
Anthony Vontensin has a minion!

Mini Me the Huesabe

Anthony Vontensin
Legacy Name: Anthony Vontensin

The Spectrum Sheeta
Owner: lithium2433

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 3 days

Born: September 19th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 9 months, 3 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: September 19th, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 10
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 14
  • HP: 14/14
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Main Information

Name( birth ):Anthony Vontensin
Name( Geisha ): Ootori Saishki
Main Tea house association:Ikamiori
Likes:Traditonally made green tea,sweets,simple gifts,being with his Danna,cold weather,giving moneyto the poor
Dislikes:Heavy kimono/obis,rude patrions,being rude,the other three Geisha in his okiya,the color red
Geisha status:Full fledged Geisha
Normal wadges in a night:10,000 to 60,000 yen a night
Okiya status:Adopted son
Birth parents:In paridise
Siblings( real ):One brother ( ran away )
Siblings( adoptive ):His older sister Saishimutsu
Best gift recieved:Home made sweet cakes
Worst gift recieved:N/A
Favorite kimono:[url=""]Gift from his Danna[/url][url=""]Gift from one of his best patrions[/url]
Independance:Gained;Lives in a 2 room apartment over looking the Kaimo river

Everything done by me[/style]

Beautiful boy;
Like the blue in a flame,
Your kimono twirls,
Your silk caressed frame.
Dancing light;
You have trained for them,
In a face of white,
I hope your song never ends.
Maiko sing;With a flower in your hair,
A blossom in spring,
And a face so fair.
Graceful geisha;
A life you chose,
Petal and blade,
Dew on a rose.


The heart dies a slow death
Shedding each hope like leaves
Until one day there are none
No hopes, nothing remains
He paints his face to hide his face
His eyes a deep rose
It is not for Geisha to want
It is not for Geisha to feel
Geisha is an artist of the floating world
He dances, he sings, he entertains you
Anything you want
The rest is shadows, the rest is secret


The night has freshly fallen
upon the curved tile roofs
of Gion, Pontocho, Miyagawa-cho,
Gion Higashi and Kamishichiken;
the five geisha districts of Kyoto.
Paper lanterns are lit up
and ochayas come to life
as wealthy aristocrats
swagger to their parties.
The door of an okiya slides open
for an elegant geisha
to glide through.
"Ookini Okaasan"
flies from his lips,
painted a crimson blossom.
Glossy ink black locks
have been swept into a
elaborate hairstyle,
ornated with stunning kanzashi-
mere enhancements
to a masterpiece of hair.
The geisha's face, neck,
and back glow a luminous pearl.
His silk collar is drawn back
to reveal amidst a valley of
alabaster back: an enticing tongue
of unpainted flesh
at the base of his neck.
The geisha's kimono
rustles with every petite step.
His kimono is a rich black and
a deep sage green with a pattern
of swirls and sakura blossoms.
His obi, a deep sage green with
just a simple pattern of leaves.
A tidy box knot hangs below
his silk encased shoulder blades.
The padded hem of the geisha's
kimono pools on the cobble ground
trailing with every step and
rippling like waves on a sandbar
about the geisha's feet.
Each graceful foot is gloved
in a silk white tabi sock.
Both tabi are accessorized
by black lacquered zori.
The geisha floats through
a tea house gate, slips off
his sandals, and with a
brisk slide-snap of the shoji door,
the geisha enters the ochaya
and glides to richly furnished
tatami room to entertain his
wealthy clients.

Pet Treasure

Cherry Blossom Kimono

Decorative Chopsticks

Anko Dango

Pet Friends