
Sark has a minion!

Riot the Xentrilis

Legacy Name: Sark

The Storm Magnus
Owner: Thundercracker

Age: 17 years, 2 weeks, 2 days

Born: May 16th, 2007

Adopted: 6 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: October 17th, 2017

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 14
  • Strength: 31
  • Defense: 28
  • Speed: 29
  • Health: 28
  • HP: 28/28
  • Intelligence: 37
  • Books Read: 37
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Part-Time Test Subject

Logic is easier to understand than emotions.

Sark watched his brother Saemus poke at the dusty water in the cat bowl, then the dust layered food within the designated dish. His brothers keen sea green eyes darting around the kitchen and living room before turning to the table the family sat at.
"What happened to the cat?"

It was a simple question, one that made everyone turn to each other and think.

"Thirteen Days." Sark spoke up. "It has taken someone thirteen days to realize the cat has died."

Heads swung to the eldest sibling. Parents looking baffled.
"When did THAT happen?"
"How? She was only 8!"
"She was healthy!"
Saemus merely tilted his head, pale straw-blond hair flipping to the side, eyes narrowed in thought. "Hess.... had a college assignment two weeks ago." The calculating cogs clicking along. "On Quantum Mechanics?"

"Quantum Theory, specifically : Schrödinger's cat." Sark supplied.

Saemus mouth hung open, eyes bugging in pure horror. "That.... that... THAT'S THEORETICAL!!" He screeched standing straight in horror. "The whole thing is a thought exercise! A purely....hypothetical...ponder! It... HOW COULD HE!?" Hands and arms flaying in complete randomness. Mother ducked a hand as Saemus stalked to the kitchen counter.

"Hess made a point of providing a physical element to the exercise." Sark offered with an air of nonchalant.

Saemus spun, pivoting on his narrow heal. "YOU!" he pointed to Sark. "YOU HELPED Hess Kill the CAT?" The screech was near ear-splitting.

"It was an unfortunate result." Sark stated. "One we both regret."

"Then WHY is there no replacement cat!?" Saemus demanded. "At least PRETEND it is the same cat!"

"My own experiment." Sark gave a slight shrug. "Of how attentive this family truly is to the surroundings."

Saemus leveled his annoyed gaze to Sark. "You realize three of us have been at camp for a week?" He sneered.

"Indeed." Sark nodded. "Mother, Father and Swave have not been away."

"Leave me out of this." Swave snipped.

Both parents frowned realizing the implications of.

Saemus glared at Sark, stomping away muttering things under his breath about stupidity and siblings.

Clearing his throat, Xander looked to his eldest son. "So.... what else have we failed to observe?"

The question had Swave standing and walking away from the table without looking back. Quickly following Saemus up stairs.

Sark smirked. "It is up to the parents to observe. I am not a tattle tail."

Both parents sighed loudly. "Oh." Was all mother could think to say. "Oh."

first & last dates:
Kaden watched his brother get dressed up yet again. He smirked at the attempt of looking sophisticated. "You look like an accountant."

Sark turned his head ever so slightly to glance away from the mirror. "I am an accountant." he stated.

"Yeah, but you LOOK like an accountant." Kaden sighed walking over to take off Sark's tie. "Now you look a little like an accountant on a date."

"Says the gay guy who hasn't had a date in years." Sark poked fun at his brother.

"Yeah well, I've been baby sitting." Kaden slapped Sark on the back. "Go out there and swoon her off her feet."

Sark shook his head and headed out the door swallowing down his nervousness.

*** Date one: ***

Dressed up in black slacks and a navy blue shirt, his shoes polished to a glossy black shine. He stepped into the little pub on the corner of Main. The dim lights and dark wooden furniture gave the impression of 'old world' with an air of rustic; a feel good den atmosphere. Sark thought of a few brothers who would like this type of establishment. Himself, not so much. Looking around he spotted the red rose on the table. Slipping into the both he smiled at her. "Keisha Nakari?"

"I am." Drawled the woman. Her dark brown eyes looking slightly hazed. Her corn rolled hair tied up in a loose pony tail adorned with beads in hues of purple, they matched her nails and lipstick prints on the three wine glasses littering the tables surface. "You must be Sark. I'm surprised you're white." She giggled softly. "I expected ..."

"Ethnic? My father and mother enjoyed unique names. My younger brother is Swave." Sark stated having a glass of wine placed in front of him. He nodded his thanks.
Already in his mind, this date was finished. He did not want the twins exposed to such intoxication nor his recovering brothers tempted by the liquor that would surely be hidden in the house.

It only got worse with Keisha's topic of conversation being about her high school years and how she wishes she could relive the 'best time of her life'. She talks nothing of her future, her wishes nor her desire of children or career. As the waiter swung by, he slipped the entrée before them and Keisha stood making a huge scene over a simple mistake about the wrong entrée that was delivered.

Sark just gapped, he had never known anyone to explode drunkenly over such a trivial thing. Even the triplets had better manners than this, when it came to the bill, her demands over the entrée removed is even more dramatic cursing the waiter for all the hassle he caused.

Sark shook his head as she stood to powder her nose. Glancing at the bill, the fact she left and headed into the ladies room doors, He stood and flipped his part of the bill on the table leaving as quickly as he could. She would be taking care of the rest.

