about ’er till just now?”
Donna chuckled rather darkly. “Well yer aunt Laurie wasn’t exactly the Crownin’ Jewel of our family…”
“Yeah… but I still think I should know when I gotta’ cousin somewhere out there that I ain’t never met!”
“I know, and I’m sorry darlin’.. it’s just somethin’ I never really thought about till’ now, ya know..?” Taylor pouted and made a face that clearly said “Well fine, I guess I can forgive you, but it’s still not fair.”
She smiled and snapped her fingers. “That’s it then! When we get ‘ome, we’ll give ‘er a call n’ see if she’d be alright with you comin’ out there ta see about goin’ ta college and makin’ a livin’ fer yerself!”
Taylor half smiled and nodded. “Alright, it’s worth a shot at least.”
“And…”, Donna continued with a bit of a mischievous tone in her voice, nudging her with her elbow, “… maybe you could even find yerself onea them good lookin’ businessman…”
“MA!” she swatted playfully at her face, causing her horse to sway uneasily away from her. “Why’s everthin’ gotta be about me getting’ hitched!?”

“Everythin’ …”, she mumbled aloud to herself.

Time Period: Present
Genre: Drama
RP status: Closed

Name / Nick: Taylor Jones / "Tay"
Nationality / Language(s): American Mutt / English
Age / Birthday / Sign: 27 yrs. / September 9th, 1985 / Virgo
Height / Weight: 5'5" / 148 lbs.
Species: Human
Eyes: Large "bright eyes", Pink in color
Hair: Very light golden blonde with tight waves, down below her shoulders
Skin: Fair and clear; peach toned, natural blush on her cheeks
Build: Petite, frail; small and thin, but very voluptuous; Busty (D-cup), hourglass figure: tiny waist, wide hips, big butt; torso is a little short, long legs
Scars: None
Tattoos / Piercings: None / Each ear pierced once
Wardrobe: Taylor's a good ol' fashioned country girl, so during the warmer weather she wears lots of light sundresses and long skirts, short skirts, cutoff jean shorts, skin-tight bootleg jeans, tank tops, crop tops, long sleeved button ups tied at the waist, camisoles, cowboy boots, you name it. During the cooler months of the year, however, she can be found in turtlenecks, sweaters, jackets and boots of all kinds. Since moving to the city, Taylor has taken a liking to shopping and has adopted many high-heeled shoes into her collection, as well as earrings, bracelets, long roping necklaces, belts, hats, and all sorts of other accessories including a few purses. She knows how to dress and doll herself up without looking over-the-top and ridiculous. She loves any and all colors really, but wears a lot of white, pink, peach, coral, lavender, pale green, sand, ivory, and grey more than anything else.

Orientation / Status: Heterosexual / In a Relationship
Love: Mason
Parents: Donna (alive) and Mark (deceased) Jones
Family: Sam (Cousin, older), Allen (Cousin, older)
Friends: Harper, Sam, Riley, Allen, Mason, Mave, Ricci, Frances
Occupation: Intern Mechanic/Part-time Student; trying to get her degree in Automotive Repair
Location: New York, NY

