
Potter has a minion!

Hedwig the Albinowl

Legacy Name: Potter

The Glacier Antlephore
Owner: Daph

Age: 5 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 25th, 2018

Adopted: 5 years, 9 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 25th, 2018


  • Level: 14
  • Strength: 34
  • Defense: 33
  • Speed: 33
  • Health: 32
  • HP: 15/32
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Ten, twenty, thirty years after, everybody always wants to know about the war. They ask him about his parents and the Order of the Phoenix, ask him about Sirius's heroism and Remus's subterfuge. Every anniversary, reporters crowd him, asking about Dumbledore's last words, or about when he met Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, or being on the run during his seventh year. Each year, they surround him, and they ask him to retell it all.

And each year, he smiles, and he talks, because he knows that the people need this. They need to feel safe. He recites some decades-old story about Professor Snape, or about running away from Snatchers, or about dueling Death Eaters. They've heard it all before, but each year they listen dutifully.

And each year, before he starts to speak, he'll pause and think. This time, he thinks, he'll smile ruefully, and he'll say, "Well, but, the war was so much more than that." He'll open his mouth and talk about other things—Quidditch games, feasts in the Great Hall, holding Ginny's hand for the first time. This time, he thinks, this time, he'll tell them about Lupin giving him chocolate on the train. He'll tell them about casting hexes at Draco Malfoy in the halls, about what it felt like when the leaves changed color in the fall, about drinking firewhiskey for the first time.

He opens his mouth. Takes a breath. But he hesitates.

And somehow, each year, he finds himself retelling another old story about how his parents met.

Next year, though. Next year he'll tell the story he wants to.

Must in death your daylight finish?
My sun sets to rise again.

Quote from At the 'Mermaid' by Robert Browning.
Profile template by helix.
Story by me.

Pet Treasure

Chimerical Cloak


Black Inkwell

Snowy Village Train Engine


Melting Kettle


Full Sagittarius Hair Piece

Faithful Love Potion

Basic Broom





Brain Sucker


Magic Wand


Magical Broomstick

Golden Egg

Lightning Bolt

Jewel Encrusted Goblet

Beer Flavored Beer

Jack-B-Little Pumpkins

Nasturtium Infused Oil

Baby Phoenix

Crimson Academy Sweater

Crimson Academy Scarf

Carnation Infused Oil

Unopened Letter from Jules

Cracked Spooky Crystal Ball

Item Hunters Sword


Swan Feather Quill Pen

Silver Toilet

Letter of Traitorous Origin

Zombie Chess Set

Snake Venom

Pet Friends