
Legacy Name: Example

The Blacklight Jollin
Owner: Saga

Age: 13 years, 2 weeks

Born: June 1st, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: June 1st, 2011


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 15
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

Bliss. If there was one word to describe what Elliot, or Example as he was known, felt while performing in that instance, it was bliss. The concert was alive, pulsing with the sound of music: his music. It moved endlessly, full of his fans dancing to the sound of his voice, moving to the beat. Elliot's words powered it all, and he loved the rush of knowing that his music could have such a powerful influence. "Everyone fuckin' jump; I want at least three of you on crutches by the end of the night!" he yelled, trying to get the crowd more into the mood, wanting everyone pumped up before he got to his new song, Say Nothing, never before heard.

As he sang the last chord of the song, as he finished his rapping, Elliot broke into a grin as his fans cheered for him, grateful for their support. "Thanks for coming tonight guys!" he shouted as he ran, or near enough skipped, off the stage and into the arms of his greatest supporter, the woman he loved. Erin had been there with him when he was still a low level DJ with little more than a dream, and she helped him through every step to get to where he was today. Elliot wouldn't be where he was today without Erin's support helping him through the rough times, and he was thankful every day that he had her. People didn't tend to expect Example would have a girlfriend, not one like Erin anyway, but he didn't let people's opinions bother him so long as he had her.

"You were perfect out there, baby! They loved you!" she shouted, grinning up at him. Elliot smiled down at her, giving her a soft kiss before saying, "No, you are perfect, love. I love you." They spent a while just holding each other until she turned to him saying, "Tonight was wonderful, and I'm so proud of you! I'm not feeling too well though, so I think we should call it a night." Elliot frowned feeling concerned and said, "Are you sure you're well enough to go home alone? You know you can come home with me so I can take care of you." Erin had to smile at his sweet offer but shook her head, saying, "I'll be fine, don't worry. I'll call you tomorrow morning, first thing. I love you!" Before he could protest further, she quickly kissed him goodbye and walked off.

Once Elliot was home and in bed, he couldn't help but grin to himself. The concert had been amazing, and he loved getting to perform on stage for his fans and then spending time enjoying the rest of the music with Erin. He was still a bit worried about her feeling sick, but forced himself to brush it off, knowing he was just being silly and over protective. The exhaustion from the night's events quickly washed over him, and he fell asleep to dreams of music and a certain amazing woman.

1:13 P.M. Erin still hadn't called. Elliot had called her, though. In fact, he was too panicked to keep track of how many times he had called, but it was more than enough times to fill her voice mail with urgent messages. This would be rather ridiculous of him if it were anyone else, but Erin never failed to call when she said she would. Oh god, what could have happened to her? Was she sicker than he let on last night? Elliot knew he shouldn't have let her leave by herself! What would he do with himself if something happened to her? He didn't want to think about it. Finally convinced that he wasn't overreacting, as he was prone to do when she was involved, Elliot picked up the keys to his car, determined to go to her.

Just as Elliot was about to pry open the front door, his phone rang. Her! It must be Erin! He hurriedly scrambled to answer the phone, impatient to hear her voice again. After quickly checking to see that is was her calling, he answered the phone and said, "Erin! You had me worried sick! I thought something had happened to you! Don't ever do that to me again! Are you alright? Why didn't you call?" However, it wasn't the voice of the woman he loved that replied; instead, he heard a deep, manly laugh that sent an involuntary shiver down his spine, instantly sending him back into panic mode.The voice finally said, "Hello, 'Example'. I'm afraid Erin was a bit too... tied up, to call you this morning. Now listen to me because I don't repeat myself. I know you have money, and you know I have your little girlfriend. If you don't bring a hundred thousand pounds to her house, alone, by midnight tonight, we will kill her. Do not contact the police. If you do, we will know and kill her before you can get to her. Tick tock, the clock is ticking." With that, the line went dead, and he screamed in anger, fear, and sadness.

Collapsing on the floor, Elliot dug his hands into his hair. That bastard! He wanted to kill him and anyone involved. Elliot blamed himself, though. How could he be so stupid? It was his fault that Erin was in harm's way! He should have seen it coming. All he wanted was to protect her, cherish her for the rest of his life, and yet he created the circumstances that led to her being held for ransom. Elliot felt completely helpless at that point. What could he do other than follow the orders and hope the man stuck to his word? What if they killed her anyway? What if he was too late? Suddenly, he realised he was wasting time and jumped up with a new determination. He would get the money, and he wouldn't let them do anything to her. He would save Erin, so help him God, even if he had to give up his life for hers. Elliot ran out of his house to go to the bank, resolutely slamming the door behind him.

