
Nekko has a minion!

Rip the Stitches

Legacy Name: Nekko

The Nightmare Charlie
Owner: FruitPunk

Age: 13 years, 2 weeks, 1 day

Born: May 31st, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 2 weeks, 1 day ago

Adopted: May 31st, 2011


  • Level: 50
  • Strength: 125
  • Defense: 126
  • Speed: 122
  • Health: 124
  • HP: 123/124
  • Intelligence: 70
  • Books Read: 69
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Manager

"Come let me show you." A wicked smile graced thin black lips. "My most precious of possessions." A tiny ragged doll hung in one hand. Looking like it had seen better days. Covered in mismatched fabric patches and poor stitching. It's color faded and worn. "Others tossed them out. Like trash. Like garbage. NOT GARBAGE!" Quivering and breathing quickly with poorly concealed rage. "I keep them safe. I make them better."

Pet Treasure

Demented Arid Torrey Plushie

Ripped Teddy Bear Plushie


Frilly Spiderbug Plushie

Olive Hideous Defective Red Rreign Plushie

Bleached Red Rreign Voodoo Doll

Waterlogged Teddy Plushie

Voodoo Montre Plushie

Voodoo Bovyne Plushie

Tigrean Voodoo Plushie

Graveyard Telenine Plushie

Ghostly Voodoo Plushie

Feli Voodoo Plushie

Ripped Nightmare Feli Plushie

Bunny Voodoo Doll

Nightmare Keeto Plushie

Ugly Buddy Skoofalimp Plushie

Sockimi Plushie

Eego Plushie

Graveyard Demi Plushie

Graveyard Bovyne Plushie

Graveyard Antlephore Plushie

Zombie Kitten Plushie

Ancient Kora Plushie

Graveyard Kanis Plushie

Nightmare Feli Voodoo Plushie

Pet Friends