
Equinox has a minion!

Faun of the Springtime

Legacy Name: Equinox

The Glade Antlephore
Owner: PUNK

Age: 19 years, 2 weeks, 4 days

Born: May 17th, 2005

Adopted: 10 years, 11 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: June 24th, 2013

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 62
  • Strength: 150
  • Defense: 150
  • Speed: 152
  • Health: 150
  • HP: 150/150
  • Intelligence: 425
  • Books Read: 418
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Topiary Tender

'The sun just touched the morning
The morning, happy thing,
Supposed that he had come to dwell,
And life would be all Spring'.
{Emily Dickinson}

She was running through the forest as fast as she could, but her unborn fawn slowed her down - her stomach was heavily swollen. But the bear chasing her meant mortal danger, and she knew she had to escape as quickly as possible. After several minutes, she stopped behind a large tree, panting heavily. She listened, ears pricked; all seemed quiet. Her heart was beating fast, she needed to rest. Taking a quick look around, the deer noticed a small clearing just beyond the bushes to her right. She darted through, in a state of high alert in case the bear was still stalking her.

She had reached the clearing, which led to an open field, lush with fresh Spring grass. And then the pains came. It was time, she knew her fawn was ready to greet a new world. The doe panted, grunted, and pushed her newborn fawn into the grass. She licked him clean, and looked over across the field; the sun was shining, the birds in the trees behind her were singing in chorus, the grass in the field ahead was fresh with spring dew..and she knew at that moment that her fawn would be safe and happy. The first birth of the spring Equinox had started the cycle of life once more.

'Now do a choir of chirping minstrels bring,
In triumph to the world, the youthful spring
The valleys, hills, and woods in rich array
Welcome the coming of the long'd-for May'.
{Thomas Carew}


Legacy name: Equinox

Born: May 17th, 2005

Profile template by Lea
(edited by PUNK)

Overlay: Written

Story by PUNK

Pet Treasure

The Magic of Spring

Book of Spring Leaves

Early Growth

In the Forests

Hidden in the Forest

Spring Bearer

Woodland Following

Dragon of Spring


Spring Seraph Wings

Spring Equinox

Carefully Crafted Deer


Little Dear


Bottled Spring Thunderstorm

Blades of Grass

Spring Leaf Strands

Scattered Yellow and Orange Blooms

Field of Daisies Sticker

Scattered White Daisies

Purple Crocus

Light Bluebells

Bold Bluebells

Yellow Daffodil

White and Yellow Daffodil

Yellow Rose Watering Can

Delicate Sprigs

Hungry Striped Caterpillar

Spring Sunshine Sticker

Spring Growth Sticker

Spring Storms

Thunderstorm Weather Sticker

Spring Showers Sticker

Painted Lady

Little Robin

Yellow Chickadoo Figure


Glade Bunny

Glade Bird

Seven-Spotted Ladybug

Ladybug Sticker

Spring Kitty



Green Spring Fairy Plushie

Bright Leaf Serum

Field of Flowers Umbrella

Blue Daffodil Shirt

I Heart Spring Tank

Pet Friends