
Sirius has a minion!

I made the Meteo

Legacy Name: Alo

The Custom Galactic Archan
Owner: Tiger

Age: 6 years

Born: June 14th, 2018

Adopted: 6 years ago

Adopted: June 14th, 2018

Pet Spotlight Winner
August 28th, 2019


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

When world wasn't

And life eventually comes to exist

People tell a lot of stories about the origin of this world. Some talk about huge, powerful and benevolent beings who made everything what it is – others may talk about the universe itself being alive, creating itself out of nothing. Some say it was simply always there. None of these stories are entirely true, but aren’t entirely false, either.
Once, before everything was what it was, nothing existed, but three entities we call fairies – not the beautiful, humanoid beings, but still, beings so huge and powerful they could create existence itself. The first fairy had a fun personality. It wanted the world to be good, and wanted it to have beautiful things – and so, it created good. The second fairy, daring to be antagonistic, created evil. The third fairy, deciding to balance it all, created life, and then, the world was.

When world was

And life was with it

Eventually, as life came to be, it evolved into different, beautiful forms – animals, plants, humans and even a mixture of those made the world fun, and different.
Although the fairies enjoyed watching life evolve, one particular existence worried them. Animals were wonderful beings, full of mischief and evolving beautifully. Beasts were amazing hybrids, pure, unlike humans, being able to connect with both animals and humans. Humans were, perhaps, the most interesting, beautiful creatures that came to be – they were intelligent, and had wonderful abilities, being able to create, love, and knowing themselves. Yet, that made them fragile. Humans were also able to hurt each other, and eventually, they created chaos – fairies realized that as much as they were able to love, they were able to hate. Not like animals, who fought due to instinct, humans enjoyed seeing their equals hurt.

Fairies realized that some humans were becoming dangerous. As wars among humans came around, and people hurt themselves and others, the third fairy started to notice disbalance – humans were, somehow, accumulating negative feelings, keeping them to themselves, retaining them. It wasn’t long before the fairies saw the first death caused by a nightmare, one night, when a dark, big entity seemed to swallow the man entirely, before he fell to the ground, dead.

Nightmares were fun things that, along with dreams, seemed to intrigue the fairies. When beings who need sleep, like animals and humans, rested, all kinds of things passed through their minds – fairies were always amused by it, and those seemed to be deeply, subconsciously connected to those beings’ hearts. When that first human accumulated so many dark thoughts they separated from him into a whole new materialized being, the fairies found it fair to name them as such. Nightmares are non-sentient, shapeshifting beings, created directly from humans’ hearts, who feed on those dark thoughts, before they grow big enough to feed on humans themselves.

There was war. Among beasts, humans and even animals, a lot of them fought for survival against the nightmares – beasts and animals weren’t impure like humans, and weren’t able to create nightmares, and were, perhaps, the only beings able to stand up to them with a chance of survival. Humans, as intelligent as they were, lacked the strength to put up a fight.

The fairies avoided, as always, messing too much with the realm of the living – believing in free will, they wished to see humanity thrive, yet, they hoped humans could look onto themselves and realize how to fix their own mess. When Emptiness, the crawling chaos, showed up, they decided that it was time to help.

When guardians and humans are

And then they became one

They were like humans, and like animals, but were not beasts. Beasts were known to be strong beings when it came to brute force, and had a pure mind, free of evil and dark thoughts.
It’s said that they lived among the realm from above, as gate keepers, guardians between realms. They looked like animals in appearance, and it is said that they were divided in many different tribes and groups – to this day, there are many tales about huge groups like the Zodiac.

Fairies asked them to descend to the realm of the living, and help humans and beasts fight, and so, fairies and guardians made a contract: guardians wanted nothing but gratitude, and they would help humans they found worthy. Guardians from different species were assigned to specific families who decided to fight the nightmares, and so, these families started to be guided by those guardian spirits. They were taught about nature, elements and existence, and learned how to connect with nature and its elements.
Shrines were build to thank them for their help, and to shelter those in need of guidance from the guardians. In time, through generations, these guardians helped those families, and do so, to this day.

When time goes by

And everyone too

No one knows for sure how long ago the world was made, or when guardians descended to the realm of the living. A lot has changed since them – for everything that lives. Guardians continued to watch over those families. As time passed, and their children went on to build families of their own, and it is believed, today, that the manipulation of elements comes as a genetic trait – kids can inherit a Guardian from their biological father’s families, or their mothers. As beasts and humans decided, over time, to get along and fight together, it wasn’t too long before the Academy was created: an association to unite humans and beasts who wanted to protect others, fighting nightmares and avoiding chaos. Starting small, today it is the biggest one known, reuniting a huge army of people with all kinds of abilities, acting all over the world, researching and hunting these beings.

It’s hard to tell if all the stories are true, about fairies, guardians and every living being. Some say it was made up by someone so they could explain how this world was made. Some say it’s a story told by a Guardian, who once used to live among fairies. What is known, for sure, is that there is definitely a lot more to this world than people think – and a lot more to explore.

