

The torrent is a group of domesticated fish that have been kept as a pet in Subeta for thousands of years; the discovery of Shengui Guo confirmed that the torrent is indeed kept in all corners of the world. A purely freshwater species, there have been unfortunate circumstances where torrents have been released into the wild, and their adaptive nature (and love of cool water) has allowed them to breed readily as well.

Torrents vary in size; the smallest subspecies will sometimes reach no larger than six inches (15 cm), and can live happily in a very large, filtered aquarium. The average torrent, however, is much larger, with some even reaching 3 feet (.9 m). Torrents do best living in a large pond, and they prefer to live in a group, or shoal. They will all happily gather to the surface of the water for mealtime, and it is even said they can recognize their owners!

Perhaps the most interesting fact about torrents is they are mouth brooders, unusual for fish of this shape and size. Female torrents will lay dozens, sometimes hundreds of eggs. The male will gather what eggs he is able to in his mouth, and after the eggs hatch, the small torrent fry will remain in their father's mouth for protection. Once they are large enough to be free-swimming, the male releases them. From this point on, the young torrents must learn to feed and fend for themselves, as it seems the minute the male releases them, he forgets they are his! Torrents are omnivores, and although they seem to prefer greens, peas, and occasional bugs, they will not say no to a small fish or two, including their own young.

The torrent fancy is so popular in Subeta that breeding programs exist to try to produce torrents with the brightest colors, similar patterns, different-shaped fins, and massive fin length. Torrent shows are held all over, with famous breeders arriving to present their best of the best to those interested in starting ponds of their own. Luckily, torrents are a hardy species and seem to take all this traveling into stride; as long as they have clean water, space, and food, they're perfectly content wherever they are!

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