Erin woke up and instantly realised something was horribly wrong. She felt a sharp pain in her head, and she couldn't move her arms or legs. Suddenly, she realised that she was upright, tied to a chair. Fear flowed through her as she noticed a man with a wicked grin and a twisted glint in his eyes staring at her, a gun in hand. She sent the man an intense glare and was about to demand that he release her when he chuckled and said, "Oh, so she's finally up! I'm glad, I was afraid that last blow we gave you might have knocked you out for the whole day." He glanced at her head meaningfully with a satisfied smirk, and Erin vaguely remembered him and another man attacking her earlier. With venom in her voice and hatred in her eyes, she said, "You are a pathetic excuse for a man. My boyfriend is going to save me, and you are going to waste away like the scum you are, rotting in jail!" The man scowled at her dangerously and said, "You little bitch! I was going to wait until your pathetic boyfriend brought me my money to kill you with him, but I'm not even going to give you the satisfaction of seeing him alive again before you die. It's exactly midnight anyway, so your little boyfriend couldn't even be bothered to show up and try to save you. I'll just kill him for disobeying me later and steal the money instead. Now, let's see who is pathetic." Erin felt a powerful wave of fear wash over her as he grabbed her, pushing the barrel of the gun against her temple. Yet, as the man was about to pull the trigger that would end her life, Erin thought only of Elliot, the love of her life. Closing her eyes, she sent a silent prayer that he would be alright.

Elliot burst through Erin's front door, the bag with the money in it slung over his shoulder. He instantly went into a panicked frenzy when he didn't see Erin immediately. Where was she? They said she'd be here! Elliot noticed a clock, and his heart dropped when he saw the time. It read 12:00 A.M. A voice coming from her basement broke him out of his frozen state. Terrified, desperate, he ran with all of his might. He ran toward the basement door, a million thoughts racing through his mind. Was it too late? Could the one woman who held his heart possibly be dead? Could Erin truly be gone forever because of him? Elliot, his heart pounding erratically in his heaving chest, reached out and twisted the door knob, pulling the basement door open.

Example had been with his girlfriend, Erin, since long before he became famous: she was there for him right since the start. From when they met, the pair had been practically inseparable and it wasn't long until they started dating. When he started as a DJ in the Ministry of Sound - where all DJs want to be good enough to end up - she was there for him every night. More and more people started to show up at the MoS when he played until it became too packed to move properly. Example saw that as his chance and played a song he had created. That was the start of his music career. It wasn't long until the MoS signed him up for a record deal and he quickly became known throughout the United Kingdom for songs such as Changed The Way You Kiss Me, Kickstarts and Stay Awake.

Name: Elliot Gleave
Aka: EG, Example
Gender: Male
DOB: June 20th, 1982
Location: London, England
Job: Musician (singer/rapper)
Record Label: Ministry of Sound (MoS)

Nandos, trainers, haircuts, xBox, rum, films (action/humour), festivals, travelling, bungee jumping

[X] by Taser
[X] [X] by Freya
[X] by Lesa
[X] by Shalashaska
[X] by Kuitsumi
[X] [X] by Fee
[X] by Monsters
[X] by McLaren
[X] by Khiton
[X] by Zzi

Profile by MidnightShadow

Backstory by Saga
Story by Wonder (edits by Saga)

Example - Won't Go Quietly

Information from;

Disclaimer: One or more links may contain excessive swearing as Example is known for that. Look at your own risk.

Information and his likes are all factual however the story is not and his backstory is edited somewhat to fit the story.

Fun fact: Example admitted he can't sing and is taking singing lessons. Don't worry, Example, your fans still love you.

Example's girlfriend is a Common Jollin, should be without spots, for the sake of Subeta pets & going with Example's quad. She's also represented the Jollin soft toy in the image below as a sort of "memory" for Elliot - he is happier when asleep and thinking of her (in case of Jollins, the only Common Jollin plushie he would have been able to find in any shops would have been with spots, hence having them unlike her actual quad form).

If anyone wonders and actually read down to here, she did die in the end but the story was better left on a cliffhanger, in my opinion. Pretend she lived if you'd prefer.

Pet Treasure

Music Theory Grade 1

Music Theory Grade 2

Music Theory Grade 3

Music Theory Grade 4

Music Theory Grade 5

Music Theory Grade 6

Music Theory Grade 7

Music Theory Grade 8

Music Sheet

Anthem of Elements

Strange Music

Unorganized Sheets of Music

Grand Piano

Acoustic Guitar

Stylin Oldskool Guitar

Electric Piano

Rock CD

Rap CD

Pop CD

Country CD

Invisible Man

Just Some Boy Headphones

Delish Inspire Headphones

Invisible Man

Pet Friends