
Legacy Name: Jenet

The Hydrus Paralix
Owner: Ness

Age: 13 years, 2 weeks, 2 days

Born: May 30th, 2011

Adopted: 7 years, 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: February 22nd, 2017


  • Level: 57
  • Strength: 54
  • Defense: 19
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 18
  • HP: 16/18
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Books Read: 4
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

Lemon sherberts, jelly babies,
Chocolate cream and flake,
Nougat, fudge and such as give
You tooth and belly-ache.

As Jenet was working in her cake shop, she was leaning on her desk and was tired of all the administration that had to be finished by tomorrow. She looked outside and saw the miltanks were grazing outside in the field.
Jenet looked up as she heard the the jingle of the bell that hanged next to the door of her shop. A boy walked in and looked around, he looked like he was searching for something.
Mr. Mime was sweeping the floor and Mime Jr. was sitting in front of the fireplace.
"Lonan! What are you doing here?" She yelled, while standing up.
She walked up to the boy and grabbed him with both her arms. Jenet always looked like a mother despite she was only twenty-three years old.

Peppermint creams and aniseed balls,
Tiny sweets and whoppers,
Dolly-mixtures, chocolate drops,
Gigantic gob-stoppers.

Lonan looked up at her and smiled. She tightened her grip around him.
'Such a sweet boy.' she thought, and when she had let go she patted his head.
"Where have you been? I haven't seen you around in like 2 months!" she said to him. She was glad he stopped by, Mime Jr. missed him and she watched the small pokemon mimic every move Lonan made.
Lonan picked Jr. up and walked to the table. He sat down and as he did that Jenet sat down herself in front of him.
"I've been here and there, challenging some Gym Leaders.. Collecting badges." he took out a small box and handed it over. She took it and opened the little box, which contained several badges.
"So I guess you're here for the Relic Badge?" She knew Fantina was here in Hearthome.
"Yes I am." Lonan smiled. "I'm here to challenge Fantina."

Caramel and butterscotch,
Bullseyes, raspberry treats,
Treacle toffee, acid drops,
Pastilles, crystal fruits,

She smiled and knew that he would do well against Fantina. He had good Pokemon and took good care of them.
But she also knew Fantina, and knew that she would put on a fight and wouldn't go down that easily. But then again, Lonan stood a very good change.
"Come on, I'll give you a room where you can stay for the night." she said while standing up. "Tomorrow you can challenge Fantina, so later this day you can train a bit."
He followed her to a room and was glad he could stay. Later he went out to train with his pokemon while Jenet was watching and cheering them on.
That evening they ate outside, talking about the coming match and laughing at Mime Jr. who was still acting as silly as always.
Jenet wished that it could stay like this forever, Lonan felt like a little brother and a son to her.


Jenet was 23 years old and owned a cake shop in Hearthome in the Sinnoh Region.
She had a sister who lived in Mauville City in Hoenn, who owned an B&B there. They didn't had much contact, but every once in a while they visited each other.
Lonan was her best friend, he was like a little brother to her. But some times she was kind of smothering him with her love. Just like a mother does.
Her cake shop was one of the most popular places, and many came from far to taste her cake.

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends