
Beary has a minion!

Minion the Love Matter

Legacy Name: Beary

The Sweetheart Chai
Owner: flora

Age: 12 years, 7 months, 1 week

Born: October 21st, 2011

Adopted: 6 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: March 5th, 2018


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 0/10
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

premade profile by Chen

I Love You BEARY much

I remember the day you opened me. It was Valentine's Day. You were only a kid, but you wanted candy, and your parents wanted to make you happy so they got you a toy to go with it. I remember them picking me out, too. I was hidden in the back, worried I would never find a home, but they dug deep and found me. They gave me a big squeeze and decided I was the biggest, cuddliest bear when they put me in the cart.

You squealed when you took me out of the bag and gave me the name 'Beary', because of the heart attached to my paw that read "I Love You Beary Much". In my heart I was smiling. You loved me so much, and I loved you, too! I went everywhere with you. To the supermarket, to visit relatives, to school until I was deemed a distraction. Then I was put in the locker. I didn't mind, though! As long as you were close I was happy.

Every night I slept next to you. I was the envy of all your toys. You carried me around so much the heart stitched to my paw fell off. It itched anyways.

Over the years my fur started to get matted, stuffing started to pop out. Once my eye ever fell out. You took up sewing to fix me. I got a new button eye. It didn't match, but that was okay, because you gave it to me, and I love you!

Eventually you stopped playing with me so much. You were getting older. It made me sad, but every toy knows there's a day where they are outgrown. I fell under the bed, and I stayed there for a long time. Alone and in the dark, but still close to you. Then one day one of your parents found me. I was covered in dust and I couldn't have smelled too pleasant. They put me in a get rid of bag. You found me just in time, and took me out. I heard you two fight, about how you should just get rid of that old dirty thing.

You took me back up to your room and sprayed me with something and told me I was good as new. I stayed on your bed for a few months until again, I fell off the bed and was forgotten. I wasn't found again until you were cleaning your room. I heard that you were moving, and needed to get rid of things. I'll be honest I was a little hopeful you wouldn't find me, because I didn't want to leave you, but when you picked me up I was so happy. You grew so much since I last saw you! If I could've cried I would have shed some tears!

I knew you were contemplating throwing me away. I had accepted my fate, I have been with you much longer than any other toy. I didn't even see any toys in your room anymore. It took me by surprise when you put me in a box with some of your other old things. The words "attic" were written on it, and that's where I was put, and am today.

It's been years since I last saw you. I wonder how you are all the time. I know someday we'll be together again, and until then I hope you remember that I love you beary much!
overlay edit by Impo | story by Owl

Pet Treasure

Sweetheart Chai Plushie

Pink Polar Bear Plushie

Free Hug Coupon Sticker

Pink Assorted Box of Chocolates

Tiny Pink Hair Ribbons

Waterlogged Teddy Plushie

Brown Polar Bear Plushie

Heart Plushie

Pet Friends