
Tapioca has a minion!

Boba the Ebil Dust Bunny

Legacy Name: Folnir

The Glacier Lain
Owner: Fenren

Age: 9 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: April 14th, 2015

Adopted: 9 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 14th, 2015

Pet Spotlight Winner
August 7th, 2023


  • Level: 519
  • Strength: 1,467
  • Defense: 1,482
  • Speed: 1,202
  • Health: 1,441
  • HP: 1,441/1,441
  • Intelligence: 2,088
  • Books Read: 1846
  • Food Eaten: 375
  • Job: Logistics Analyst


profile template (c) helix (get it)
background by patternvomit on Tumblr
Story and whatever else by me :3

Tapioca, soft and warm

Once upon a time, in the cold land of Ytiva, there lived a magnificent giant snow lain named Tapioca. Tapioca possessed a magical aura that emanated from its pure white feathers. Their piercing blue eyes sparkled like ice crystals, and their soft chirps echoed through the snowy forests.

For many years, Tapioca lived a solitary life, soaring through the frosty skies and observing the world below. It had a gentle and caring heart, and it couldn't bear to see travelers suffering in the harsh winter cold. Whenever it spotted a weary traveler on the verge of succumbing to the biting frost, Tapioca would swoop down and wrap its wings around them, emanating a warm, comforting glow. This magical warmth would revive the weary travelers, saving them from the clutches of the icy grip. Despite its noble efforts, Tapioca often felt lonely in its selfless mission. They yearned for companionship. One fateful day, as it soared above a mystical forest, Tapioca caught a glimpse of a group of magical beings gathered around a campfire listening to a serene melody.

Curiosity took hold of Tapioca, and it descended gracefully to investigate. To its amazement, it discovered a summoner named Fenren, surrounded by a vibrant assortment of magical friends. Fenren possessed the ability to communicate with various creatures throught his songs. Recognizing Tapioca's magical presence, Fenren extended a hand of friendship. Tapioca, overjoyed by the prospect of companionship, formed an immediate bond with Fenren and his magical friends. From that day forward, Tapioca pledged to answer Fenren’s calls whenever he needed assistance with his journeys.

In exchange for its services, Tapioca requested warm hugs and delicious tapioca crepes, a delicacy it had come to adore. And being summoned was not always to lend their help, Tapioca would also join Fenren and his friends to listen to music, and read books, something that Tapioca grew fond of. Every year one member of the group would make Tapioca a bookmark, making their reading time that much more enjoyable.

Now, Tapioca accompanies Fenren and his magical friends on their adventures, soaring through the skies and lending their assistance to those in need. With every call, Tapioca spreads its magical warmth, ensuring that no traveler falls victim to the frigid cold. Its radiant presence brings hope and comfort to all who encounter it, as they are touched by its selfless acts of kindness and the warmth it shares so willingly. Together, Tapioca and its newfound companions continue their journeys, sharing the magic of friendship, love, and the simple joy of warm hugs and tapioca crepes. And so, their tale of enchantment and companionship carries on, leaving a trail of warmth and happiness wherever they go in the realm of Ytiva.

Pet Treasure

Snowflake Decorative Mug

Ytiva Pet Bed

Fleece Snowflake Throw


Fun with History: Arctic Frost

White Glass Lovey Bird Ornament

Fifth Anniversary Glacier Lain Trophy

Flower Print Bookmark

Snowfall Print Bookmark

Night Sky Print Bookmark

Red Survival Note Rose

Ocean Print Bookmark

Rainbow Print Bookmark

Celestial Bookmark

Cozy Winter Scarves

Why Emus Cannot Fly

Bubbling Bubble Bubbles

Wet Photograph

Spectrum Fables

Scary Tales

Cloud Watching

Pet Friends

So... warm.

Energetic, mysterious, gives good hugs.

Big. Very big. Likes stories. I do too.

Scary, cool.