Vice: Stubbornness
Virtue: Devotion, Modesty
Strong Points: Optimistic- makes the best out of a hard situation, even if it seems like she's having a hard time doing it; hard-working- will put her all into a task even if it's not done perfectly and keep trying until it's done right; not easily angered or offended
Faults: tends to work herself to her breaking points- won't stop until her body literally gives out on her; while she has a pretty easy time getting along with people, she has a hard time opening up and getting "close" to people- keeps everyone at a distance; refuses to admit to herself or anyone else when something's wrong
Religion: Belief that there is a God, but not really strong in any particular "faith"
Quirks: rambles when she's uncomfortable or flustered, cooks and cleans when stressed or sad, rubs lips together when she's thinking, twiddles thumbs in awkward silence, doesn't mind being alone but prefers to be in the presence of people, likes men but never seeks anything further than a friendship; has a bad habit of throwing whatever is in her hand when she's startled
Traits: shy around "new people" but opens up once she gets settled in and comfortable, friendly, outgoing, playful, optimistic, quiet unless spoken to, opinionated, happy-go-lucky, sometimes forgetful, clumsy on occasion, easily startled, clean, organized, regular, self-reliant, tough, positive, high self control, resolute, realist, trusting, hard working, doesn't worry, easily pushed around, prudent, modest, adventurous, does not like to be alone, intellectual, very practical, high self esteem, perfectionist, busy, altruistic
Likes: reading, country music, some rock music, line dancing, socializing, her truck, her gun, rodeos, football (loves playing line backer), baseball, Nascar, hockey, wrestling, contact sports in general, riding bareback, watching the sunset, gazing at the stars, anything outdoorsy, camping, having a good time, whiskey on occasion, keeping up her appearance, cooking, cleaning, being doted on by men and being treated like a lady (secretly, won't admit to it though because it makes her feel awkward)
Dislikes: noisy environments, disorder, beer and most alcohol in general, golf, loose women, loose men, horror movies, crowds (unless at an athletic event)

Name: Harper
Relationship: Boss / Friend / Mentor

Harper's 'prob'ly onna the strangest folks I met since I got 'ere- one minute she could be yellin' n' screamin' n' threatenin' t'fire ya if y'don't shape up... then th'next, she'll be talkin' to ya like any mother talkin' to her child. She's got a "no bullshit" policy that just don't work fer some folks, but it serves her well most o'th'time... if anythin', she's th'most nostalgic thing about this here city. She really is a great person.. juss' a lil' rough around th'edges. When I first moved t'N'York, it wasn't easy lookin' fer a place t'work... but Sam n' Allen pulled a miracle out o' their sleeves. Lord knows how they did it, but I'm mighty grateful she decided t'gimme a chance. I don' think I woulda been happy workin' fer anyone else.

Name: Samantha Sorretto
Relationship: Cousin / Roommate

Y'know- even though I known bout' Sam all my life, I just done met er' juss bout' two years ago. After I left N'Orlins, I went back home to talk to my Ma n' ask her what direction I should take in my life, n' she gave me Sam's numba n' told me ta try n' make contact with er' n' go live life in the city cause there was lots o' opportunity for me there... well- if I'dda known what the city was really like, I woulda tucked tail and turned and headed back to the good ol' country o' Tennessee! The place is so BIG, and there's people n' cars everywhere.. but boy am I glad I had her ta take me in n' get me acquainted with things here. She may be tough, but she's such a sweetheart, n' she took me right in, no questions asked, and gave me a place ta stay so I wouldn't've 'ad ta sleep outta the back o' my truck down by central park in the dead o' night and freeze my buns off. She's also introduced me to some nice folks who've 'elped me get settled in, got me a job workin' with Harper, n' while I'm still tryin' ta adjust to the idear of everone in this here city bein' work-o-holics n' stayin' up till' all hours o' the night, I think I'm startin' ta get used to things here.

Name: Allen Sorretto
Relationship: Cousin

I ain't seen much of Allen since I moved to the city. I ain't got no clue what he does exactly, but that there man's what'cha call a busy bee, workin' all day an' all night some nights. Sam says 'e works for some big businessman as his personal advisor, but she won't tell me fer what comp'ny and who for. Kinna startin' t'get the idea it's better that way... Allen's a sweetie but the other men e'comes in with some days juss' got somethin' about em' that don't sit right with me. But uh... I ain't gonna go askin' no more questions if they ain't willin' t'talk. Somethin' tells me I'm a whole lot better off not knowin'. But at least whatever it is he does seems like it keeps em' in good spirits. Last thing he needs is a stressful work environment, what with 'is heart condition n'all.

