
Charlotte Marie Hinds has a minion!

Minion the Purrvocateur

Charlotte Marie Hinds
Legacy Name: Charlotte Marie Hinds

The Arid Lain
Owner: Rymfy

Age: 13 years, 1 week

Born: June 8th, 2011

Adopted: 13 years, 1 week ago

Adopted: June 8th, 2011


  • Level: 20
  • Strength: 50
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 16
  • HP: 16/16
  • Intelligence: 149
  • Books Read: 149
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stylist

In a dimly lit room, by the lonely window, stood a tall and slender woman. She was looking outside, perhaps seeing the world beyond. She hugged herself tightly, as if afraid a part might fall off to the dark hardwood floor. One small candle stood beside her on the window sill; the light danced around in the room. From the corner of the room the shadows were reaching towards her. Her mind as dark as the northern winter, she watched as the moon rose higher.

She was Charlotte Marie Hinds, the one woman all the whispered rumours were about. She, who would soon inherit the manor along with its lands. "Father, I have decided", Charlotte whispered to the moon. She touched gently the silver locket hanging around her neck. For two years it had kept all her dear memories. On the back the faded letters spelled the name of a loved one. To set herself free she would have to dispose of it. Yet she enshrined her silver memories, her beloved prison.

Quite a long time had passed since Charlotte had last enojyed the pathetic gatherings of the society. She did not fit in, the lady who knew nothing of fashion. Her feathered dress had once been admired, now it was frowned upon. "Apparently almost anyone can climb the ladders to the society nowadays", said a woman with a bitter tone in her voice. She was young, barely seventeen years old. Her blonde curls were gathered on top of her head to make her appear taller. "Nice to see you too, Evangeline. It sure has been a while", Charlotte said pleasantly, giving a forced nod of approval. "A while indeed, but not quite long enough", Evangeline whispered while curtsying, loud enough to make sure it was heard. "How pleasant. How is your father, is he well?" Charlotte asked politely, ignoring the bitterness of the conversation. "Better than yours, obviously", Evangeline chuckled. Charlotte turned her back to the shallow young girl. How does one become so bitter, at such young age?

"Jacques, I have an announcement for you", Charlotte whispered to the ear of a dear friend.

Pet Treasure

Pemberley Letter Writing Set

Fancy Feathered Frock

Lobster Bisque


Elegant Lady Cameo

Antique Light Parlor Settee

Antique Light Chaise Lounge

Pet Friends

Laura Evangeline Dawson
May your luck turn for better, I wish you all the best.

Jacques Welch
What would I do without you?