

Malticorns are dainty, playful little creatures valued as pets throughout Subeta. They are especially common at farms - not for their work, but for their companionship! Their endless energy and naturally sweet natures make them the perfect pet, whether it's training young farm hands how to properly handle an animal or just to have a friend riding beside the driver while they plow the fields.

Malticorns are fully domesticated; generations of careful breeding helped produce this petite companion for small hobby farms. They stand between 16-20 inches (41-51 cm) at the withers, and weigh up to 44 pounds (20 kg) on average. They breed easily under ideal conditions. The majority of malticorns will birth a single baby, but twins are not uncommon. The young are covered from head to toe with spots that fade as they age; by their second year, the spots are generally limited to the rump area, although some varieties will have a few misplaced freckles. One of the most charming features of the malticorn is its vocalizations; it is known for making a variety of bleats that range from soft chirping to loud calls. They are also known for the combination of sticking out their tongues and wagging their tails when happy!

Malticorns have two major tasks on the farm: weeding and showing off. They are handy at keeping invasive plants at bay out in the fields, as they find dandelions and clover patches especially tasty. Malticorn competitions are frequently held at a variety of livestock shows and fairs, and feature categories ranging from "best groom" to "best freckles" to "best jumper".

All malticorns love to jump and climb onto a variety of surfaces, and many owners will create complex jungle gyms for them to play on. Malticorns need frequent grooming in the form of brushing and bathing. Their fur is quite fine and silky, making it impractical for typical shearing or wool-work, but it is often used for various art forms, including tapestry weaving. They do best on a diet rich in a variety of greens and grains, especially high quality hay and dark leafy vegetables. The single horn on their head is rather rudimentary, but they will rub it on any wooden surface, from tree trunks to fence posts, to mark their territory. Some malticorns do require regular trimming and cleaning of their horns to ensure they are kept healthy, and many seem to enjoy this extra attention!

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