
Legacy Name: Tog

The Common Experiment #3877
Owner: Muerte

Age: 8 years, 9 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 16th, 2015

Adopted: 2 years, 7 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: October 24th, 2021


  • Level: 16
  • Strength: 27
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 18
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

CW Commissions

Commissions are currently closed outside of recolors.
General information
Please submit the custom(s) within two months. See "Abandoned Items" below.
I will not give you the final product (without the HA, transparent piece) before you pay.
All prices include a free copy of every custom wearable (and recolor) for me, excluding custom item only commissions.
Prices will occasionally differ due to complexity.
Alterations to finished pieces when not needed for an approval will cost an additional fee.
I do not give you permission to edit or recolor on your own (or having another artist do it), unless explicitly stated.
I do not give you permission to resell a design.

What you get:
64x64 custom item and 125x250 custom wearable overlay(s)
Free editing for denials
Permission to ping my group

Individual Custom Items
500CSC or $5 + 50% off the custom wearable (if applicable)

Small Custom Wearables
Simple: $10-25 (1,500-3,000csc+)
Complex: $25-30 (3,000-3,500csc+)
These may include makeup, most small jewelry, small hair accessories, small clothing (short gloves, ankle socks), etc.

Medium Custom Wearables
Simple: $30-35(3,500-4,000csc+)
Complex: $35-40 (4,000-4,500csc+)
These may include medium clothing (vests, shorts, skirts, shirts, etc; complex includes pants, leggings, etc), larger jewelry, shorter wigs, small body "mods" such as ears, horns, tails, facial features; etc.

Large Custom Wearables
Simple: $40-45 (4,500-5,000csc+)
Complex: $50+ (6,000csc+)
These may include long wigs, body mods, foreground/backgrounds, companions, full-body outfits, etc.

Custom item only: $3 or 300csc (csc is preffered except for bigger orders) + 50% off the custom wearable (if applicable)

Simple: $5 (550csc)
Complex: $7+ (750csc+)
Skin only: 2 for $5 (550csc)
Line art alterations for recolors: $8+ (850csc+)

I will take care of any denials without a fee. If this item gets 10 denials I will discuss a refund or an alternative commission.

Please tell me immediately. If you choose to cancel a commission before payment you also give up any rights to the piece(s) and I am free to sell any piece to whomever I desire. If you cancel after a payment is made we can discuss a refund or an alternative commission.

Abandoned Items
Sometimes something happens and things get left behind. If your item is not submitted after a couple of months I will try contacting you. If another month goes by with no word, I will consider the piece cancelled. Upon your return, contact me immediately to see where the item stands.
Design sales
Sold HERE and I ping my group Muerte Art when I put up new stuff. These will all come with their own prices based off my commission prices, possibly a bit more due to time/complexity, but usually with a discount. Some will come with a possible custom item. Alterations to these may come with a small fee.

"Simple vs. Complex"
While this can be a bit subjective, this is a basic guide:
Modest Royal Charm
Vainglorious Rebel Braids
Loving Merman Bodypillow Locks
Blooming Blood and Rum Lilium Locks

Defiant I Love Bad Boys Vest
Loving Goddess Gown
Plaid Spirit Rebozo
Rocking Rockabilly Morostide Curls

Simple CI:
Found Vampiric Scale
Fruity Pansy Puff

Complex CI:
Cleansing Luscious Locks of the Succubus
Lochaber Slaying Scythe

For a fuller scope of my CW art, brows through items I've drawn HERE and HERE !
Also Includes
Normal Art Commissions

Commissions are currently closed completely.

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends