
SonataMoon has a minion!

Tender Empathy the Magical Special Bear

Legacy Name: SonataMoon

The Angelic Dillema
Owner: PiplupMagby34

Age: 7 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 21st, 2016

Adopted: 7 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: November 21st, 2016

Pet Spotlight Winner
April 23rd, 2018


  • Level: 11
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
Story and Background by PiplupMagby34


SonataMoon had always known it.

She was the girl’s most beloved toy. They frolicked through the flowers, splashed through the mud, and took naps under the trees. At night, when the little girl was tucked into bed, SonataMoon was right by her side as the girl slipped off into dream land. SonataMoon was there when other youngsters came to play with her owner. She noticed that some children had stuffed animal friends like her owner did and others had more mechanical toys. Some of the children even had what they called “imaginary friends”, playmates who were invisible to the naked eye. SonataMoon wondered about these imaginary friends and came to the conclusion that they existed to help children when they needed them. SonataMoon felt the same way; she wished to be there for her owner no matter what.

When the little girl was 11 years old, her family moved away to a new home in a far-off continent. As always, SonataMoon was by the little girl’s side. The girl started at a new school but had trouble making new friends. SonataMoon would hear her owner weeping because the local girls were being mean to SonataMoon’s owner. Apparently, she was too “bookish” and “liked fairy tales too much.” It broke SonataMoon’s heart to hear these words used to describe her owner. SonataMoon knew that her owner was compassionate and loyal. She wished she could stand up for her owner, but alas she was only a toy.

One fateful Saturday, SonataMoon was in the arms of her owner as they were going home. She felt the familiar snuggle that the girl had given her all these years. All of a sudden, some girls noticed SonataMoon’s owner and began to tease her. SonataMoon saw tears begin to appear in her owner’s eyes and felt sad as well. Why did those girls have to be so mean? Suddenly, a scream rang out from behind SonataMoon and her owner. SonataMoon’s owner turned around to see several dillemas growling at the other girls. One of the dillemas grabbed one of the girls as the youngster cried for help. The other girls were too frightened to help and ran away. SonataMoon was shocked, not only at the sudden attack but also because these creatures looked exactly like her. SonataMoon didn’t know much about dillemas, who had the ability to steal souls from people. SonataMoon became even more surprised when her owner rushed toward the attacking dillema and used SonataMoon as a weapon to drive the dillema away. As a result of the blow, the dillema let go of the girl it was holding captive and took a few steps back in confusion. SonataMoon fell to the ground and felt the roughness of the rock path on her body. Just then SonataMoon heard the mean dillema growl and turned her head to see the dillema preparing to lunge at her owner. Just as the dillema was about to sink his claws into the little girl, a pink blob rushed in between the attack at the last minute, protecting the little girl from the attack. Suddenly several adults rushed into the scene and fired weapons at the mean dillemas, driving them away. Both SonataMoon’s owner and the other girl were now safe, but the quiet didn’t last for long. SonataMoon’s little girl was crying bitterly, because her beloved toy had been mauled beyond repair as a result of the incident. The adults tried to console the young girl, but to no avail.

SonataMoon opened her eyes and found herself in a strange world. There were light pink clouds, rainbow butterflies were flying about, and flowers with light blue petals were sprouting from a few of the clouds. As the dillema tried to make sense of her new surroundings, she heard a voice. “Dear SonataMoon, said the voice, “you have acted lovingly and bravely. Your selfless sacrifice for your owner has rewarded you with a real body.” SonataMoon looked at her body and saw that she now had wings on her pink body and a halo over her head. “My owner… is she all right?” asked the dillema. “Yes,” answered the voice, “your little girl is fine and she will have a happy life. You, however, are now needed in the lives of other plushies. These plushie are ignored and unappreciated just like your owner. You must find them and help them with doing good deeds for others. When the time comes, those plushies who prove to have love inside their hearts will become real creatures as well.” SonataMoon accepted her new task and flew all across Subeta, finding lost, lonely plushies and guiding them along the path of love. For love is what makes a being truly exist.

