
Rammstien has a minion!

Scorn the Scorn Kitten

Legacy Name: Rammstien

The Bloodred Telenine
Owner: lithium2433

Age: 13 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 6th, 2010

Adopted: 13 years, 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: October 6th, 2010

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 47
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 11/11
  • Intelligence: 13
  • Books Read: 13
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Candy Sorter

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Pronounced ( in german ) : ˈʀamʃtaɪ̯n
Music Style/Influence : Tanz-Metal (lit. "dance metal" ),Although Rammstein is often generalized as Neue Deutsche Härte ("new German hardness" ), their music spans a variety of related styles, including heavy metal, industrial metal, hard rock, electronica, and grunge with influences of punk rock and gothic rock. The band is primarily influenced by Oomph!, Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, and Laibach.

Some History/Random information : The band has a flair for costumes of all sorts, both in live shows and in videos. In the "Keine Lust" video, all members of the band except Flake were dressed in fat suits. In the "Amerika" video, all members of the band wore space suits. Live, the band experiments even more with costumes. In the Völkerball concert, among others, Till changed costumes between songs, dressed accordingly for each. For example, in "Mein Teil", he was dressed as a butcher, in "Reise, Reise", as a sailor. The rest of the band each wore their own preferred costume, but none as outlandish or themed as Till's.

Rammstein's style has tended to divide critics, some of whom have responded with memorable comments. Jam Showbiz (April 2001) described Mutter as "music to invade Poland to". New Zealand's Southland Times (December 17, 1999) suggested that Till Lindemann's "booming, sub-sonic voice" would send "the peasants fleeing into their barns and bolting their doors", while the New York Times (January 9, 2005) commented that on the stage, "Mr. Lindemann gave off an air of such brute masculinity and barely contained violence that it seemed that he could have reached into the crowd, snatched up a fan, and bitten off his head." Stephen Thomas Erlewine of Allmusic commented that "their blend of industrial noise, grinding metal guitars, and operatic vocals is staggeringly powerful.""We just push boundaries", said Till Lindemann in an interview with rock magazine Kerrang!. "We can't help it if people don't like those boundaries being pushed."

The Band : Consists of members Till Lindemann (lead vocals), Richard Z. Kruspe (lead guitar and backing vocals), Paul H. Landers (rhythm guitar, backing vocals), Oliver "Ollie" Riedel (bass guitar), Christoph "Doom" Schneider (drums and electronic percussion) and Christian "Flake" Lorenz (keyboards)

Tidbits : Rammstein is known for their frequent use of pyrotechnics during live performances,Vocalist Till Lindemann writes most of Rammstein lyrics,The New York Times described Rammstein's music as a "powerful strain of brutally intense rock... bringing gale-force music and spectacular theatrics together"

Rammstein was founded by guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe. In 1989, he escaped to West Berlin and started the band, Orgasm Death Gimmicks. At that time, he was heavily influenced by American music, especially that of Kiss. After the Berlin Wall came down, he moved back home to Schwerin, where Till Lindemann worked as a basket-weaver. He also played drums in the band First Arsch.

At this time, Richard lived with Oliver Riedel, of the band The Inchtabokatables, and Christoph "Doom" Schneider (of Die Firma). Richard realized that the music he had previously created did not properly suit him; He envisioned something that would combine machines as well as the sound of hard guitars. The three started working together on a new project. Richard soon found it extremely difficult to write both music and lyrics at the same time, so he persuaded Lindemann to join Rammstein as he had often heard him singing while he was working.

A contest was held in Berlin for amateur bands in 1994, the winner of which would receive the opportunity to record a four track demo CD in a professional studio. Kruspe, Schneider, Riedel and Lindemann entered and won the contest, which caught the attention of Paul H. Landers, who knew them all and wanted in on the project upon hearing their demo. To complete their sound, Rammstein then attempted to recruit Christian "Flake" Lorenz, who had played with Paul H. Landers previously in Feeling B. At first, Lorenz was hesitant and not entirely thrilled with the idea, but eventually agreed to join the band after a long time.

Lyrics : Nearly all of Rammstein's songs are in German. However, the band has recorded English songs as well as cover of the song "Stripped" (Depeche Mode) In addition, the songs "Amerika", "Stirb nicht vor mir//Don't Die Before I Do," and "Pussy" contain lyrics in English. The song "Moskau" ("Moscow" ) contains a chorus in Russian. "Te quiero puta!" is entirely in Spanish. Oliver Riedel commented that, "German language suits heavy metal music. French might be the language of love, but German is the language of anger".