When a child is born

And so are the stars

On the most hidden places of the world, where most people can’t reach, it’s said that there are powerful Guardians who rule over these lands. Stronger than the Zodiac and any other group who’s been seen before – it’s said there is three of them. A powerful being, with the appearance of a lion, with roars that shake the earth and a mane who shines like the night sky. Another, seen a couple times (as told by stories) as a big, shining bird who’s said to rule over the skies. The third one is said to have fur so black one can be hypnotized by it – appearing as a huge lioness, as told in stories, it’s said to roar as loud as thunder, causing torrents nearby.

These stories, however, are not far from truth. Heros, Kassandra and Nahaliel are guardians and gate keepers of the realm of the living, protecting those who wander too far. They’re told to be responsible for what exists in this planet, from the smallest bug to the biggest mountain. Far too hidden from humans, where most can’t reach, they watch over everything.

It is said that once, when Heros and Kassandra fell in love, they gave birth to a child who made the stars. With fur dark as the night and mane shiny as the sun, he created constellations as easily as one breathed. People said he was born to defeat the crawling chaos, as an offspring of guardians, born in the realm of living – and one day, he would abandon his immortality to live among humans.

Alo, the star maker

And his human friends

Alo is a child of powerful beings called guardians. At 12 years old, he is a holy being, more powerful than any human ever seen, and yet, his pure mind of a child keeps him from realizing the dangers of the human world. He shows no interest in the duties of a guardian and loves to escape his home to adventure onto the realm of the living, meeting humans, beast and all kinds of weird creatures. His favorite ones are his two best human friends, Charla and Cadi, children from the Zodiac.

In order to blend among the living, he takes on his human form, a young, skinny boy with dark skin and dark curly hair, eyes green as emeralds. He is mischievous, too innocent for his own good, and is slowly learning a lot more about the realm of the living than he possibly could by living with his parents – he is watched over by Nahaliel, by order of his parents, to make sure he doesn’t go too far and get hurt, however, he and his friends are about to go deeper than anyone has ever been before, finding out about Emptiness and his origin.



Girl human friend, talks a lot and takes him to a lot of adventures.


Is friends with their parents, watches over him and helps him a lot.


Another human friend who goes on adventures with him, he likes her a lot.


Weird creature who is related with humans somehow. Big, kills everything.


profile template by piers.
art, overlay, text and code edit by Tiger
background by Dreamstime
space images by Astronoo

Pet Treasure


Lord Elsan


Lion Cuddle Buddy

Lion Squishy Doll

Lion Plushie



Cheery Sun Sticker

Beaming Sun Puffy Sticker


Sun Gem

Spring Sunshine Sticker

Moon and Sun Betamon Badge

Gold Sun Relic

Book of Sunrises

Star Snow Globe


Cutesy Shooting Star Sticker

Gold Star Sticker

Bronze Star Sticker

Black Knee Star

Shooting Star

Yellow Cheek Star Temporary Tattoo

Purple Cheek Star Temporary Tattoo

Pink Cheek Star Temporary Tattoo

White Cheek Star Temporary Tattoo

Plastic Shooting Star Pin

Bottled Star

Bottled Moon

Bottled Day

Bottled Sunset Sand

Galaxy Juice Globe

Galaxan Mist

Bottled Night

Sterling Nebula Cola

Confused Sky Sticker

Piece of a Confused Sky

Sunrise Fruit

Red Sky at Morning

Star Chart

Starry Night Sticker

Nugget of Night Sky

Midnight Fireworks Sticker

Lightshow Night Sky Fragment

Goodnight Sticker

Strong Armed Bowman Constellation Sticker


Aurora Lights Sticker

Starry Vesnali Egg

Night Sky Flower

Lightning Sylph

Cloud of Nebulous Space Dust

Shroud of the Galaxy

Swirling Twirling Galaxy

Sucking Black Hole

Black Hole Sticker

Black Hole

Banshee Sleepless Night

Asteroid Sticker

Asteroid Beanbag

Celestial Bath Bomb

Aurora Galaxy Crystal

Glowing Chunk of Space Rock


Eye Catching Aurora Borealis Shard

Smoldering Doomsday Rubble

Raw Obsidian

Celestium Ore

Raw Diamond

Raw Sapphire

Raw Spinel

Raw Opal

Aurora Vesnali Egg

Stormy Vesnali Egg

Cloudy Vesnali Egg

Galaxy Juice Globe

Smattering of Asteroids

Spiral Galaxy Projection

Inverted Galaxy Orb

Galaxy Orb

TRAPPIST Deep Space Shot

Leafeather Orb of the Night

Eerie Spatial Rift Sticker

Ball Lightning

Comet Snowball

Mini Meteor Souvenir

Shooting Fireballs

Sun Pearl

Burning Ball of Flaming Gas

Sun Lord Orb of the Dawn

Sun Potion

Bottled Harvest Moon

Lightning Bolt

Petrified Wood

Soul Stone

Fire Soul Stone

Water Soul Stone

Darkness Soul Stone

Earth Soul Stone

Traditional Rogue Ember

Ghostly Rogue Ember

Dark Rogue Ember

Flaming Scarf

Rift Matter

Light Matter

Pure Matter

Galaxy Fruit

Dark Crystal Shard

Crystal Shard

Ice Shard

Earth Shard

Magma Shard

Wind Shard

Light Shard

Life Shard

Death Shard

Fire Shard

Water Shard

Darkness Shard

Pet Friends