Name: Maverick Durand
Relationship: Friend

Now- Mave is someone I came across on one of mah many excursions down south. I like ta travel a lot, and well, I took a trip ta Mississippi and this charmin' young man took me in fer a little while and showed me tha town. At first I thought maybe e' was just tryin' ta get inna my pants, but I quickly learned that Mave was more a gentleman n' any man I'd ever met b'fore.. well, sorta. He was still tryin' ta set me up with his lil' brother cause he adores me so much he wanted me aparta the family. He still calls ever once in a while ta try n' talk me inta movin' out to Chicago to meet him and ta remind me that the door's open, but I just ain't sure about bein' set up with someone I don't even know.. I'd rather just find someone the old fashioned way, broken hearts n' misunderstandins n' all that comes along with it, rain er shine. 'Sides... my heart's spoken for already.

Name: Ricci Durand
Relationship: Friend


Name: Anthony Rowley
Relationship: Co-worker

Ain't known Anthi all that long neither, t'tell ya the truth. He started workin' at the garage not too long ago

Name: Frances Gilroy
Relationship: "Shopping Buddy" / Friend

Frances is... Mason's sister, though you wouldn't be able t'tell just by lookin' at em! Or talkin'... the two o' them are like night and day... but I'll tell you one thing, it is really nice t'have someone else who unnerstands my take on romance n' relationships, and my addiction to shoppin'! Even if... she might just make it worse. Lord knows how she can afford half the things in her wardrobe, but damn does she got good taste! Kinna wish I'd get t'spend more time with her, but she's got a man all her own an he keeps her real busy. Can't say I blame em'... not only is she good lookin', she's real sweet, an a lotta fun. Juss don'let her inna your kitchen... from what I hear she could burn a pot o'water.

Name: Mason Malone
Relationship: Boyfriend

Well... Mason n' I sure got off t' a rough start, but we're doin' a lot better now. E' came in as a walk-in client t'th' garage with a dyin' 'Vette, n'Har told me t'take careo' it. Th'head was in real bad shape, so I had t'go n'scavange fer parts.. and I had t'take em' with me, since I didn't 'ave a card t'buy em' with. I don't think we woulda had a problem if'fun e'd been a perfect genn'leman the whole time.. but uh, y'see, I don't really like it when men can't take their damn eyes offa my derriere, n'e'... well.. we'll juss' say e' had no idea how mad it was makin' me. N' I blew up on em'.. felt real bad about it later though. Lucky fer th'botha us though, it was a long day, n'we had plenty o'time t'reconcile our differnces. N' mercy me... I know they say y'shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but turns out e's sweeter n' I had em' pegged fer all along... alright, a LOT sweeter... I reckon I only met a few men in my day that sweet... n'prob'ly th' only one t' make me change my tune s'fast... juss' onna his charms, I guess... funny Mason... Honnestly, we ain't gotta whole lot in common, but it's en'uff... *smiles quietly* Well.. that n'y'know what they say bout' opposites..
Story and content written by Sara J. Weber, and is copyrighted material.

All art on this page is copyrighted to each respective artist, as mentioned on this page, and has been used with permission, for Finnie's personal use only.

Profile coding and images done by sonata for Finnie's personal use only.

Profile image done by Lavabeast, and alternative non-labeled images used on this page are credited to AMSBT, Finnie, Geckos, and littleulvar, for Finnie's personal use only. Images of Mason, Frances, and Anthi used with permission.