The lyrics of Rammstein and above all their utterance by singer Till Lindemann are an essential element of music and shape the perception by fans and a wider public.Among other things that are often very controversial, Rammstein also uses lyrics of classical German literature, e.g. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's famous poems Der Erlkönig (1778) and Das Heidenröslein (1771) for the songs "Dalai Lama" and "Rosenrot", respectively.

Many of their songs are inspired by real life events.These songs include Rammstein (Ramstein airshow disaster), Mein Teil (The Meiwes Case), Zerstören, Wiener Blut (Fritzl case), and Donaukinder.

Wordplay is a fundamental component of Rammstein's lyrics. In many instances, the lyrics are phrased such that they can be interpreted in several ways. The song "Du hast", for example, is a play on German marriage vows (Willst Du, bis der Tod euch scheidet, treu ihr sein für alle Tage? – "Will you, until Death separates you, be faithful to her for the rest of your days?" ). In the song, the traditional affirmative response, Ja ("Yes" ), is replaced by its negation Nein ("No" ). The final repetition of this line further perverts the meaning of the original vows through a minor change in the wording Willst Du, bis zum Tod der Scheide ... (Will you, until the Death of the vagina ...). The song starts, in fact, with a play on words: Du... Du hast... Du hast mich... meaning "You have me". This line is often mistaken for "You hate me", because in German, there is only a very subtle (if any) distinction (hast may be pronounced slightly softer than hasst) between the pronunciation of Du hasst which means "you hate" and Du hast which means "you have". The wordgame is later resolved as the line is completed; Du hast mich gefragt ("You [have] asked me" ). Confusingly, the band did also make an English version of the song named "You Hate" which was not translated directly from "Du hast". While many arguments about "Du hast" are around, it is known that Rammstein used this wording to mislead and create humour in the song. It was a play with the pronunciation of words, causing many non-native speakers of German to be confused.

Relation to violent events : Rammstein were cited in relation to the Columbine High School Massacre in 1999, when photos of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold wearing Rammstein T-shirts were revealed.Though there was no evidence to correlate the two events, the band felt obliged to issue a statement:

"The members of Rammstein express their condolences and sympathy to all affected by the recent tragic events in Denver. They wish to make it clear that they have no lyrical content or political beliefs that could have possibly influenced such behaviour. Additionally, members of Rammstein have children of their own, in whom they continually strive to instill healthy and non-violent values".

Coincidentally, on September 10, 2001 the single and video clip of Ich will ("I Want" ) was released which portrays the band as bank robbers who want to get a message across and receiving a Goldene Kamera (Golden Camera) award, a German version of the Emmy award, for their "actions". In the United States the video clip was broadcast only late at night after the attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York City although many media officials and politicians requested the video to be pulled from broadcast completely.

Following the conclusion of the Beslan school hostage crisis in Russia in September 2004, the Russian authorities claimed that the terrorists had "listened to German hard rock group Rammstein on personal stereos during the siege to keep themselves edgy and fired up".The claim has not been independently confirmed.

Band members said this about the issue:

"There's been a lot of talk about that, but if there are radical feelings in people anything can wake them – a painting, a picture, whatever. It's just a coincidence that it happened to be our music. It's important to think about what caused them to make their decisions, how they became animals, not their taste in music. Whenever something like this happens it's like 'Okay, let's blame the artist'. Such bull. (Till Lindemann).

"Our music is made to release aggression, and people listening to it are also needed to do that, but it's not our fault. Should we stop making hard music because bad people might like it?" (Christoph "Doom" Schneider).

Pekka-Eric Auvinen, the perpetrator of the Jokela school shooting in November 2007, also included Rammstein in one of his favorite bands. He noted, though, that the music among other things was not to blame for his decisions.[/style]
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This pet is also my dedication to my love for the band Rammstien

[url=""]Ich Will ( I Will )[/url]
[url=""]Ohne Dich ( Without you )[/url]
[url=""]Amerika ( America )[/url]
[url=""]Mien Teil ( My Time )[/url]
[url=""]Feuer Frei! ( Fire at will! )[/url]
[url=""]Keine Lust ( Don't feel like it )[/url]
[url=""]Ich Tu Dir Weh ( I hurt you )[/url]
( All clickable ^ )

[url=""]Pixel Doll by me[/url]

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