
Xeiro has a minion!

Enver the Tempestua

Legacy Name: Xeiro

The Glacier Montre
Owner: Asmodeus

Age: 17 years, 9 months, 1 week

Born: August 24th, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 9 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 24th, 2006 (Legacy)

Pet Spotlight Winner
July 3rd, 2011


  • Level: 126
  • Strength: 311
  • Defense: 307
  • Speed: 303
  • Health: 304
  • HP: 298/304
  • Intelligence: 233
  • Books Read: 233
  • Food Eaten: 9364
  • Job: Unemployed

so I run and hide and tear myself up--
start again with a brand new name
and eyes that see into infinity...

Outside, a storm raged. His breath rose in mist, and he could hear the wind whistling through the only window, some forty feet below. For hours now Xeiro had been curled up in his makeshift bed, staring at the shelf on the nearby wall without seeing it. Thinking. Wishing. Contemplating.

Summer was nearly over back in the mortal world, but it was still too hot. Even if he craved company, the only person who he could talk with was Distorto, who was probably still sulking about on the floor of the room. (Not that the guy can climb up, unless he suddenly gained Spiderman powers.)

Isolation-- he had acquired that by creating this bubble of reality, his private world of snow and ice. The few things- and person- he held dear were near him. Regardless, he felt restless and irritated. Why?

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

The angel was not surprised by the voice, though he wasn't any more pleased to hear it than he was last time. At least this time Vera had taken a form he was familiar with. He sat up in the net and turned to see a large black snake coiled on the drawer fixed on the opposite wall.

"I thought you would have realized by now," the snake continued. "You have no idea of what you really want."
"Spare me, Vera. I don't care to know what you have to say." He let himself fall back so he could stare up at the ceiling instead. "... I know what I want. I just can't have it."
Vera stared at him in silence for a while. "You could call her soul and bring her back to life..."
"She wouldn't want that."
"How noble of you. You've accepted that your wife passed away... Or have you?"

Xeiro shut his eyes and remained quiet for a long while. Thoughts he had that he thought he'd never share-- although not that Vera knowing them would change anything. He didn't matter. Hardly anyone did. It'd be like ranting in a not-so-private blog on the internet. Yes. It's nice to pretend.

"I didn't deserve her. I'm sure that's why she was killed..."
"Really?" The reptile sounded surprised. "What makes you say that?"
"I've done too many wrong things in the past."
A snort. "I'll say. You've murdered plenty of people and terrorized many more, and it was all your idea of fun."
"Most of those murders were part of the job you gave to me." His anger flared, and he sat up again to glare at his visitor. "They were supposed to be dead, but your fortune tellers fucked up, so I had to clean up the mess."
"Your mind games were cruel and unnecessary," Vera said, unperturbed. "And a handful of those you killed weren't on the list. Really, you have no one to blame but yourself."

Despair was trying to push its way through, however Xeiro's anger was particularly stubborn. Eventually he lowered his gaze to give a knot in the net a seething look, as Vera merely kept on staring at him in amusement.

"Although..." He tilted his head to the side and scratched the underside of his jaw with the tip of his tail. "I did break your soul and implanted that second personality onto you... For the job, you know. Perhaps I overdid it."
"Vera, tell me one good reason why I shouldn't wring your neck right here and now."
"I'm already dead, you know. I do miss being alive though..." Tasting the air with a slight hiss, he looked around as if he just noticed the place for the first time. "Eating, among other things. You wouldn't happen to have any food, would you? I quite like poultry... Or anything with feathers, really. Chickens, ducks, turkeys... Doves..." His mouth twisted into what could've been a smile.
Xeiro, however, was less than amused. "Get the fuck out of my tower."

Before Vera could raise an objection, the angel picked up a dagger on the nearby shelf. When he turned back, poised to throw it, the snake was nowhere in sight.

. . Artwork . .
x x x x by Asmodeus
x by User not found: isanrio
x by Diginova
x by linkitty
x by Katt
x by Gato
x by VIVIsect_VI
x by User not found: starraven
x by Lament
x by Circe
x by Andrea
what the hell people, stop drawing me. it's embarrassing.

Pet Treasure

Gothic Aristocrat Jacket

Guide to Contacting Spirits

Crowley Quill

How to Tame Spirits

Bottled Dreams

Raven Feather Quill Pen

Prima Violin

Patchy Tabby Plushie

Roll of Gauze


Lavender Scented Jar of Bath Salts

Kumos Scythe



A Love Tragedy

Flabby Tabby

Frozen Heart

Frozen Rose Key

Dark Elegance

Dark Ruby Pendant

Calavera Bride Mended Heart

Black Inkwell

Blue Survival Note Rose

Broken Heart Tales

Blue Roseband

Blueberry Slushie

Black Roseband

Black Military Pea Coat

Pet Friends

Get out of my head!

You just don't get it, do you.

Cheer up.

Stop calling me 'Master'. Hmph.

Mine. :T

At your service.

Yeah, you'd better not.


But... I don't play the piano...