
Legacy Name: Emersyn

The Reborn Antlephore
Owner: Bird

Age: 4 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 21st, 2020

Adopted: 4 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: February 21st, 2020


  • Level: 5
  • Strength: 54
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


Here is a tale of happily ever after my dear ones. A tale of the brave and noble knight Emersyn, and the beautiful and kind princess Johanna.

"I tell the stars about you," Emersyn whispers softy as if the breeze would take her words away, and bring them to Johanna's ear. She smiles and looks up into the night sky, the stars dancing. "I tell the stars about your bright eyes, your smiling face, and how the freckles seem to dance across your face. I tell them about the sweet girl that would sit under the shade of the tree reading a book, while stealing looks my way, biting her lip, you thought I didn't notice...but I did, of course, I did, how could I not? Especially when you would grace me with your presence and walk over to me, the sunlight caught in your yellow hair, the smile on your face could put the bright moon to shame.

"I tell the stars about you, my dear Emmy," she smiles softly, looking out at the stars from her window in her tower oh so high. "I tell them about the girl I met all those years ago in the summer, the girl who was fierce, and put up with no one telling her what she could and couldn't do. Oh, how I wish for that strength now, for the girl who was one with her sword, fighting with fire in her soul. How she was no match even for her own brothers, or my young knights protecting me. How you would make me laugh. A tear falls from her eye and she lets out a sign, "how I miss those summer nights, just you and me. Still, I talk to these stars, the same stars you are hopefully looking at now...."

"I will come and rescue you no longer do I only have the stars to talk to..." Emersyn lays down on the hard ground using her pack as a makeshift pillow, and her cloak as a blanket, the same very cloak Johanna had sewn for her. Looking up into the night sky, a shooting star goes by, Emersyn closes her eyes and whispers into the cold air, "oh how I wish to be by your side soon once more." A tear falls from her eye, "to hold you in my arms and place a kiss on your sweet lips and never leave your side again, to never let anyone tear us apart ever again, for us to live in a small house surrounded by flowers like you talked grow old together. That is my wish"

Johanna wraps the shawl tightly around herself, "it seems colder without you here Emmy, how much longer must I wait for you, my dear. Though knowing you it won't be that much longer...but it does feel like an eternity without you by my side. I know your fighting oh so hard to reach me..." She looks up to the stars for answers, just then a shooting star passes by, she can't help but smile. "Oh?" she asks the night sky before her, "Is this you telling me my brave knight is close by?" The smile wavers a bit, "how I do wish my Emmy is safe, wherever she is out there...I want her here with me oh so badly, for us to escape this evil place, to be free to live in peace. A nice house somewhere in nature, no more cold tall towers of stone."

At the sun's breaking dawn, Emersyn is awake and ready. She is so close. Mounting her horse she sets off, determination in her eyes, and a fire burning in her soul hotter than ever. She will do whatever she must to free Johanna from her tower. She knows what she might face if what she has learned on her journey to be true, even though such things seem like fables told to children at night to scare them to behave. She and her sword are ready.

The sunlight coming through the window awakes Johanna. Another day she must face alone by herself in her tower. She can hear her guard stir, the noises echoing up the walls.

Template by Lea edits by edits by nervous
fonts by googlefonts bg by wallpapercave
story by Bird

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