*** Date two: ***

Meeting at some swanky bistro, Sark stared at the large diamond ear-rings pulling each of her lobes down. They matched the jewel bobbing between her perky and pushed up boobs. The white fur on the collar of her black fur coat made Sark think she wasn't just out of his league, she wasn't even on the same planet.

As she talked he discovered she's a divorcee' and took her ex- to the wringer for cheating on her. She's from a rich family and always demands a pre-nup if anything goes beyond a third date. She then talks more about her ex then herself and not once asked Sark about himself. Upon the bill coming she smiles and looks at it, then passed it to Sark. 'Dutch?'.

He flipped her a twenty and said please don't call me again.


Kaden watch his brother flopped down on the sofa. "Another bad one?"

"I can understand your gayness. Woman are horrid creatures." Sark stated taking the cold pop Kaden offered him.

"Gayness isn't a word. And not all woman are horrid, your mom wasn't." Kaden sat beside him.

Sark hummed nodding, taking a drink of the pop he looked at his brother curiously. "The twins?"

"Played out, fed, showered, teeth brushed, clothing out for tomorrow and tucked into dreamland." Kaden reported. "Oh and helped Chevy with his homework, he's suppose to make a dia-rama-thingie for a book he's reading. We did some crafts, Reese helped."

"Good, is it finished?"

"Almost it's due at the end of next week, it's in the den. Take a look before you head upstairs."

"I plan to. I appreciate all of this Kaden."

"Yeah, yeah." He waved that off. "Tell me about this one."

"Ugh! She's a rich snot who bragged about her ex husband she practically robbed. She's had more work done on her than I knew was possible... did you know they have HIP implants now?" He scoffed taking a big slug of the cold pop. "She even had a hysterectomy so she wouldn't get fat or any stretchmarks from childbearing. Who does that?"

Kaden started with his mouth open. "Hip implants? .... wait.. You can get that done? I thought it was only pets that could."

Sark laughed. "That's what I thought too. She even stated up front she wanted a prenuptual after the third date."

"Wow. Okay she thinks too highly of herself."

"Indeed," Sark sighed leaning his head back. "better than the drunk."

"One in the family is enough." Kaden agreed standing. "So you're home safe and sound, I'm heading to bed. Swave is suppose to be back in three days."

"Counting down to his return." Sark nodded. "Good Night."

"Back at chya." Kaden headed up the stairs.

Sark closed his eyes, setting the pop down on the end table and sighed heavily.

The Job

Accounting had it's own perks. Sark loved the numbers and manipulated them with ease.
Taxes always made him chuckle with the way everyone loved to whine about them as he breezed through it all.
But Chemistry. That was where he shone the most.

The formulas and the science behind each element of the periodic table had him humming with glee.
And that was his weakness when his cousin asked him if he could 'cook' something up in a lab with a formula wrote on a napkin.
And Sark did.

Still having no idea what it is he had created in a laboratory. It became very evident that it was not good.
Dean Ted dove into it with all the enthusiasm of a toddler in a ball pit. Others followed.
They started to demand more! MORE! MORE NOW!

And so it began.

Sark could make. Create. Adjust. Multiply.
Adding the addictive qualities to many.
Sark started an empire.

His family shifted from working class to Working with no taxes class.
And all the while the one brother was still a police officer.
This was going to be a fun adventure for all.

Could any of them get out when they were done ?
That was the question that kept Sark up at night.

profile : Paula |story : Thundercracker| Background | Image |

Pet Treasure

Trendy Black Glasses

Black Shirtless Suit Jacket

White Button-down Shirt

Black Casual Tie

Black Oxford Shoes

Relaxed Fit Black Wash Jeans

Black Cell Phone Sticker


Plain Collectible Mug

Glass of Lemon Iced Tea

Chemistry Textbook

Science for Pets I

Science for Pets II

Science for Pets III

Filing Books

Selkies: Shapeshifters of the Sea

Basic Math II

Basic Math I

Insane Programming Volume 1

Coffee Cake and Ice Cream

Merchants Ledger

Ghost Ship Ledger

To Serve Aliens

Red Hummingbird Feeder

Cocktail Cryo Tube

Saherimos Sherry

Veta Lakes White Wine

Berry Bubble Bulb

Melon Bubble Bulb

Mocha Bubble Bulb

Citrus Bubble Bulb

Vetan Silver Nugget Mask

Electro-Magnetic Relay Mask

Infrared Scanning Chip Mask

Enchanted Frozen Bubbly

Plum-N-Thyme Sparkling Cocktail

TRAPPIST New World Daiquiri

Centropolis Essence

TRAPPIST Other Worldly Martini

Shot of Darkside

TRAPPIST Deep Space Shot

TRAPPIST Future Draught

TRAPPIST Discovery Punch

Sweet Toxic Science Shot

Sweet-N-Spicy Science Shot

Sweet Frost Science Shot

Cobalt Possessed Demoneye Stone

Sweet Toxic Science Daiquiri

Sweet-N-Spicy Science Daiquiri

Sweet Frost Science Daiquiri

Sweet-N-Spicy Science Liquor

Sweet Toxic Science Liquor

Sweet Frost Science Liquor

Blue Raspberry Flavored Poison

Pet Friends

The cat

Eldest Triplet




Father of twins

Swindler cousin

misspelled name

Atypical twin

Construction cousin

Swave's lady