
Cerys has a minion!

Vol the Dragon of Autumn

Legacy Name: Cerys

The Harvest Darkonite
Owner: PUNK

Age: 18 years, 4 months

Born: February 4th, 2006

Adopted: 8 years, 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: January 11th, 2016


  • Level: 60
  • Strength: 150
  • Defense: 150
  • Speed: 151
  • Health: 150
  • HP: 150/150
  • Intelligence: 223
  • Books Read: 222
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Jeweler


"I watch the birds fly south across the autumn sky
And one by one they disappear
I wish that I was flying with them
Now you're not here."


A name of Welsh origin, meaning 'love'.
Pronounced (KEH-riss)

Cerys was on the bed, her knees scrunched up into her chest, arms holding them tight. She watched the autumn leaves falling from the trees outside her window. As a child, autumn had always been her favourite time of year, and now she found herself drawn to it again as a young adult.

Detective Tim Ross was working in the next room, catching up on paperwork. Since rescuing Cerys, he had felt a strong urge to help this tragic young lady recover from her horrific ordeal, so he had allowed her to stay with him for a short time to help with her recovery. However, it had soon become clear to Tim that she needed much more help than he could ever offer her. He was concerned and had just emailed a few psychiatrists to enlist their help.

She had been rescued almost 3 months ago now. A chance arrest of a 42 year old man had led Tim and the local sheriffs office to find a young woman in a hollowed-out well in his basement. No-one was sure how long she had been there, but her appearance was shocking. She was very thin, malnourished, dehydrated, dirty, and absolutely terrified. She was mute for several weeks, as specialists struggled to help her regain her voice and recount her ordeal. Cerys had been homeless and living on the streets when she was kidnapped, it seemed she wasn't missed by anyone, and no missing person report was filed. Tim felt such sadness for her, he had never wanted to make a difference in someone's life as much as he did right then.

The nightmares had begun almost immediately, and Cerys would scream and fight off an invisible attacker. It was distressing to witness, and distressing for Cerys when she was forced to wake up. Tim had dealt with these incidents for many days and nights, and was completely clueless as to how to help her. He got up from his desk and poked his head round the door to check on her. "All okay, Cerys?". She nodded, yes. After leaving her room, he went to make himself a coffee, and started to catch up on emails.

And then the screaming started. Tim rushed in to see Cerys rolling on the bed, fighting and screaming. He gently shook her, saying her name over and over, telling her to wake up. After a few attempts, she stopped fighting and woke up, terrified. Tim grabbed her and held her, telling her it was okay now, just a bad dream. She wept on his shoulder. And then she heard the voice. "Did you think you would get away from me so easy?? NEVER!! You will always belong to me!!" Cerys pulled away and turned to look at the man...and looked straight into the face of the monster that had kidnapped and imprisoned her.

Cerys began to cry as he reached towards her, grabbed her shoulders and started to shake her, hard. She hit her head on the bedpost and slid down onto the mattress.

And then she woke up. Again. Tim was right there, telling her it was all okay. Another waking nightmare. It was becoming an all too common occurrence, and Tim was very worried. She would appear to wake up and then it would appear she was actually still dreaming. He knew he needed to get help for her, and fast. He settled her down, and stayed with her for a little while until she seemed calm again.

Cerys was exhausted. She looked out of the window and watched the leaves falling. She had medication on the cabinet by her bed, to help with the waking nightmare episodes. She knew she had to take it. So she unscrewed the cap, and took them. All of them. This time, she knew she would be able to sleep, and never dream again.


"A gentle rain falls softly on my weary eyes
As if to hide a lonely tear
My life will be forever autumn
'Cause you're not here."



Background: grsites

Cerys logo: cooltext

Lyrics: Forever Autumn
by Justin Hayward

Profile/story: PUNK

Pet Treasure

Dreams of Autumn

Autumn Trees

Autumn Photo Book

Autumn Tree Sticker

Autumn Equinox

Autumnal Orb

Autumnal Twigs and Berries

Autumnal Tangled Overgrowth

Autumnal Fallen Leaves

Autumn Leaf Bouquet

Autumn Leaf Strands

Autumn Hibearnating Plushie

Extra Strength Pain Pills


Pet Friends