
Hail Storm has a minion!

Snowshoe the Snoclowd

Hail Storm
Legacy Name: Hail Storm

The Glacier Jollin
Owner: Flyingkat

Age: 8 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 17th, 2016

Adopted: 8 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: March 17th, 2016

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 32
  • Defense: 32
  • Speed: 31
  • Health: 34
  • HP: 34/34
  • Intelligence: 134
  • Books Read: 129
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Surfboard Rental Clerk

Something you never want to get caught in….a Hail Storm. Be it in a car or walking you do not want to get pelted with those big chunks of ice. I ended up being in a situation where this was exactly what I went through. I was trying to get a little exercise for once and was walking down the road. The sky looked clear at the time but it was sure cold outside. Almost suddenly, when I was a ways from home the sky grew dark.

I wouldn’t make it back so I started looking for some shelter. Trees with tiny overhanging branches were not going to do any good. Suddenly a crack of thunder and a storm started falling down on my head. Hail and all came pouring down. The ice pellets did not feel at all good, needless to say.

Finally I found an empty tree that had hollowed out from wear. I snuck inside of it and then I heard some rustling. A jollin was in the tree with me! We snuggled together to keep warm as the storm progressed and when it ended I asked if he wanted to come home with me and he agreed.


Pet Treasure

Frozen Matter

Arctic Chirrup

Glacier Jollin Plushie


Pet Friends