
First Frost has a minion!

Blizzard the Iceeci

First Frost
Legacy Name: First Frost

The Glacier Demi
Owner: Via

Age: 12 years, 11 months, 2 weeks

Born: June 3rd, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: June 3rd, 2011


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 12
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Books Read: 6
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Register Clerk

Frostwing and Amberpaw"Duck, duck!" screeched Frostwing. Rainpaw looked up too late. The RiverClan tom's paw snapped his spine, and Rainpaw yowl was cut short. The RiverClan warrior hissed and lumbered off, leaving Frostwing grief stricken, looking down at the still form of her fallen apprentice. Crystalpool came over, Rainpaw's mother. She too stared at her son. Then, she let out a wail, full of grief that acrually caused a lull in the fighting. The breeze gently stirred Rainpaw's rapidly cooling fur, and a small starry figure stepped out. "This battle was not worth it, Frostwing thought grimly. She charged into the midst again, looking for Rainpaw's murderer. THREE MOONS LATER"From this day on, Amberkit, you shall be known as Amberpaw," Blossomstar declared. "Frostwing, you shall be mentor to Amberpaw. I know that you will pass on your devotion and loyalty." Frostwing stopped short. Her? The leader was trsuting another apprentice with her? Numbly, she started toward the highledge and touched noses with Amberpaw. The clan cheered, "Amberpaw! Amberpaw!" The tabby apprentice looked up at Frostwing shyly. Frostwing made a vow she would not ever lose this one.AT TRAINING"Swipe, jump and kick!" ordered Frostwing. Amberpaw did some kind of a backflip and fell over. Groaning, she got up again. Frostwing sighed. She instructed, "Now try this one." She got into the classic hunter's crouch. Then, quickly, smoothly, Frostwing swiped a paw under an imaginary enemy's body. Doing ahalf spin, she got up quickly and nipped the paw of the enemy again. Amberpaw asked, "What did that do?" Frstwing explained, "When you're in a place with lots of undergrowth, you can hide in it and wipe at the enemy's paw. You quickly get up and nip a special tendril on their paw that deaden's it for about a day, so they'll be slower and clumsier in battle. You can also use this if the enemy is distracted." "Wow!" Amberpaw's eyes glittered in admiration. "Can I try it on you?" Frostwing's whiskers tiwtche din amusement. "Sure," she purred. "Just remember, a small nip for training. I don't want you to deaden my paw." Amberpaw nodded eagerly. Frostwing stopped. "Wait a second," she mewed. "Hey, Mistpaw, could you be my distraction?" Mistpaw nodded. He leapt up and screeching a battle cry, he landed in front of Frostwing. Another apprentice, Poppypaw, was watching in apt excitement. Frostwing made a feint to the side and swiped a sheathed paw at Mistpaw's ear. Mistpaw stumbled back, but then got back on his feet again and gave Frostwing a small nip to the shoulder. Meanwhile, Amberpaw was slowly advancing toward Frostwing. The breath was knocked out of her when Amberpaw swished a paw at her legs and she fell down. She didn't quite get up as easily as Frostwing did, but it was nevertheless effective. Then, she felt around her paw and then nipped the tendril, and Mistpaw and AMberpaw both advanced on her. "Get off me, you great big lump of fur!" Frostwing purred to Mistpaw. "Alright, you win. Amberpaw, you could've taken longer to find that tendril and get up, but it wasn't bad for a first try. Let's keep on practicing." By the end of the day, Amberpaw, Mistpaw and Poppypaw could all use that move fluently and effectively. Frostwing was pleased with their progress, so she let them have first pick of the fresh-kill pile. "Tomorrow we'll go hunting," Frostwing said on the way back to camp. Poppypaw's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Boring!" complained Mistpaw. Amberpaw mewed, "No, it won't I bet I can catch the fattest pheasant in the forest!" When they got back to camp, Poppypaw, Mistpaw and Amberpaw both fell on this plump hare, which they devoured. Frostwing's whiskers twitched. She settled for a mouse. NEXT DAY"Frostwing!!" Amberpaw crowed. Frostwing did not stir. "Frostwing?" Amberpaw clambered into the warrior's den and shook the white warrior's form. "Frostwing?" Frostwing moaned. "Amberpaw, I have a'll hasve to go out with Rowanwhisker today." "He's mean!" whined Amberpaw. "He's the only warrior open," murmured Frostwing. Amberpaw told Poppypaw and Mistpaw. Instead of finding Rowanwhisker, Poppypaw quietly slipped out and informed the medicine cat, Fernnose, to have a look at Frostwing. Fernnose yawned and got up. She strode over the warrior's den and examined Frostwing. "She has whitecough," Fernnose reported. "Here, eat some tansy and feverfew, Frostwing." The white warrior chewed up the bitter leaves and swallowed them, blinking. Mistpaw came over. "I thought the remedy for whitecough and greencough was catmint," he asked curiously. Fernnose shook her head regrettably. "I all out of catmint," she meowed.

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