
Candied has a minion!

Floss the Sweetie Sheep

Legacy Name: Candied

The Custom Sweetheart Devonti
Owner: Creature

Age: 5 years, 4 months, 3 weeks

Born: January 20th, 2019

Adopted: 5 years, 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: January 20th, 2019


  • Level: 50
  • Strength: 12
  • Defense: 39
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 47
  • HP: 0/47
  • Intelligence: 19
  • Books Read: 14
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Candy Taster


Name »

Candied Floss

Age »


Birthday »

February 3, 1999

Gender »


Orientation »


Alignment »

Chaotic Good

Abilities »

Candy creation / transmutation, candy body & nearly flawless healing abilities

Description »

Candied is quite striking, with pink and blue cotton candy toned striping on her horns. Similar streaks of blue extend throughout her candy fur, peeking out from the dominant pink subtly. Her hooves are also blue, only being broken up by the tiny little pink hearts engraved into the bottom.

Personality »

Candied is genuinely sweet, although she has no qualms doing what she thinks is right and can sometimes have bad results with good intentions.

"Candy is nature's way of making up for Mondays."


Hemic is a sarcastic creature with a natural ability to control both water and air elemental abilities. He has changed drastically since turning into a Lasirus, originally being a Lain. He rarely sees Noktis, but enjoys her company greatly when he does.


Confidence and charisma are Thermogenic's natural talents. He is sly and outspoken, and can often be full of himself. Thermogenic enjoys Noktis's sharp tongue and will often go out of his way to see her.


If a thunderstorm could have a personality, it would be Deirdra's to hold. Often contemplative but rough around the edges, she can come off as distant and uninterested. Noktis is one of the few creatures that can make Deirdra smile.


Syiren occasionally likes to make trips down from her mountain, but doesn't usually wander too far from home. She is a very solitary creature with a love for extreme climates, and several others have nearly frozen to death attempting to approach her domain. Noktis and Syiren don't see each other often.


Noktis is an interesting creature. Featuring a head on either end and the ability to sway natural luck in either direction depending on which head bites you, Noktis is well known for using her abilities to teach a valuable lesson to greedy folk. Supersonic is not particularly close to Noktis.


Stitchie was the result of some experimentation in his own personal lab. He eventually became an animated inanimate creature filled with plastic beans and stuffing. Despite his strange new life he considers his secret experiment a great success. Noktis enjoys spending the occasional evening with her brother.


Beautiful and often admired for her soft personality, Sooki's elemental ability to control plants and fauna is often used to bring smiles to the younger animals that share her forest home. Sooki is friends with everyone, and Noktis is often charmed by her.


Sirine is a positive thinker with a cheerful demeanor, making her home in the forest with Sooki. She is often right by the Earth elemental's side. Sirine is possibly the only thing that could rustle Sooki's fur enough to cause a level of protective viciousness, however her time alteration abilities make her a powerful force. Noktis feels fairly protective over her young sibling.


If anger had a face, it would probably be Scylar's snarling hiss, as the most temperamental of her siblings. Her family is fiercely loyal to her despite how unpleasant she can be. Noktis and Scylar have an interesting relationship, with Noktis bringing twisted humor into Scylar's life.


The smell of grave rot lingers in the air around Putridity. As her necromancy abilities flourished, her own body deteriorated over the years. She is constantly patching herself as needed. Noktis avoids her decaying sister like the plague.


Kaleidoscopes is perpetually upbeat, which is either loved or hated depending on which sibling you speak with. Kaleidoscopes pays that no mind, living in her blissful rainbow euphoria with her best friend Festaval. Noktis finds Kaleidoscopes to be fairly obnoxious, but tolerates her anyways.


Gwar used to be a military man, but shifted lifestyles many moons ago. Eventually, he grew to see a higher purpose in the world and his desire to be a part of something bigger. He has left his fate to the cosmos ever since. Noktis often rolls her eyes at Gwar, finding his enlightened behavior annoying.


Graice is incredibly adventurous with an appetite for in the moment situations that often get her into trouble. Noktis enjoys her antics, often encouraging her behavior and getting involved.


Festaval is the other half of the rainbow pack, with a perky personality and a soft heart. He cares deeply for others even if they do not care for him. Just like his rainbow sister, Noktis finds Festaval to be fairly irritating.


Pixiey revels in madness, finding humor in both good and bad actions. She has the ability to see the future and enjoys twisting it to suit her own purposes. Noktis absolutely adores her powerful sister, and they are often seen together.


Dobbie is a slow, friendly fellow. His demeanor is sluggish and often timid. His ability to emit light and use it to his advantage makes him a friend to most living creatures. Noktis is not particularly close with him, but does watch him with genuine curiosity frequently.


Incubis is the master of mental manipulation, able to temporarily input thoughts, images and false memories into any living things brain. Being close with Pixiey, Incubis spends a fair bit of his time with Noktis.


Levyna is a beautiful sight, but can be dangerous when her powers are not under control. She withers living things away when utilizing her abilities. Plants become sunken and crunchy and animals loose a lot of their will to fight. Although her abilities alone do not kill her enemies, the recovery and exposure often does. Noktis appreciates her sister, admiring her ability to deter without directly killing.


Lucien is haunted by the shadow of darkness, making him seem distant and often vacant. Noktis feels a sense of uneasiness around the young buck, but still chooses to study his behaviors as he slips deeper into the void.


Prickled is very intelligent, often found in his workshop creating schematics and contraptions. Although Noktis and Prickled are acquainted, she hasn't spent a lot of time with him personally.

Profile template by Lea.
Background from Pixabay.
Edits, story and custom Subeta art overlay done by myself, Creature.

Pet Treasure

Sweet Candy Fluff

Cotton Candy GumiBat Pop

Sugar Coated Cotton Candy Star

Cotton Candy Deceptively Delicious Lolly

Cotton Candy Rock Candy

Sweetheart Devonti Plushie

Ghostly Cotton Candy

Pet Friends