
Shio has a minion!

Amami the Acutie

Legacy Name: Shio

The Glacier Popoko
Owner: dreamie

Age: 6 years, 1 month, 1 week

Born: April 22nd, 2018

Adopted: 4 years, 4 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: January 24th, 2020


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 7
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

(title goes here)


the grumpy geomancer

he/him - human - tour guide

crabby, no-nonsense, fussy, tsundere
Name:Shio Shale
Alias:Shio, Fluffy
Universe:Twin Worlds
Virtue/Sin:Diligence / Greed

Shio is the second oldest in his family, with one older sister and three younger siblings. He loves his family, but he's never seemed to have inherited any of their personalities - while they all seem pretty cheerful and loving the entire time, Shio turned out to be a rather grumpy, isolated child. He doesn't like loud noises, he pretends he doesn't like being hugged, and he hates being crowded. From an early age, he knew he was going to move out as soon as he came of age... and he did. He found an affordable house in a town a few hours away from his family, and worked odd jobs to make ends meet.

However, he has a real goal he's kept for himself: to save up as much as possible, so that he could then travel the world and find a place to settle in, or something to dedicate himself to. He's never thought much about his future besides moving, and as soon as he did, he realized he never had any other direction.

The last job he worked was for a small museum near a vineyard. It was a rich family's house, who had been turned into a museum after the passing of the husband and wife who owned the house, whose son had gone missing about a century ago - the only thing that remained was a stone statue made in his image. He worked as a guide, showing guests around the different rooms and talking about the history of the place, the family, and the vineyard.

One day, however, he had to fill in from someone for someone from the cleaning crew. In any other circumstance he would've turned down the offer... but the overtime payment was good, and he needed the money. His last task for the day was cleaning the stone statue of the family's son, and while he did so, his hand accidentally rested on its leg... and, to his terror, he felt as the sculpture vibrated and shattered, and from it emerged... the son, alive and well. As it turned out, he had been cursed and turned to stone, and Shio, coincidentally, had latent geomancy powers that were strong enough to undo the curse.

Amami, grateful, immediately took a shine to Shio. With the small fortune he knew was hidden away, he offered Shio all of it, if only he would accompany Amami on a trip around the world, to see how much things have changed. As disparate as their personalities were, he couldn't pass up the opportunity to attain both things he needed most - to view the world, and have money enough to settle anywhere... so, begrudgingly, he accepted.

Though he wouldn't admit it, the travel so far has been enjoyable. Though bombastic and extravagant, Amami has turned out to be a rather good friend and overall a pleasant companion, and has made Shio realize how much more interesting the world around them actually is.



friends... for now

Do we have to stop at every souvenir shop...?

(sorry Shio thinking of a song for you is hard)

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sagittis cursus tortor, sed vehicula enim molestie vitae. Aliquam sollicitudin vestibulum vehicula. Morbi feugiat odio ac est posuere porta. Curabitur erat lacus, placerat in vestibulum sit amet, condimentum et odio. Nullam molestie, sapien sit amet efficitur efficitur, ex dui viverra enim, ut sollicitudin augue velit quis mi. Suspendisse est metus, faucibus eu efficitur nec, eleifend non erat. Praesent vitae sagittis nibh. Suspendisse pretium justo ut sapien iaculis placerat. Duis lobortis justo eget purus lobortis cursus. Nam tristique diam et metus volutpat, ullamcorper accumsan magna sollicitudin. Suspendisse et imperdiet dolor, in sagittis odio. Aliquam vel risus suscipit augue consequat eleifend. Suspendisse pretium iaculis scelerisque. Nulla suscipit dignissim neque, eu congue lorem dapibus quis. Vestibulum ultrices, mi a egestas varius, neque neque dapibus mi, vitae dapibus mi nunc eu sapien.

profile by Bat. all artwork by Bat unless stated otherwise.

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