
Maroon has a minion!

Evergreen the Sheir

Legacy Name: Torn to Shreds

The Chibi Neela
Owner: Protected

Age: 14 years, 11 months, 3 weeks

Born: June 10th, 2009

Adopted: 1 year, 10 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: July 24th, 2022

Pet Spotlight Winner
July 3rd, 2023


  • Level: 100
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 100
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 15/15
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 10
  • Job: Unemployed


profile template (c) helix (get it)
adopted from: Adrenalize
background credit: deviantart user-tatasz
story credit: Protected
edited by Tribe
with contributions by User not found: cauld
also inspired by silas’s Niconatta
finished via Cyroris’s Workshop

it is what it is

Maroon was born just after dawn and right before sunrise on The First Day.
She’s seen it all. Watched everything.
Time moves, she does not.
She’s here now, and she’ll be here long after you.

Be careful, don’t you know how irritating you are?

She’s very close to mad, you know.

You’re all the same, in the bad and the good, but you don’t see it.

You’re born.
You cry.
You eat, you laugh, you poop.
You grow.
You learn.
You wonder.
You’re alive.

Time passes.

You love.
You are loved.
You’re taken care of, you learn to talk before you learn to think and reason.
You make mistakes.
You’re a burden.
You eat too much candy, you forget to brush your teeth, you say something to a friend you didn’t mean, but now they’re crying and their feelings are hurt and you are ashamed.
You learn shame.
You learn guilt.
You learn to apologize.
You keep growing.
You go to school, you stub your toe, you open the door in someone’s face, you find money on the ground, your favorite stuffed animal loses an [x] and someone helps you repair it, or maybe they don’t.
Either way, you’re learning.
You’re gathering data, like-experiences, you share these with the people around you.

People just like you.

You’re all the same.

Time passes.

You get a bad grade, you lose your favorite toy, you walk under a tree coming home from school and hit your head where you normally wouldn't.
I guess you're taller.
You spill all over your favorite shirt/your aunt’s carpet/your friend’s room and you know panic and irritation and, oho, there’s more shame, some embarrassment, maybe.
Another apology.
Another hug.
Another smile.
You appreciate forgiveness.
You appreciate love.
You make a drawing/write a story/build a birdhouse/cover a pinecone in peanut butter and birdseed and wow!
You learn success.
You learn pride.
You learn humility?
Maybe not.

Time passes.

You say something you didn’t mean.
Oh, and you really didn’t mean it.
Didn’t you learn the first time?
It was really, really bad.
Someone’s really, really hurt and it’s your fault.
You feel terrible.
You want to throw up.
You cry.
You sob.
You can't breathe.
It wracks your body so hard your bones hurt.
You didn’t mean it.
Can you fix it?
Maybe not.
You're learning.

Time passes.

You know there's a party, but you're not invited.
You leave bread too long and it gets moldy.
You forget to do your laundry.
You head out and forget your/keys/wallet/phone.
You had people who were your friends, but they're not your friends anymore.
The absence of some is painful, others you forget entirely.
You work at a job you like.
You work at a job you don’t like.
You understand it’s important to treat people kindly, because you’ve had people treat you unkindly.
Some people treat you very kindly.
How wonderful to have friends!
How wonderful to love.
You know such happiness!
You laugh until you pee a little, you have more inside jokes than you can count, you have nicknames for people and they, in turn, have nicknames for you.
You feel known.
You feel acknowledged.
There are things that make your eyes leak water, isn't that weird?
There are things that make you so mad, you could level a house.
There are things that make you so happy, you’d swear you’re radiating sunshine itself.
You have favorite songs and movies and colloquialisms and people know that about you.
Do you feel worthy of being loved?
Sometimes, yes.
Sometimes, no.
Sometimes you feel like you're not worth much of anything at all.
Sometimes you hate yourself.
Sometimes you really hate yourself.
Maybe you know why.
Maybe you don't.

Time passes.

You love, but you're not loved in return.
You're loved, but it means nothing to you.
Then, you love and are equally loved!
What a feeling.
But then it's gone.
All of a sudden.
And, man, does that hurt.
You feel more things.
You learn coping mechanisms.
You add to your knowledge. Whatever that might mean for you.
You work.
And work.
And work.
You have no idea why you're here.
You find yourself sighing a lot.
You sleep.
You wake up.
Your shower runs out of hot water, you get a paper cut in between your fingers,
you lose a sock.

