
DArgoSun-Crichton has a minion!

Fuffy the Escalite

Legacy Name: DArgoSun-Crichton

The Chibi Escalade
Owner: Baylard

Age: 12 years, 7 months, 4 days

Born: October 28th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 7 months, 4 days ago

Adopted: October 28th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Quote from episode 22, "Dog with Two Bones": Hangar Scene: All Farscape shippers know what those two words mean. They evoke images and feelings of John, determined not to lose the two bones of Earth and Aeryn and deciding that he wanted Aeryn. They remind us of the pain and fear in Aeryn's face as she tells him that it's too late for her. They remind us of the frustration we all felt as these two people, clearly so deeply in love that it hurt their very souls to be apart, decided to let a coin toss decide their fate. Soon after this event and Aeryn leaves, unable to retrieve, John finds out she was pregnant.Aeryn: What do you want?John: You.Aeryn: Well, I'm afraid it's not that easy for me. See you died. I watched that happened and yet you're still alive. I have to go.John: Then say good-bye.Aeryn: We don't say good-byes.John: We do this time. You see you leave and then you come back and I can't handle the in between. Aeryn, say good-bye.Aeryn: Fine. Good-bye Crichton.John: (grabs her) John. My name is John. Good-bye John to my face.Aeryn: (shoving him) Guarantee you won't die in my arms again.John: (shoving her back) Guarantee you won't die in mine.Aeryn: I can, by leaving.John: Do you love John Crichton? Not him. Not me. John Crichton.Aeryn: Yes. (they kiss)John: Then what does that taste like?Aeryn: Yesterday.John: Well nobody can compete with that. I am so much better dead.Aeryn: I can't do this again.John: I can't let the one thing I love fly away in a crappy little ship.Aeryn: You once said it was as if the fates meant for us to be together.John: And I believe that.Aeryn: Well then if it's true we will be together again.John: Running away is not fate Aeryn. Running away is running away. Fine. Here you want fate, here I got fate. Fate here.Aeryn: What?John: Coin toss.Aeryn: What, like that side up you stay?John: Absolutely, fate.Aeryn: Just make a frelling wormhole and go home.John: There is no home. There is no wormhole. There's only you. Aeryn, anywhere in the universe. You pick the planet.Aeryn: It's too late for that.John: It's not too late.Aeryn: No, you're not listening to me. It's too late for me.John: You do this and we'll never see each other again.Aeryn: Do you love Aeryn Sun?John: Beyond hope.Aeryn: Then don't make me say good-bye and don't make me stay.

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Invader Plasma Blade

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