
Kyle has a minion!

Coercion the Eastern Rumin

Legacy Name: Terrified

The Nightmare Tigrean
Owner: Scy64

Age: 17 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 6th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 6th, 2007 (Legacy)


He gazed through the picture window across the expansive property. Those that served to protect him looked almost like little ants from this vantage point as they patrolled the grounds. A sly smile played across his face as he stirred the drink in his hand, its dark contents swirling almost menacingly.

Vivamus ultrices ac nisi quis viverra. Ut et enim eget purus euismod lobortis non et ante. Suspendisse leo odio, eleifend nec tempor eu, pellentesque eu nunc. Donec tincidunt augue ac nibh interdum ultricies. In elementum nunc massa, in gravida sem porta vel. Aenean nec tristique elit, ac efficitur lorem. Nunc consequat ante nec nibh efficitur, vitae egestas ex vulputate. Nullam eget ex tortor. Nulla commodo fermentum nisl eget finibus.

In congue ornare metus in tempus. In sed mauris mattis, suscipit mi id, rutrum ipsum. Fusce hendrerit quis ligula eget porttitor. Nulla volutpat, ipsum vel pellentesque iaculis, magna magna dignissim nunc, ut dignissim neque magna quis arcu. Nullam diam velit, aliquet vel turpis cursus, feugiat vulputate dolor. Nullam sit amet tellus eget eros efficitur tincidunt eu nec ex. Fusce magna elit, convallis vel interdum ac, fermentum eget nulla. Morbi vitae arcu consequat, tristique est at, sodales tellus. Donec euismod id ante eget fermentum.


My darling, you are the love of my life and I know you and your connections will help me... I mean, US... regain what was stolen from me.

Oh, little sister... when did you turn away from the family? Why did you take my birthright from me? I hope you know that the company will belong to me one day, no matter how much you try to keep it from me.

I don't know what talents a lowly thug such as yourself has to offer us, but it's not up to me. One wrong move though and it WILL be your last.
Profile template by Lea.

Web fonts from Google Fonts.

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Pet Friends

It’s a scary world, and I’ll make it scarier.