
Eyed has a minion!

Fallout the Atomic Kitty

Legacy Name: Eyed

The Custom Chibi Yaherra
Owner: Creature

Age: 5 years, 4 months, 4 weeks

Born: January 17th, 2019

Adopted: 5 years, 4 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: January 17th, 2019

Pet Spotlight Winner
December 7th, 2019


  • Level: 53
  • Strength: 56
  • Defense: 57
  • Speed: 57
  • Health: 63
  • HP: 34/63
  • Intelligence: 72
  • Books Read: 62
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Full-Time Test Subject

"Time to go, come on!"
A shrill squawk escaped the glowing creature's beak, angrily pecking at the rubber coated arms that now grappled her forepaws. A large flurry of tail feathers rose behind her, and dozens of glowing eyes contained within them angrily snapped open. Several men in HazMat suits stood in front of her, glowering at her menacingly behind tiny blue lights in their helmets. Her hackles raised instantly.
"You are coming with us, beast." The first man sneered, digging his heels in as he tugged on her. "We ain't askin!"
The bird creature hissed angrily, battering the men with her tail. Her body began to glow brighter as her own voice overpowered his. "Release me!"
Several men fell hard back onto the rocky floor. The ground trembled subtly beneath their feet. The three men still standing lunged forward, swiping at the creature's tail. Her body radiated vibrantly, the tails many eyes on her attackers.
One of the men who had been knocked backwards began writhing in agony, his claw-like hands grabbing at his helmet. Across his visor a large crack had split through and radiation had begun to spill into his suit. His shrieks of pain echoed eerily within the cave. Two other men on the ground scrambled onto their feet, their faces a ghostly white contrast against their helmets blue lights. Their own shouts of terror echoed away as they tore out of the main cavern, blindly following their legs where ever they carried them.
"Run away, ya cowards!" The first man snarled, swinging his weapon at the creature. "Eyed is going to revolutionise nuclear weaponry, and we'll take her with or without you!"
Eyed roared angrily as the three men pinned her tail, temporarily blinding her with the dirt floor of her cave. They forced her off her feet, battering her with sticks made of metal and pinning her limbs with their heavy boots. Fear had begun to swell inside her chest as she thrashed in vain. In the distance she could hear the dying mans screams growing weaker. The cave walls had begun to noticeably vibrate.
'I have no choice.'
Suddenly the eyes on her tail slammed shut. The eyes on her head snapped open.
A blinding explosion of radiation burst forth from within Eyed, devastating the inner workings of her cave and immediately vaporizing her enemies. Nuclear energy erupted from what was the ceiling with so much force it created a mushroom cloud that could be seen for miles. Rocks began to fall from the sky. The air was thick with nuclear fallout.
As the dust settled, Eyed uncovered herself from the protection of her large tail. Her normal sights had closed once more, and the many eyes on her tail blinked sadly at the devastation she had once again caused. She had leveled much more than her own home.
'But I had no choice.'
The little voice in her head that justified her actions still couldn't shake the feelings of guilt that were a constant burden upon her shoulders. But she knew she couldn't stay and take it in for very long. It would be time to move on and find a new place to hide and call home soon. Shaking her feathers uneasily as she prepared to move on she sent a silent thanks to her old home for keeping her safe for so long.
Sighing sadly the nuclear creature began to glow green. In a flash Eyed had vanished, leaving nothing but the crater of destruction in her place.

Name »

Eyed Atomic [Ay-ed-At-om-ic]

Age »

Appears to be 17 (immortal)

Birthday »

March 24, 1876

Gender »


Orientation »


Alignment »

True Neutral

Abilities »

Radiation emission, nuclear bomb explosive, light emission & teleportation

Description »

Eyed is striking to look at, with deep black feathers marking her torso, face and flank. The bigger feathers on her tail and forehead glow eerily with the nuclear power contained within her body. The two eyes on her face are almost always shut, while the many glowing eyes on her tail guide her path. No one has ever seen the eyes on her face open and lived to tell about it. It is said that her eyes will only open under extreme circumstances. The force of nuclear energy that will be emitted is strong enough to level an entire city.

Personality »

Eyed is very neutral, and her personality isn't much different. She has a great deal of knowledge for those who can withstand the massive amount of radiation her body can emit. Due to her own preferences and her inability to shut down her nuclear power she lives comfortably in exile, making her home in the depths of a large and well hidden cave in the desert. Those who have managed to communicate with her have found her to be defensive but friendly once she accepts you are not there to harm her or misuse her powers.

"Uranium fever has done and got me down,
uranium fever is spreadin' all around."
-Uranium Fever - Elton Britt


Hemic is a sarcastic creature with a natural ability to control both water and air elemental abilities. He has changed drastically since turning into a Lasirus, originally being a Lain. Like most of his siblings, he has not met Eyed at all - although he does know of her.