Time passes.

You were raised a certain way.
You start to realize the faults in that.
Your parents probably did the best they could with what they had.
But, I mean… it wasn’t great.
You have some scars, mostly internal.
They require confronting.
Coming to terms.
Hopefully you break some cycles.
Restrictive patterns in your family, shattered at your hand.
By your will.
Because you made a choice.
You own your choice.
You grow.
You’re learning.

Time passes.

You watch someone get sick.
Someone really important.
You feel fear.
You don’t know what to do.
You don’t know how to act.
You wake up and after a few sleepy blinks, the full force of dread slams back into you.
You watch them fight.
Or maybe you watch them wither.
What they once were, they struggle to be.
Or maybe they are no more.
And the person you knew disappears in front of your eyes.
And you have that thought in the back of your head that it might happen to you, too.

It happens.

They’re gone.

And here you are.
You’re still here.
The Five Stages.
Some things happen.
Maybe all the things.
Maybe one thing.
Ideally, you’ll be thankful for their influence.
You hold what they taught you close.
That’s how they live on.
Through you.
You’re so important.
That’s truly true.
You’re so important!

And this next part is just as important:

You’re all the same.

Do you understand?

You are SO important.

Do you understand?

Maybe not.

Time passes.

You like food.
You eat a lot of it.
You eat bad food.
You eat good food.
You eat really, really, really good food.
Sometimes you eat food without tasting it.
Sometimes you have no appetite at all.
Sometimes you're confused why you're alive.
You buy the wrong size.
You miss a deadline.
You forget a birthday.
You make a wrong turn.
You trust someone when you shouldn't have.
You trusted them, really truly opened yourself to them.
They repaid you with a knife in your back.
You shouldn’t have trusted them like that, so deeply, so naively.
You believed they wouldn’t hurt you—and they showed you how deep their contempt ran.
Tsk, tsk.
Someone trusted you when they shouldn't have.
Your heart hangs heavy with regret: they deserved better than that.
When you recall it, your heart seems to skip a beat--a bitter, horrified pause.
They trusted you.
How could you?
Where was your respect for them, for their dignity, their bare-faced honesty?
If they’d known what you were capable of, they wouldn’t have shared so much of themselves with you—they shouldn’t have.
Tsk, tsk.
Sometimes wisdom comes with age.
Sometimes age comes alone.
Be careful.
Are you wise?
Maybe not.

Time passes...

You help people.
People help you.
That feels good, that feels right.
That feels like how the world should work.
Then someone fucks you over.
Then you lose everything you've worked for.
You feel guilty.
You're ashamed.
You're mad.
You're jaded.
You're broken.
You turn to vices.
You learn.
You grow.
You get over it.
Well, maybe.
Maybe not.
You forgive.
Maybe not.

Time passes...

Do you see it yet?

This is everybody.
This is you.
You're all the same.

You're happy!
You're... not.
You win!
You don't.
You feel...

You're content.

Maybe not.

You're still growing.
Are you still learning?
Maybe not.

Time is running out.

You get sick.
Maybe it’s what you watched before.
Maybe not.
You get old.
You get slow.
You're a burden.
You eat, you laugh, you poop.
You love.
You are loved.
Maybe not.

And then the clock stops, and you die.

The same as everybody else.

You were important.

Your life was hard.

The same as everybody else.

Be wise.
Be careful.

Or you’ll be Torn to Shreds.

Pet Treasure

Spacetime Fob Watch

Spiced Rock Candy Reaper

Mutated Heart

Bloodstone Pocket Watch

Spacetime Psychic Paper

Banshee Sleepless Night



Ruined Travel Guide

Battered and Broken Wheel

Pile of Travel Magazines

Shattered Hourglass

Lifetime Achievement Award

Burnt Photograph

Stained Glass Whiskey Glass

Mourning Sentinel

Fine Aged Scotch Whisky

Historical Muse

Book Of Spoilers

Singed Love Letter

Broken Record Player

Timey Wimey

Airport Books

Mocking Clock

Fine Aged Bourbon Whiskey

Whiskey Sour


Discarded Theater Masks

Commemorative Saherimos Hourglass

Whiskey Decanter Set

Decrepit Keening Songbook

Dawn of the First Day

Heart on a Stick

Oval Scrying Mirror

Antique Thirteen Hour Clock

Pet Friends