Pet Treasure

Nostalgic Kanis Toy

Old Bunny Plushie

Royale Verano Maid Doll

Cheerful Rag Doll Plushie

Old Harvester Doll

Purple Old Kitten Doll

Black Old Kitten Doll

White Old Kitten Doll

Orange Old Kitten Doll

Yellow Old Kitten Doll

Red Old Kitten Doll

Navy Old Kitten Doll

Green Old Kitten Doll

Pink Old Kitten Doll

Blue Horse Patchy Plushie

Teal Horse Patchy Plushie

Green Horse Patchy Plushie

Red Horse Patchy Plushie

Pink Horse Patchy Plushie

Purple Horse Patchy Plushie

Brown Horse Patchy Plushie

Patchy Camel Plushie

Brown Patchy Puppy Plushie

Black and White Patchy Puppy Plushie

Handmade Fabric Scraps Experiment 4423 Plushie

Handmade Fabric Scraps Experiment 7777 Plushie

Patchy Puppy Plushie

Flaopy Plushie

Bebemelody Plushie

Zuzu Plushie

Dream Plushie

Bear Plushie

Beloved Bunny Doll

Lil Stuffins

Lonely Forgotten Sack Doll

Lonely Forgotten Sack Doll

Lonely Heartbroken Sack Doll

Abandoned Grungy Sack Doll

Old Root Rot Bear Plushie

Green Well-Loved Red Rreign Plushie

Orange Well-Loved Red Rreign Plushie

Brown Well-Loved Red Rreign Plushie

Blue Well-Loved Red Rreign Plushie

Red Well-Loved Red Rreign Plushie

Green Sock Red Rreign Plushie

Purple Sock Red Rreign Plushie

Red Sock Red Rreign Plushie

Yellow Sock Red Rreign Plushie


Old Fashioned Snowflaik Plushie

Black Kitty Spooky Doll

Oversized Stuffed Kitty

Nuclear Lifelike Fester Doll

Nuclear Lifelike Swampie Doll

Nuclear Lifelike Torrent Doll

Nuclear Lifelike Legeica Doll

Nuclear Lifelike Dragarth Doll

Cream Lifelike Ghostly Doll

Cream Lifelike Demi Doll

Cream Lifelike Cybill Doll

Cream Lifelike Escalade Doll

Cream Lifelike Kerubi Doll

Cream Lifelike Jollin Doll

Cream Lifelike Lain Doll

Sun Lifelike Zentu Doll

Sun Lifelike Keeto Doll

Sun Lifelike Neela Doll

Sun Lifelike Kora Doll

Sun Lifelike Donadak Doll

Sun Lifelike Manchu Doll

Field Lifelike Montre Doll

Field Lifelike Feli Doll

Field Lifelike Kora Doll

Field Lifelike Keeto Doll

Field Lifelike Ghostly Doll

Field Lifelike Wyllop Doll

Field Lifelike Kerubi Doll

Dusk Lifelike Kumos Doll

Dusk Lifelike Escalade Doll

Dusk Lifelike Anyu Doll

Dusk Lifelike Popoko Doll

Dusk Lifelike Noktoa Doll

Dusk Lifelike Wyllop Doll

Dawn Lifelike Rreign Doll

Dawn Lifelike Donadak Doll

Dawn Lifelike Anyu Doll

Dawn Lifelike Tigrean Doll

Dawn Lifelike Keeto Doll

Cherry Lifelike Wyllop Doll

Cherry Lifelike Jollin Doll

Cherry Lifelike Escalade Doll

Cherry Lifelike Anyu Doll

Cherry Lifelike Feli Doll

Cherry Lifelike Sheeta Doll

Silver Lifelike Swampie Doll

Silver Lifelike Dragarth Doll

Silver Lifelike Torrent Doll

Silver Lifelike Archan Doll

Silver Lifelike Cybill Doll

Arid Lifelike Noktoa Doll

Arid Lifelike Feli Doll

Arid Lifelike Darkonite Doll

Arid Lifelike Montre Doll

Arid Lifelike Chelon Doll

Arid Lifelike Telenine Doll

Arid Lifelike Zasaba Doll

Arid Lifelike Donadak Doll

Common Lifelike Darkonite Doll

Common Lifelike Kerubi Doll

Common Lifelike Neela Doll

Common Lifelike Kumos Doll

Common Lifelike Kora Doll

Common Lifelike Zasaba Doll

Common Lifelike Montre Doll

Pet Friends