
Smoldering has a minion!

Firey the Firue

Legacy Name: Smoldering

The Reborn Anyu
Owner: Dracona

Age: 8 years, 7 months, 3 weeks

Born: October 10th, 2015

Adopted: 8 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 18th, 2016


  • Level: 103
  • Strength: 228
  • Defense: 71
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 24
  • HP: 24/24
  • Intelligence: 47
  • Books Read: 24
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Centrifuge Master

I was a twin once.

My brother and I were born in a little cave in the Capitan Mountains of New Mexico. Our mother cared for us and said that my brother was born first so I should listen to him. Two minutes does not make a huge difference! He ended up thinking he could always tell me what to do because he was smarter. He isn't. When we were young I could always best him at wrestling. Then he would cry to mama who told me such things were not for a female to do unless her cubs are in danger. They said they were protecting me. But none of them listened to what I wanted. Never let me be free to explore and see things. It was always ok for HIM to go off exploring, because he was a boy. Boys can look after themselves, she said. Mama always kept me home, to keep me safe.

I didn't want safe. I wanted to be free.

To see the world, all the big trees and mountains and animals. I was so bored I almost went out of my mind. I think I did, for a while. When your life is shrunken down to one cave all the time, and you only see the outside briefly to eat what brother brought home, then hibernation come winter time, your sense of reality changes. This is your life, this tiny little space. But you always see glimpses of another life. Through the trees, and through stories your brother tells after his daily hunt. He even has friends! I always wanted a friend.

He has no clue how much I want to go out there. He laughs when I say so. The whole family including mama and papa tell me that a girl needs to stay in the cave until she gets a family of her own. I have been taught only how to care for others. To always put them first. But when can I come first? When is it my turn?

I stopped asking about going out. Late one night when others slept, I had ventured out, into the dark woods, and looked up at the stars. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen! I don't know how long I stood there, but suddenly papa had his teeth in the back of my neck, tossing me back in the cave and roaring to wake the others. It turned into a nightmare! I was crying, lying in the dirt, pleading with papa. He was so angry. The females are not allowed out without a strict escort. Even mama looked at me like I was a stranger. My brother looked at me like I was crazy.

I had broken the biggest rule. It didn't matter how much I pleaded, papa was determined to see me properly punished for my crime. I was forbidden to come to the front cave. No more was I allowed to even see my lovely trees through the cave mouth! Not even to have a hint of the stars! It was the one thing I could not live with. I seethed with anger at the injustice of it all. My entire life I was below everyone because I was the youngest female. They said it was to protect us, but I saw through their lies. It was to control me. To stop me from going out and seeing the world. Having the freedom that is my birthright!

From then on I could see things so much clearer. They would say it was to help me, but why then did I only get a meal after all the others had eaten? Some nights there was not enough for me. I was hidden in the back caves. I could not even catch insects at the mouth of the cave any more, or play in sunlight. My brother became a warrior. The older bears of the clan said he was the bravest they had ever known.

I'm better than my brother.... YOU'LL SEE!!!
talent for fire

Profile template by Lea.
Edit/Story by: Dracona.
Inspiration from: Here
Background Image:

Pet Treasure

Book of Fire

Forj Ore

Flaming Blob Kitty


Bonfire Safety Tips


Burnt Sooty Ash Pile

Flame Damage Counters

Fire Amulet

Bear Fire Rock Totem

DIY Bonfire Book

Midsummer Bonfire


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Bonfire Stoker

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Fire Defense Baguette Crystal

Fire Defense Cabochon Crystal

Fire Defense Marquise Crystal

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Pet Friends