
Legacy Name: Demitiri

The Nightmare Kanis
Owner: Nayona

Age: 10 years, 6 days

Born: May 25th, 2014

Adopted: 10 years, 6 days ago

Adopted: May 25th, 2014

Pet Spotlight Winner
January 19th, 2018


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Clerk

There was a tea house tucked away in the middle of the city. It was two stories and neatly stowed away in between two larger business buildings. Once the grand doors swung open you were greeted to a large ballroom like entrance. A extravagant chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a double half spiral staircase leading up to the second floor. A foreign rug was sprawled out leading up to the foot of the staircase as if beckoning you to follow.

The windows were long and almost touched from the floor to the ceiling letting in rays of light. Large satin curtains neatly tied with rose colored ropes. Gold trim was intricately woven into the staircase’s railing. There was the faint smell of lavender wafting from the kitchen.

Greeted by a young woman in a maid uniform who welcomed you with a bow of her head. This place was called a tea house but was known by locals as much much more. A young man dressed as a butler arrived with a silver tray with freshly brewed tea as he escorted you to a couch near the staircase, setting the tea and macaroons down on the marble table in front of you.

You had many options here. You could sit and drink tea whilst talking with one of their hosts. Or maybe the garden was more fitting for your needs. Refreshments were provided during your stay. But if staying and talking wasn’t your cup of tea then the hosts were also available for dates. Private one on one dates or to even act as a plus one to an event.

There was a cup of tea for everyone at this tea house.

Each host lived within the tea house enjoying room and board for their work as well as food. It wasn’t unlikely for hosts to get a little business on the side despite the distaste of the owner. Both men and women graced the halls of this boarding homes of sorts.

One of their hosts which was a little rough around the edges seemed to give that bad boy fantasy a run for it’s money. Black hair with red tips, piercings, and rather casual attire. Always breaking the rules living up to his bad boy image. Home after curfew, always taking customers up on extra business, and getting into a fight or two.

But he promised to accommodate the needs of his client, no matter how big or small.

Profile credit: Saint, Profile art by: User not found: coy, Overlay art by mei, Story: Me

Pet Treasure

Rusty Nail

White Bear

Black Bear

Gut Wrencher

Bloody Marian




Mai Tai


Sample Size Wheat Beer

Icy Hot Shot

Foxy Chocolate Shot

No Hander

Slippery Nipple

Flaming B-52

Spinning Spectrum Illumis Cocktail

Mint Cooler Cocktail

Priberry Jelly Shots

The Haze

The Smoker

Rhubarb and Tequila Cocktail

Whiskey Sour

Pineapple Splash Cocktail

Caberet Cocktail

Bloody Mary

Shot of Brandywine

Melon Sour

Honeydew Cocktail

Berry Infusion Cocktail

Spiced Orange Punch

Starstruck Melon Cocktail

Lime Slush Cocktail

Grilled Cherry Sour Cocktail

Omen Long Islands Iced Tea

Citrus Evergreen Twist

Spiked Grapefruit Seltzer

Grapefruit Melody Cocktail

Orange Splash Cocktail

Crushed Melon and Mint Cocktail

Mango and Peach Cocktail


Citrus Tang Cocktail

Tangy Cherry Cocktail



Mango Lassi

Gin Fizz

Lemon and Mint Cocktail

Champagne Dream

Kir Royale

Haunting Nightmare Illumis Cocktail

Harvey Wallbanger

Bahama Mama

Lime Water


Twist-N-Turn Shot

Tropical Swirly

Cherry Kick Cocktail

Bloodthirsty Mary


Triple Bloody Caesar

Mint Julep

Bubbly RasBlu Tonic

Mint Berry Cocktail

Raspberry Spring

Tipsy Grape Cocktail

2Hot Shot

Sweet Tangerine Cocktail

Grapefruit and Pomegranate Kicker

Strawberry and Lemon Cocktail


Super Bellini

Soothing Petal Cocktail

Fun On The Beach

Orange Twist Fizz

Blue Cooler Cocktail

Pina Colada

Punch in the Riftail

Sailors Delight

Mimosa Punch




Sexy Frozen Citrus Cocktail

Lipstick and Lace

Strawberry Daiquiri






Pink Squirrel

Rosewater Champagne

Honey Bubble Daiquiri

Sweet Orange Cocktail

Lemon Drop

Tangy Lime and Cherry Cocktail

Lime and Mint Cocktail

Bubbly Apple Spritzer

Sweet Mango Orange Cocktail

Swirling Galaxy Cocktail

Subeta Sunrise

Cranbulle Cocktail

Strawberry Fruited Drink

Orange Cream Cocktail

Pink Kitty Cat

Frost Bitten Glacier Illumis Cocktail

Crackling Reborn Illumis Cocktail

Mint Leaf Cocktail

Gilded Drinking Flask

Weathered Sailors Flask


Wood Bourbon


Stack of Cash Plushie

Red Vesnali Rose

Twist Lip Piercing

Survivors Vest

Plain Cream Button-Down

Black Mercilessly Shredded Jeans

Red Tennis Shoes

Pet Friends