
Himawari has a minion!

Thillyampalam the Fable

Legacy Name: Molly Lou Melon

The Custom Chibi Lasirus
Owner: Protected

Age: 15 years, 10 months, 5 days

Born: July 29th, 2008

Adopted: 15 years, 10 months, 5 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 29th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 320
  • Strength: 800
  • Defense: 660
  • Speed: 750
  • Health: 785
  • HP: 779/785
  • Intelligence: 981
  • Books Read: 966
  • Food Eaten: 12
  • Job: Agent


profile template (c) helix (get it)
background credit: Francois Loubser/Alamy
overlay by Protected
story by Protected
referencing mah hubs Protektor
mirror code by Phoenix
fuzzy potato by Tribe
smol bean by Kinnoyu
fuzzy ball bat doodle by Gengaar

Art Gallery (IOoA):

an ode to being protected

Hi! 👋
I'm Protected!
This is something special for me, you see,
because I didn't always feel protected.

But it was my most significant, most private dream.

To know without certainty that I was considered.
I was someone's priority.
To think I was beloved.
The weirdo that I am.

That's such... such a miracle.

Another human being cares what happens to me.
They would charge hell with a water pistol.
For me!

I have help!
I am not alone!
I’m not super sure I’m worth all that at times…
I sometimes feel very small and really worth..less.
But in those times, I have been reassured and proven otherwise.
Hima is my feeling of smol.
Precious, silly bean.
She's all my littleness, every delicate part of me, the sense of wonder worth preserving, everything that needs protecting.
You’ll be kind, won’t you?

To be protected…
That feeling... that safety.
Safety. Peace. Security.
No matter what you do, you have a home.
Maybe that home is a place. Maybe it's just a person.
That doesn't make it less significant.
Sometimes it makes it more.
Do you know what it's like when a person is your home?
When you can truly trust and love with your whole heart.
When you can royally screw up and they'll forgive you.
That's a blessing.
Be that for someone.
Be that safe space.
Take up a mantle.
Be a Protektor.

We are a meaning-making species.
Why? Who knows.
But you know it’s true.
Knowing why is ultimate, it’s understanding, it’s ‘closure’.
So… make sure you know ‘the why’ of you.
You get to pick that, you know that right?
You choose who you are and why that is.
Don’t ever forget!
It's been said to "be the best of ourselves".
So, like… let’s be the BEST of ourselves.
What an admirable aspiration!
I know it's harder than it sounds.
But let's try, shall we?
If everyone has someone to protect,
then everyone gets protected.
Even if it’s just one more.
Just one more.
Just one more.
It makes a difference!
We can do it!

To arms!

Protect the littles!

Art Gallery

Pet Treasure

Battered Books

The Xotl Princess


Book of Celestial Bodies

Sudden Rainstorms

Peanut Butter

Crumbly Bread Loaf

Sleepy Time Mortiking Pal

Cece Field Day Glasses

Painting with Blob Kit

Sailors Warning

Sailors Delight


Summer Reading Backlog

Mac-N-Cheese Bowl Beanbag

Stargazing Journal

How to Stargaze

Pineapple Splash Cocktail

Canned Cranberry Sauce

Mug of Tomato Soup

Heart-Shaped Grilled Cheese

Candied Hibiscus



Little Balls of Sunshine in a Bag

Extra Chocolatey Hot Chocolate Drink

Understanding the Universe

Mixed Blessing Potion

Hoarded Books

Book Worm Buddy

Adorable Bat Sticker


Bow-E Panacea Headband

Cece Keyed Up Glasses

Fresh Fuu Statuette

No Ragret Sticker

Tortilla Chips with Guacamole

Luminaire Sweater Bumbus Plushie

Super Awesome Potato

Salt and Pepper Avocado Toast

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

Stargazing Beanbag

Budasaur Special Edition Betadoll


Curly Fries

Roasted Potatoes

Secret Cutie Luminaire Gift

Cold Water

Joyful Candy Goblin

Shiny Bean Bead

Luminaire Sweater Blob Plushie

Our Solar System Pop-up Book

Cloud Watching

Cloud Identification

Honey Hibearnating Plushie

Pineapple Slice

Cuddly Tardigrade Plushie

Well-Loved Beat-Up Book

Red Rice

Spicy Burrito

Refried Beans

Vegan Mac-N-Cheese

Luminaire Sweater Mortiking Plushie

Pet Friends

Two Halves of…

...the Same Whole

Don't forget the helpers! Help the helpers

Hima needs big friends because she is liddol

Bim Perazim
Cookie Monster!

Upon a
Dark Side

The Napper in Dreamland

Nanakorobi Yaoki
Fall 7, Rise 8