

Very few Subetans now remember a time when the darkonite did not exist, but in reality, this accidental species is still quite new compared to the natural species that have roamed the land for thousands of years. The results of an experiment gone wrong - thanks to the likes of Dr. Asmodeus's famous pet zapper - the darkonite began as something that never should have existed. With its brain exposed and its strange mash-up of body parts, Dr. Asmodeus was unsure of how well the darkonite he created would survive. Much to his surprise, they not only survived, but they thrived. Soon, he was able to adopt out several of his new experiment to Subetans looking for a little something new and interesting - and his zapper was programmed to produce more of these odd creatures, rather than less.

Several years have passed since then, and the darkonite continues to be a healthy and thriving species, despite its abnormalities. They are not too large, with the average darkonite weighing between 14-18 lbs (6.3-8 kg), and standing just a little over a foot (30 cm) tall. They can trot quite fast, but due to their hooved back feet, they are not the most adept at jumping and prefer to have all four feet on the floor. Their head is fused together with a metal helmet, although this is no longer an accessory so much as part of their genetic make-up! All darkonites suffer from the same abnormality: a crack in the helmet exposes part of their brain. It is not quite known how the darkonite manages to survive with its brain exposed, but with the exception of most darkonites being unpredictable at times, it does not seem to suffer ill effects from this. Although darkonites are gonochoristic, they are sterile, and new darkonites can only be created via the lab in the Darkside.

Despite their gruff appearance and occasionally unpredictable personalities, darkonites are very popular pets. They adapt well to indoor living, happy on a large farm or even a small city apartment. Their gruff nature makes them the ideal candidate for a single-pet household, and it is in fact recommended that they are kept with no other pets, especially other darkonites. Still, it is hard for darkonite fanatics not to put their pets on a leash and get together for darkonite-themed meet-and-greets - with the variety of colors these pets come in, every owner wants to show them off! They are not recommended for the first-time pet owner, however, as they can be extremely stubborn - and, as their exposed brain has made them, unpredictable.

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