
Julio has a minion!

Picolo the Brokenhearted Kitty

Legacy Name: Julio

The Bloodred Feli
Owner: Kid

Age: 54 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: December 31st, 1969

Adopted: 54 years, 5 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 31st, 1969 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Books Read: 5
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Paws lash out, producing the most melodious line of chords a cat of his caliber can muster.
Swaying to the rhythm, a silent dance seems to take place as he closes his large, luminous, eyes, and lets himself go in his own staccatos.
Weather it be hunched over, or leaning in ever so gracefully, he finds comfort and ease in the sounds he knows he created.

Flicking his silky grey tail, and dangling his paws that cannot touch the ground, he ignores the crowd that surrounds the bloodstained floors around him, barely visible against the low lights.
This he also takes no note of, it seems to be in his nature to ignore things after all, back then, they were right, he's just a cat.
Although, he feels he has proven them wrong tonight once again. That he is, more, then just a cat.

Opening his mouth, he sings along to his music with sensuality. Tapping at the piano keys with hidden claws, and more vibrant energy.
Singing of his emotions, and what he enjoys, what he knows, and what he loves.
Every chord is a gorgeous feast of harmony and vibrance, as his fur ripples to its sound.
Unable to conceal his excitement for what he has achieved, he lets out a melodic meow in between his lyrics, despite how hard he tries to hide his catlike voice.

He nears the end of his beautiful song, as well as the end to his music that fills the large, dim room.
He knows it's ending, and that sooner or later, he won't be able to enjoy what he likes anymore.
He shakes his head, soft ears slightly drooping. Perhaps, just tonight, he'll forget all that is worrying him.
Whiskers twitching, he continues his song for a moment more, wondering in the back of his mind, when he can dine in such a joyous activity once again.
A private concert, produced by him, and just for him.
Or perhaps him, and the dead.
He dosn't care anyways.

He cares about his music, and music alone.

Profile drawing, coding, and whatever else I put here is by me, Kid.


Pet Treasure

Cupboard Rat


Pet Friends