

It is hard to believe that a water-loving, nearly amphibious mammal would be perfectly at home in the desert, but the hipottu is just that. It is considered a revered treasure in its homeland of the Saherimos, where it is found in the natural springs and oases throughout the sands.

Hipottus are quite stout; they only stand at around 3 feet (91 cm) but can weigh around 400-500 pounds (181-227 kg). Most of this weight is fat, as their bones are actually very light to help both support their bodies during flight as well as keep them buoyant while swimming. Although hipottus cannot achieve true long-distant flight, their wings are enough to help them move short distances - primarily to pluck fruits and leaves from tall trees. Their wings are covered in a waxy coating to help protect them while submerged in water, which is a hipottu's favorite place to be. Hipottus are herbivores, primarily eating leafy greens found in the water, though they also adore fruit and other treats high in sugar.

Hipottus are quite casual about mating, and will simply take up the task with whichever hipottus are around; being a very laid back animal, there are rarely fights for territory and mates. Females will give birth to a single baby, known affectionately as a hippup, and will keep them close for the first two years of life. Even after they achieve independence, it is normal for them to remain in the same pool as their parents. It can take an extra year or two for their wings to develop enough to hold their weight.

Hipottus prefer warmer climates and must have access to a large swimming pool, so they are not the most practical pets for everyone. However, they have extremely friendly dispositions and will quite warmly take to their keepers. Even wild hipottus are approachable and will never turn down a good pat on the head! Hipottus can be trained to perform a variety of tricks, especially in the water. They can eat several pounds of vegetation a day, so their owners must be prepared to have large quantities of hipottu-approved salads on hand at all times!

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