The images on this page may not be copied, reproduced, or altered in any way.
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You do not have permission to use, copy, or alter any of the artwork on this page for personal or commercial use.
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Art by Blackbirdink on deviantArt

Art by Finnie

Art by demonrae

Art by DesiresUndisclosed on deviantArt

Art by Lavabeast

Art by China

Art by TheForbiddenFox

Art by MicahJGunnel on deviantArt

Art by Oraacy

Art by FallenChaos

Pet Treasure

Plain Light Denim Overalls

Baggy Light Denim Overalls

Old Straw Hat

Cross Head Screwdriver

Flat Head Screwdriver

Crescent Wrench

Claw Hammer

Socket Wrench

Car Maintenance Manual

Hugs and Kisses Bracelet

Pink Diamond Engagement Ring

MerryDay Tumbling Toffee Earrings

Baby Blue Necklace Gift

Memory from a Happy Summer

Kore Bloom Bracelet

Gold Lovely Pendant

Million Dollar Diamond Necklace

White Tea Rose Necklace

Ivory Tea Rose Necklace

Coral Tea Rose Necklace

Pink Tea Rose Necklace

Lavender Tea Rose Necklace

Exclusive Casablanca Cameo

Luxurious Everlasting Mascara

Sheer Innocence Eye Makeup

Hot Pink Date Night Lipstick

Mauve Date Night Lipstick

Cherry Lip Stain

Coral Lip Stain

Siren Pull the Trigger Clownish Pigment

Sui Sun Kissed Bronzer

Posie Body Blush

Rose Body Blush

Snow Tied Hairband

Summer Sky Tied Hairband

Blush Tied Hairband

Ruffled Blush Lace Shorts

Ruffled Blush Lace Top

Peach Short Overalls

Lililace GoldenRags High Waisted Studded Denim Shorts

Ivory Retro Sailor Shorts

Peach Split Wrapped Top

Ivory Retro Sailor Suit Top

Sky Split Wrapped Top

Frilled Cherry One Piece

Frilled Cotton Candy One Piece

Red Summery Dress

Plum Summery Dress

Lavender Summery Dress

Pink Summery Dress

Peach Summery Dress

Yellow Summery Dress

White Summery Dress

Turquoise Summery Dress

Vanity Suave Shirt

Soft White Leather Jacket

Tan Patterned Trilby

Tan Lovely Lady Hat

Nude Strappy Summer Sandals

Pink Strappy Summer Sandals

Pink Wrapped Platform Sandals

Pink Polka Dot Flats

Milky Slouchy Boots

Powder Slouchy Boots

Pea Soup Slouchy Boots

Soot Slouchy Boots

Loose Wires

Busted Mirror Wreckage

Busted Bolt Wreckage

Busted Nut Wreckage

Loose Screws


Metal Workers Kit

Mechanics Toolbox

Gaslight Wrench

Mechanics Overalls

Mechanic Service Checklist

Auto Manual

Oily Rag

Air Compressor

Car Engine

Hydraulic Lift

Pressure Gauge

Grease Gun

Car Jack

Welding Torch

Motor Oil

Gas Can

Bagged Lunch

Tropical Bay Aqua Apron

Princess Pink Apron

Peachy Orange Apron

Buttercup Yellow Apron

Bunny White Apron

Pink Flowery Kitchen Apron

Purple Flowery Kitchen Apron

Blue Flowery Kitchen Apron

Apple Funnel Cake

Pecan Pie Tart

Sour Cherry Pie

Cinnamon Apple Pie

Homemade Pumpkin Pie

Fresh Cinnamon Pumpkin Pie

Delicious Chocolate Pie

Strawberry Pie

Coconut Cream Pie

Homemade Pie

Lemon Pie

Sugar Plum Pie

Mini Pies

Fresh Fruit Cherry Pie

Fresh Fruit Strawberry Pie

Fresh Fruit Peach Pie

Fresh Fruit Apple Pie

Fresh Fruit Blueberry Pie

Fresh Fruit Blackberry Pie

Fresh Fruit Coconut Pie

Hollyberry Pie

Chicken Pot Pie

Metal Casting Thermometer

Small Steel Pan

Shepherds Pie

Pail of Apples

Spacetime Snacks


Overly Romantic Card

Vesnali Picnic Basket

Sweetheart Pink Panda

Pet Friends

Boss / Friend


Maverick Durand


Shopping Buddy


