
Angel of Thursday has a minion!

Cassifer the Angelex

Angel of Thursday
Legacy Name: Angel of Thursday

The Angelic Lain
Owner: Oragami

Age: 12 years, 8 months, 4 weeks

Born: August 19th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 8 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: August 19th, 2011

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 45
  • Strength: 57
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 64
  • Health: 60
  • HP: 60/60
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Books Read: 6
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

You know, I've been here for a very long time. I remember many things. I remember being at a shoreline, and watching a little gray fish heave itself up onto the beach. And an older brother saying "Don't step on that fish Castiel. Big plans for that fish." .

I remember the Tower of Babel. All 37 feet of it, which I suppose was impressive at the time. And when it fell, the howled "Divine Wrath!". But come on, dried dung can only be stacked so high.

I remember Caine and Able. David and Goliath, Sodom and Gomorrah. And of course I remember the most remarkable event. Remarkable, because it never came to pass. Because it was averted by two boys, an old drunk and a fallen Angel. The Grand Story, and we ripped up the ending. And the rules, and Destiny, leaving nothing but Freedom and Choice. Which is all well and good except..

But what if I've made the wrong choice...How am I supposed to know...I'm getting ahead of myself.

Let me tell you my story. Let me tell you everything.

I wanted to say the same thing about the Apocalypse. Raphael wanted to get it going--as he put it, free Lucifer and Michael, so it could proceed.

I realized he wasn't joking about that when he said "It's God's will." When I questioned that, he merely answered that it was what he wanted.

I protested suddenly that the other angels wouldn't allow it. He countered by saying that angels were not meant to be free. He said they were meant to follow.

Then I said that I wouldn't allow it.

And I got the snot beat out of me, as Bobby might say, and I was told that the next day--either I kneeled, or I and anyone who was with me, would die.

Back at Ellsworth's, the boys and Bobby were poking around. First they marveled at how clean everything looked, and then when nothing occurred to them, Dean suggested that they call on me. Sam was hesitant, of course, but with Dean's persuasion he called for me. They both did.

I didn't answer, because...because I was afraid. They'd want to know things; things that I could NOT tell them.

Then it changed, quite suddenly.

Several demons showed up at once, one to attack each of them, and one said rather suddenly, "Crowley says hi."

I had to step in. There was really no other choice--they were my friends, after all, and these were some of Crowley's best! Even IF Crowley didn't like it, I...I just had to help them. So I smited the demons, and appeared at last to the trio.

Dean seemed satisfied once it was all over and after some quick thinking (and downplaying their hunting Crowley) I put their minds at ease. I lied to them.

He accused me of working with Crowley to get into Purgatory, and I protested that it was was protect the three of them. When Bobby mentioned that only Eve had gotten through and suggested I wanted to "let them all out" I justified it by saying that I could stop Raphael.

I asked for trust, and Sam burst out with, "How can we trust you?" I mentioned that it was I who brought him back, and he answered by saying that I did a very poor job of it. He even implied that I did it that way on purpose--brought him back soulless, that is.

I then said that it was because of Raphael, that if I hadn't made this deal then he would have been the death of the world!

Dean said that I had a choice...and that I took the wrong option. He said that I must have known the secret was wrong, else why would I have kept it hidden? He said that when situations like Raphael happen, I should just deal with it, like he and his brother and Bobby often have to. That's how they handle things.

A large cloud of demon smoke grows close after this, and then the trio run out the door.

Crowley appears soon after, and frees me from the fire.
I start to say something about his harming the boys, and he cut me off. He said he knows, he won't do a thing to them. Then he said that it's our friends holding us back, and mentioned the new Devil and the new God working together.


He told me that he knows what he is, and asked me what I was. That that was the difference between us--that he knew, and I didn't.

Then I went to see the boys. Bobby's not so great at angel-proofing, apparently.

I found Dean, and started trying to explain to him. He would have none of it and called me a CHILD! Said that just because I COULD do whatever I want, didn't mean that I SHOULD. He asked me not to proceed with my plan. To trust him...or he would have to stop me.

He couldn't do that, I'm an angel! And I told him as much.

It didn't seem to phase him

We both said we were sorry and parted ways.

That's everything. I wonder what I must do. My confidence wanes continuously...and I'm not sure what's right and what's wrong.

Thanks to User not found: qcontinuum for writing the story, because when I try...EPIC FAIL
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