Confidence and charisma are Thermogenic's natural talents. He is sly and outspoken, and can often be full of himself. Thermogenic has never met Eyed.


If a thunderstorm could have a personality, it would be Deirdra's to hold. Often contemplative but rough around the edges, she can come off as distant and uninterested. Eyed has heard of her, but they do not know each other personally.


Syiren occasionally likes to make trips down from her mountain, but doesn't usually wander too far from home. She is a very solitary creature with a love for extreme climates, and several others have nearly frozen to death attempting to approach her domain. Eyed and Syiren don't see each other.


Supersonic is a lovable creature that could befriend anyone in a matter of seconds. She is perpetually happy and good natured with a desire to brighten others lives. She can be a little overbearing to some, but most fall for her charms quickly. Eyed has never met her.


Stitchie was the result of some experimentation in his own personal lab. He eventually became an animated inanimate creature filled with plastic beans and stuffing. Despite his strange new life he considers his secret experiment a great success. Eyed has never met him.


Beautiful and often admired for her soft personality, Sooki's elemental ability to control plants and fauna is often used to bring smiles to the younger animals that share her forest home. Sooki is one of the few who is able to see Eyed face to face, however she needs to spend a significant amount of time away from her family to expel the radiation before returning.


Sirine is a positive thinker with a cheerful demeanor, making her home in the forest with Sooki. She is often right by the Earth elemental's side. Sirine is possibly the only thing that could rustle Sooki's fur enough to cause a level of protective viciousness, however her time alteration abilities make her a powerful force. Eyed has never met Sirine.


If anger had a face, it would probably be Scylar's snarling hiss, as the most temperamental of her siblings. Her family is fiercely loyal to her despite how unpleasant she can be. Eyed has never met Scylar.


The smell of grave rot lingers in the air around Putridity. As her necromancy abilities flourished, her own body deteriorated over the years. She is constantly patching herself as needed. Putridity is not a living creature, so she is one of the only things capable of reaching Eyed and seeing her face to face.


Kaleidoscopes is perpetually upbeat, which is either loved or hated depending on which sibling you speak with. Kaleidoscopes pays that no mind, living in her blissful rainbow euphoria with her best friend Festaval. Kaleidoscopes has not met Eyed.


Gwar used to be a military man, but shifted lifestyles many moons ago. Eventually, he grew to see a higher purpose in the world and his desire to be a part of something bigger. He has left his fate to the cosmos ever since. Gwar has not met Eyed.


Graice is incredibly adventurous with an appetite for in the moment situations that often get her into trouble. Graice knows of Eyed's existence, but avoids direct contact.


Festaval is the other half of the rainbow pack, with a perky personality and a soft heart. He cares deeply for others even if they do not care for him. Just like his rainbow sister, Festaval does not know Eyed.


Pixiey revels in madness, finding humor in both good and bad actions. She has the ability to see the future and enjoys twisting it to suit her own purposes. Eyed has met Pixiey face to face due to her immortality, but Pixiey can't stay long without becoming very sick.


Dobbie is a slow, friendly fellow. His demeanor is sluggish and often timid. His ability to emit light and use it to his advantage makes him a friend to most living creatures. Eyed has never met Dobbie.


Incubis is the master of mental manipulation, able to temporarily input thoughts, images and false memories into any living things brain. Being close with Pixiey and also immortal, Incubis has met Eyed. He will get ill if he stays around her too long.


Levyna is a beautiful sight, but can be dangerous when her powers are not under control. She withers living things away when utilizing her abilities. Plants become sunken and crunchy and animals loose a lot of their will to fight. Although her abilities alone do not kill her enemies, the recovery and exposure often does. Eyed is aware of Levyna's existence, however they have not met.


Lucien is haunted by the shadow of darkness, making him seem distant and often vacant. He knows Eyed personally. Due to his recent change Lucien is immune to Eyed's radiation emission.


Prickled is very intelligent, often found in his workshop creating schematics and contraptions. Although Eyed and Prickled are acquainted, she hasn't spent a lot of time with him personally.


Wolfen is a pure heart, believing in the strength of others and always following through on his promises. He is one of the greatest friends anyone could ever have. Despite this, Eyed has never met him due to her powers.


Candied is a pleasant creature, tending to be as sweet as her cotton candy pelt. She is shy but kind hearted, often charming those who get to know her. Eyed has never met Candied.


Noktis is an interesting creature. Featuring a head on either end and the ability to sway natural luck in either direction depending on which head bites you, Noktis is well known for using her abilities to teach a valuable lesson to greedy folk. Eyed and Noktis know each other and she finds the small lizards amusing.


Ignescent is distant but powerful, with fire abilities that can level entire populations. She lives inside an active volcano, well known for isolating herself voluntarily. Eyed has never met Ignescent.

Profile template by Lea.
Background from Pixabay.
Edits, story and custom Subeta art overlay done by myself, Creature.

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